Pir Sultan Abdal türkülerinde tasavvufi konuların tespit ve değerlendirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Yaşadığı 16. y.yıl ve sonrasına damgasını vuran büyük şair ve ozan Pir Sultan Abdal, tasavvufi motifler açısından geniş bir yelpazeye sahip olan şiirleriyle akademik araştırmalar içerisinde etkinliğini korumaktadır. Pir Sultan'ın şiirlerinde özellikle vurguladığı Allah-Peygamber sevgisi, insan-varlık sevgisi, vahdet-i vücut vb. konularda pek çok motif bulunmaktadır. Bunun yanı sıra Pir Sultan, şeriat, tarikat, hakikat, marifet, şeyh- mürid ilişkisi gibi tasavvuf ve tarikatla direkt ilgili hususları da halk dilinde söylemeyi başarmıştır. Ayrıca Pir Sultan, Alevi-Bektaşi inancının temelini oluşturan Hz. Ali, Ehl-i Beyt ve On iki İmam sevgisini de yukarıda geçen konularla bağdaştırarak idealist bir tavır sergileyen yanını her kesimden insanın anlayışına sunmuştur. Kısaca söylemek gerekirse, Pir Sultan Abdal, şiirlerinin bütününe bakıldığında, Alevi-Bektaşi Kültür ve Edebiyatı ile İslam Tasavvufunun ortak değerlerini yalın ve etkili diliyle birleştirip sunan yanıyla da adından söz ettirmektedir.
Pir Sultan Abdal who is a great poet and has an effective role on 16th century stil keeps his importance in the academical researches with his poems having a huge sufic motif. Pir Sultan Abdal?s poems have a lot of motifs which were particularly emphasizes the topics as love of God, Prophet, love of humanity, and existence, and tawheed (oneness of God) etc. Besides these, he managed to tell the subjects in public language, which are about İslamic law (shari?a) and tariqat (sufi order), the holqiqat, the relationship between sheilch and disciple truth, marifet (knowledge of God), sheikh and disciple connection. Also, Pir Sultan Abdal has presented the love of Hz. Ali and Twelve Imams, which constitutes the Fundamentals of Alevi- Bektashi belief to all kind of human understanding. This is his idealistic behaviour that is about the subjects mentioned above. In summary, looking at all of his poems, Pir Sultah Abdal is known as a poet who presents the common values of Alevi-Bektashi Culture and Literature with Islamic Sufism in a clean and effective way
Pir Sultan Abdal who is a great poet and has an effective role on 16th century stil keeps his importance in the academical researches with his poems having a huge sufic motif. Pir Sultan Abdal?s poems have a lot of motifs which were particularly emphasizes the topics as love of God, Prophet, love of humanity, and existence, and tawheed (oneness of God) etc. Besides these, he managed to tell the subjects in public language, which are about İslamic law (shari?a) and tariqat (sufi order), the holqiqat, the relationship between sheilch and disciple truth, marifet (knowledge of God), sheikh and disciple connection. Also, Pir Sultan Abdal has presented the love of Hz. Ali and Twelve Imams, which constitutes the Fundamentals of Alevi- Bektashi belief to all kind of human understanding. This is his idealistic behaviour that is about the subjects mentioned above. In summary, looking at all of his poems, Pir Sultah Abdal is known as a poet who presents the common values of Alevi-Bektashi Culture and Literature with Islamic Sufism in a clean and effective way
Anahtar Kelimeler
Pir Sultan Abdal, Alevilik, Alawism, Bektaşilik, Bektashism, Tasavvuf, Sufism
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çakır, D. (2009). Pir Sultan Abdal türkülerinde tasavvufi konuların tespit ve değerlendirilmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.