Yaşlılarda Öz Savunma Davranışı ve Öz Bakım Gücü
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Yaşlı nüfusun artmasıyla yaşlı sağlığı konusu önem kazanmıştır. Hasta savunuculuğu
hemşirelik yönünden önemli bir rol olmakla birlikte bireylerin kendi öz-savunuculuğu da önemli bir
gerekliliktir. Yaşlılar yönünden öz-savunmanın güçlendirilmesi sağlık hizmetlerine katılım ve
güvenliği arttırmada önemlidir. Bireyin kendi sağlığını koruma, geliştirme ve yönetiminde önemli bir
kavram olan öz-bakımın kişinin kendi kendisine başlattığı ve gerçekleştirdiği eylemleri kapsaması özsavunma davranışı ile iç içe olduğunun bir göstergesi olarak değerlendirilebilir.
Araştırmanın evrenini bir üniversite hastanesi kliniklerinde tedavi gören 65 yaş ve üstü
bireyler oluşturmuştur. Örnek büyüklüğü 200 olarak belirlenmiştir. Örnek seçiminde olasılıksız
örnekleme yöntemlerinden gelişigüzel örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında
‘’Anket Formu’’ ve ‘’Öz Bakım Gücü Ölçeği’’ kullanılmıştır.
Araştırmanın sonunda bazı yaşlılarda öz savunma lehine sonuçlar olmakla birlikte yaşlıların
önemli kısmında öz-savunma yönünden hala sorunlar bulunmaktadır. Öz bakım gücü ölçeği puanının
sonuçları 93,98±24,47 bulunmuştur. Kendini Eğitme ile ilgili alanda; Kendini sağlık sorunları ve
ilaçları konusunda eğitme düzeti eğitim durumu üniversite olanlarda ve ekonomik durumu iyi
olanlarda yüksek çıkmıştır. İlaç dolabı ya da buzdolabındakiler dahil olmak üzere tüm ilaçların güncel
eksiksiz bir listesini tutma düzeyi ekonomik durumu iyi olanlarda yüksek çıkmıştır. Bilgi talep etme
ile ilgili alanda; Laboratuvar ve röntgen sonuçlarını alamadığında doktorunu arama düzeyi ekonomik
durumu iyi olanlarda ve sağlık hizmeti alırken ilk tercihi üniversite hastanesi olan bireylerde yüksek
çıkmıştır. Yardım isteme ile ilgili alanda; İhtiyaç hissettiğinde diğer bir doktordan ikinci bir görüş
alma düzeyi ekonomik durumu iyi olanlarda yüksek çıkmıştır. Doktor ziyaretine giderken bir
arkadaşından ya da aile üyesinden yanında gelmesini rica etme düzeyi 70 yaş ve üstü bireylerde,
kadınlarda, çocuk sayısı dört ve daha fazla olanlarda, eğitim durumu ilkokul olanlarda yüksek
çıkmıştır. Aynı zamanda kronik hastalığı olanlarda, sürekli ilaç kullananlarda, son altı ayda dört ve
daha fazla doktora gidenlerde ve son bir yılda iki ve daha fazla hastaneye yatanlar da yüksek
çıkmıştır. Öz bakım gücü ve öz savunma davranışı arasında önemli ilişki bulunmaktadır ve öz
savunma davranışları olumlu olan bireylerin öz bakım güçleri de yüksek çıkmıştır. Düşük ekonomik
ve eğitim düzeyindeki yaşıların, erkeklerin, çocuk sayısı az olanların ve 65-70 yaş arasındaki
bireylerin öz-savunuculuk yetersizliği yönünden risk grubu olduğu ve daha yakından izlenmesi
gerektiği düşünülmüştür.
