Hz. Hatice ile ilgili rivayetlerin kronolojik tasnifi ve değerlendirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Araştırmanın konusu 'Hz. Hatice İle İlgili Rivayetlerin Değerlendirilmesi ve Kronolojik Tasnifi'dir. Hz. Hatice hakkında yapılan çalışmalar genel olarak tarih metodolojisi ve tasvir yöntemi ile ele alınmıştır. Çalışmamız temel hadis kitaplarındaki Hz. Hatice ile ilgili rivayetlerin usûl açısından değerlendirilmesini ve konu açısından kronolojik tasnifini amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada rivayetleri değerlendirmede tarih, tasvir ve tenkit metodu kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada Hz. Hatice'nin hayatına ait hadis kitaplarındaki bilgilerin sınırlı olması sebebiyle olay tasvirlerinde siyer, tarih ve şerh kitaplarına müracaat edilmiştir. Hz. Hatice'nin Hz. Peygamber'le (s.a.v.) evliliği, vahye hazırlık dönemi, ilk vahiy döneminde yaşanan olaylar, ilk namaz, müşriklerin baskıları, Hz. Hatice'nin cennetle müjdelenmesi, vefatı, Hz. Peygamber'in (s.a.v.) onun hatıralarını yaşatması, dostlarına hediyeleri ve Hz. Âişe'nin kıskançlıkları rivayetlere konu olarak yansımıştır. Bu açıdan ilgili hadisler kronolojik tasnifle ele alınmış fakat Hz. Hatice'nin hayatı açısından rivayetlerde yeterli bir bütünlük tespit edilememiştir. Bununla birlikte araştırmada tevakkuf ettiğimiz bazı ihtilaflı olaylar olsa da özellikle nübüvvetin ilk yıllarına dair yaşanan hadiseler tespit edilmiştir. Hz. Hatice'nin kendisinin rivayet ettiği veya hakkında rivayet edilen hadislerin on üçü sahîh, üçü hasen, ikisi zayıf ve birinin de Mürsel isnadla nakledildiği tespit edilmiştir.
The subject of the research is the evaluation and chronological classification of the narrations about Hazrat Khadijah The studies on Hazrat Khadijah are generally handled with historical methodology and description method. The aim of our study is to evaluate the narrations about Hazrat Khadijah in the basic hadith books in terms of methodology and chronological classification in terms of subject matter. In the study, history, description and criticism methods were used to evaluate the narrations. Since there is limited information in the hadith books about the life of Hazrat Khadijah, the study has also consulted the books of siyar, history and commentaries in the description of the events. Hadith books chronologically reflect the events such as Khadija's marriage to the Prophet (pbuh), the events that took place during the preparation period for revelation and the first revelation period, the first prayer, the oppression of the polytheists, Khadija's being heralded with the glad tidings of paradise, her death, the Prophet's (pbuh) keeping her memories alive, her gifts to her friends, Hz. Aisha's jealousy as the subject of narrations. In this respect, the life of Hazrat Khadijah could not be determined in a holistic manner by chronologically classifying the hadiths. However, even though there are some controversial events that we have hesitated in the research, the events that took place especially in the first years of the prophethood have been identified. Thirteen of the narrations in the hadith books about Khadijah were found to be sahîh, two were hasan, two were weak, and one was reported with a mursal isnad.
The subject of the research is the evaluation and chronological classification of the narrations about Hazrat Khadijah The studies on Hazrat Khadijah are generally handled with historical methodology and description method. The aim of our study is to evaluate the narrations about Hazrat Khadijah in the basic hadith books in terms of methodology and chronological classification in terms of subject matter. In the study, history, description and criticism methods were used to evaluate the narrations. Since there is limited information in the hadith books about the life of Hazrat Khadijah, the study has also consulted the books of siyar, history and commentaries in the description of the events. Hadith books chronologically reflect the events such as Khadija's marriage to the Prophet (pbuh), the events that took place during the preparation period for revelation and the first revelation period, the first prayer, the oppression of the polytheists, Khadija's being heralded with the glad tidings of paradise, her death, the Prophet's (pbuh) keeping her memories alive, her gifts to her friends, Hz. Aisha's jealousy as the subject of narrations. In this respect, the life of Hazrat Khadijah could not be determined in a holistic manner by chronologically classifying the hadiths. However, even though there are some controversial events that we have hesitated in the research, the events that took place especially in the first years of the prophethood have been identified. Thirteen of the narrations in the hadith books about Khadijah were found to be sahîh, two were hasan, two were weak, and one was reported with a mursal isnad.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hadis, Müsned, Hz. Hatice, Kronoloji, Tahlil, Hadith, Musnad, Hazrat Khadija, Chronology, Analysis
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kılınç, N. (2024). Hz. Hatice ile ilgili rivayetlerin kronolojik tasnifi ve değerlendirilmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.