Does Cerebellar Liponeurocytoma Always Reflect an Indolent Biological Behaviour?: An Unusual Case With Review of The Literature
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Nadir bir tümör olarak serebellar liponörositoma, santral sinir sistemi tümörlerinin 2000 Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (DSÖ) sınıflamasında glionöronal tümörler başlığı altında sınıflandırılmıştır. Son 2007 DSÖ sınıflamasında ise serebellar liponörositoma, derece II olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu tumor başlıca serebellar hemisferlerde, 2. sıklıkta ise vermiste yerleşim gösterirler. Makalede klinik ve histolojik olarak agresif özellikler göstermesi nedeniyle farklılık gösteren bir serebellar liponörositoma olgusunu sunduk. Gelecek tümör sınıflamasında bu tümörlerin biyolojik davranışının literatürde iddia edildiği kadar masum olmadığı gözönüne alınmalıdır. Bu tumor MIB-1 pozitif hücreler %10'dan fazla olduğunda ve mitozların varlığında malignite potansiyeli kesin olmayan bir lezyon olarak algılanmalıdır.
A rare tumor, cerebellar liponeurocytoma is classified into glioneuronal tumors under the 2000 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of tumors of the central nervous system. The current 2007 WHO classification assigns grade II to the cerebellar liponeurocytoma. Tumors are predominantly localized in cerebellar hemispheres, and the second most common location is the vermis. In the report, an unusual case of cerebellar liponeurocytoma was presented with clinically and histologically aggresive features. In future tumor classification, it should be considered that its biologic behavior is not as indolent as suggested by current literature. This tumor should be regarded as an uncertain malignant potential lesion when mitoses are present and the MIB-1 positive cells are more than 10%.
A rare tumor, cerebellar liponeurocytoma is classified into glioneuronal tumors under the 2000 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of tumors of the central nervous system. The current 2007 WHO classification assigns grade II to the cerebellar liponeurocytoma. Tumors are predominantly localized in cerebellar hemispheres, and the second most common location is the vermis. In the report, an unusual case of cerebellar liponeurocytoma was presented with clinically and histologically aggresive features. In future tumor classification, it should be considered that its biologic behavior is not as indolent as suggested by current literature. This tumor should be regarded as an uncertain malignant potential lesion when mitoses are present and the MIB-1 positive cells are more than 10%.
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Nörolojik Bilimler
Journal of Neurological Sciences (Turkish)
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