With the increase in the elderly population, the issue of elderly health has gained importance. Although patient advocacy is an important role in nursing, self-advocacy of individuals is also an important requirement. Strengthening self-defense for the elderly is important in increasing participation and safety in health services. The fact that self-care, which is an important concept in the protection, development and management of one's own health, covers the actions that the individual initiates and performs by himself, can be considered as an indication that it is intertwined with selfdefense behavior. The population of the study consisted of individuals aged 65 and over who were treated in the clinics of a university hospital. The sample size was determined as 200. Random sampling method, one of the non-probability sampling methods, was used in sample selection. "Questionnaire Form" and "Self Care Power Scale" were used to collect data. At the end of the study, although there are results in favor of self-defense in some elderly people, there are still problems in terms of self-defense in a significant part of the elderly. The results of the self-care power scale score were 93.98±24.47. In the field of Self-Education; The level of selfeducation about health problems and drugs was higher in those with university education and those with good economic status. The level of keeping an up-to-date and complete list of all medications, including those in the medicine cabinet or refrigerator, was higher among those in good economic standing. In the field of requesting information; The level of calling their doctor when they could not get laboratory and x-ray results was higher in individuals with good economic status and in individuals whose first choice was a university hospital. In the field of asking for help; The level of getting a second opinion from another doctor when needed was higher in those with good economic status. The level of asking a friend or family member to accompany them while visiting the doctor was found to be higher in individuals aged 70 and over, women, those with four or more children, and those with primary school education. At the same time, those with chronic diseases, those who use drugs continuously, those who went to four or more doctors in the last six months, and those who were hospitalized for two or more times in the last year were also higher. There is a significant relationship between self-care power and self-defense behavior, and individuals with positive selfdefense behaviors have higher self-care powers. It was thought that low economic and educational age, men, those with a low number of children and individuals between the ages of 65-70 are at risk for lack of self-advocacy and should be followed more closely.
With the increase in the elderly population, the issue of elderly health has gained importance. Although patient advocacy is an important role in nursing, self-advocacy of individuals is also an important requirement. Strengthening self-defense for the elderly is important in increasing participation and safety in health services. The fact that self-care, which is an important concept in the protection, development and management of one's own health, covers the actions that the individual initiates and performs by himself, can be considered as an indication that it is intertwined with selfdefense behavior. The population of the study consisted of individuals aged 65 and over who were treated in the clinics of a university hospital. The sample size was determined as 200. Random sampling method, one of the non-probability sampling methods, was used in sample selection. "Questionnaire Form" and "Self Care Power Scale" were used to collect data. At the end of the study, although there are results in favor of self-defense in some elderly people, there are still problems in terms of self-defense in a significant part of the elderly. The results of the self-care power scale score were 93.98±24.47. In the field of Self-Education; The level of selfeducation about health problems and drugs was higher in those with university education and those with good economic status. The level of keeping an up-to-date and complete list of all medications, including those in the medicine cabinet or refrigerator, was higher among those in good economic standing. In the field of requesting information; The level of calling their doctor when they could not get laboratory and x-ray results was higher in individuals with good economic status and in individuals whose first choice was a university hospital. In the field of asking for help; The level of getting a second opinion from another doctor when needed was higher in those with good economic status. The level of asking a friend or family member to accompany them while visiting the doctor was found to be higher in individuals aged 70 and over, women, those with four or more children, and those with primary school education. At the same time, those with chronic diseases, those who use drugs continuously, those who went to four or more doctors in the last six months, and those who were hospitalized for two or more times in the last year were also higher. There is a significant relationship between self-care power and self-defense behavior, and individuals with positive selfdefense behaviors have higher self-care powers. It was thought that low economic and educational age, men, those with a low number of children and individuals between the ages of 65-70 are at risk for lack of self-advocacy and should be followed more closely.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Öz bakım, Öz savunma, Savunma, Yaşlı, Self-care, Self-advocacy, Advocacy, Elderly
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uslu, E., (2022). Yaşlılarda Öz Savunma Davranışı ve Öz Bakım Gücü. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.