Personel seçimi probleminde analitik hiyerarşi prosesi: Tekstil sektörü için örnek uygulama
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
İnsan faktörü dinamik yapısı ile teknolojide büyük gelişmelerin yaşandığı, küreselleşmenin etkisiyle rekabet baskısının her geçen gün arttığı, yüksek belirsizlik ve dinamizm taşıyan bir ortamda örgütler için en değerli üretim faktörüdür. Her kademede teknolojiyi ve malzemeyi iyi kullanmasını bilen, yetenekli, eğitimli ve esnek işgücünün varlığı, mevcut rekabet ortamında varlıklarını koruyan ve güçlendiren örgütlerin ortak özelliğidir. Bu nedenle örgütlerin personel seçimi konusunda titiz ve güvenilir uygulamaları benimsemeleri kaçınılmazdır. Bu noktada örgüte katılacak elemanların işin gereklerine, kurumun iklimine ve yapısına uyumunu sorgulayan seçim metotları konusunda yapılan çalışmalar gittikçe önem kazanmaktadır.Bu çalışmanın amacı; entegre bir tekstil işletmesinde yeni kurulacak bir üretim hattında ortaya çıkan kalite kontrol personeli seçim problemini AHP metodu ile çözmektir. Bu amaçla hazırlanan çalışma dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, işe uygun personel seçmenin önemi tartışılarak, personel seçim süreci incelenmiş ve personel seçiminde kullanılan metotlar, klasik ve modern metotlar başlıkları altında açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölüm, bir personel seçim metodu olarak Çok Nitelikli Karar Verme Tekniklerinden faydalanılmasından hareketle Karar Verme konusu üzerine yapılandırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda karar verme konusunda genel bir değerlendirmenin ardından Çok Kriterli Karar Verme metotları sınıflandırılarak en yaygın kullanılan Çok Nitelikli Karar Verme metotları hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde bir entegre tekstil işletmesinde Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi uygulaması sunulmuştur. Son bölümde ise çalışma sonucunun bir değerlendirmesi yapılarak bundan sonraki araştırmalar için önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
With its dynamic structure human factor is the most important factor for organizations in a highly uncertain and dynamic environment where great technological advances are seen and competitive pressure is increasing day by day with the effect of globalization. Having skilled, trained and flexible labor force at every level that use technology and materials effectively is the common characteristic of organizations which protect and strengthen their existence in current competitive environment. Therefore, organizations are to adopt precise and reliable applications in personnel selection. At this point, the importance of studies on the selection methods which examine the suitability of prospective personnel to job requirements, to the atmosphere and structure of the organization increases all the more.The aim of this study is to solve quality control personnel selection problem that can occur in a new production line to be established in an integrated textile enterprise with AHP method. The study which is carried out with this aim in mind is composed of four sections. In the first section, the importance of selection personnel suitable for the job was discussed and the process of personnel selection was examined and the methods used in personnel selection were explained under two headings as classical and modern methods. The second section dwells upon decision making following from the fact that Multiple Criteria Decision Making Techniques are used as personnel selection method. In this context, after making a general assessment about decision making, Multiple Decision Making Methods were classified and information about the most commonly used Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods was given. In the third section of the study, an application of Analytic Hierarchy Process in a textile organization is presented. In the final section, a summary of the result of the study is given and suggestions for further studies are made.
With its dynamic structure human factor is the most important factor for organizations in a highly uncertain and dynamic environment where great technological advances are seen and competitive pressure is increasing day by day with the effect of globalization. Having skilled, trained and flexible labor force at every level that use technology and materials effectively is the common characteristic of organizations which protect and strengthen their existence in current competitive environment. Therefore, organizations are to adopt precise and reliable applications in personnel selection. At this point, the importance of studies on the selection methods which examine the suitability of prospective personnel to job requirements, to the atmosphere and structure of the organization increases all the more.The aim of this study is to solve quality control personnel selection problem that can occur in a new production line to be established in an integrated textile enterprise with AHP method. The study which is carried out with this aim in mind is composed of four sections. In the first section, the importance of selection personnel suitable for the job was discussed and the process of personnel selection was examined and the methods used in personnel selection were explained under two headings as classical and modern methods. The second section dwells upon decision making following from the fact that Multiple Criteria Decision Making Techniques are used as personnel selection method. In this context, after making a general assessment about decision making, Multiple Decision Making Methods were classified and information about the most commonly used Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods was given. In the third section of the study, an application of Analytic Hierarchy Process in a textile organization is presented. In the final section, a summary of the result of the study is given and suggestions for further studies are made.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Analitik hiyerarşi süreci, Analytical hierarchy process, Karar verme, Decision making, Personel seçimi, Personnel selection, Tekstil sektörü, Textile sector
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şener, T. (2011). Personel seçimi probleminde analitik hiyerarşi prosesi: Tekstil sektörü için örnek uygulama. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.