Hayvan Kesiminde Başvurulan Bayıltma Uygulamaları ve Mekanik Kesim Metotları
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
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Et, vücudun besin ihtiyacını karşılamak üzere tüketilen gıda maddelerinden biridir. İnsanlar, et elde etmek amacıyla hayvanlardan yararlanmaktadır. Bu sebeple çok eski zamanlardan beri sığır, koyun, tavuk gibi evcil hayvanlar kesilerek; geyik, ceylan gibi yabani hayvanlar ise avlanarak etinden yararlanılmaktadır. Canlıların öldürülmesini uygun görmemelerinden ötürü bazı dinler ve felsefi akımlar et yemeyi yasaklamışlardır. İslam Dini’nde ise, bazı sınırlamalar dışında et ve diğer hayvansal gıdaların tüketilmesine izin verilmiştir. Kur’an’a göre yasaklı gıdalar yalnızca domuz eti, akmış kan, Allah’tan başkası adına kesilen hayvanlar ve ölmüş hayvan etidir. Kesilmeden ölmüş bir hayvanın etinin yasaklanmış olmasından ötürü hayvan kesimi için gerekli kurallar, her zaman için önemli fıkhî konulardan biri olmuştur. Hayvan kesiminde üç temel koşul bulunmaktadır. Bunlardan ilki bizzat kesim işlemi ile ilgilidir. İkincisi kesimi gerçekleştiren kişi ve üçüncüsü kesim işlemi esnasında besmele çekilmesi ile ilgilidir. Bu çalışmada, Kur’an’da adı geçen yasaklı hayvansal gıdalardan bahsedilmiş ve İslami usulle hayvan kesimi için gerekli üç temel şart hakkında açıklamalar yapılmıştır. Bunun yanı sıra bayıltma ve mekanik kesim gibi bazı modern kesim metotları ile ilgili teknik bilgiler verilmiş ve bu metotlar hakkında bildirilen dini görüşlerden söz edilmiştir.
Meat is one of the foodstuffs that are eaten for meeting the nutritional requirements of human body. In order to obtain meat, humans have benefited from animals. Hence domestic animals such as cattle, sheep, chickens have been slaughtered and wild animals such as deer, antelopes have been hunted or slaughtered since time immemorial. Some religions and philosophical movements have forbidden to eating meat because of that they have disapproved of killing living creatures. Except for some restrictions, The Islam has been permitted eating meat and other foods of animal origin. According to the Qur’an the only foods forbidden are pork, flowing blood, animals dedicated to other than Allah and meat of dead animals. Because the meat of animal which had died before slaughter is prohibited, rules for animal slaughter have always become one of the most important topics of Islamic jurisprudence. There are three basic pre-requisites in animal slaughter. The first of these pre-requisites relates to the process of slaughter itself. Second one relates to the slaughterer and third one relates to reciting Basmalah at the time of slaughtering process. In this review it was described forbidden foods of animal origin that are mentioned in Qur’an and it was explained in detail the three basic requirements of Islamic procedure for animal slaughter. In other respects, it was given technical information and made a mention of religious views about some modern slaughter methods such as stunning and mechanical slaughter.
Meat is one of the foodstuffs that are eaten for meeting the nutritional requirements of human body. In order to obtain meat, humans have benefited from animals. Hence domestic animals such as cattle, sheep, chickens have been slaughtered and wild animals such as deer, antelopes have been hunted or slaughtered since time immemorial. Some religions and philosophical movements have forbidden to eating meat because of that they have disapproved of killing living creatures. Except for some restrictions, The Islam has been permitted eating meat and other foods of animal origin. According to the Qur’an the only foods forbidden are pork, flowing blood, animals dedicated to other than Allah and meat of dead animals. Because the meat of animal which had died before slaughter is prohibited, rules for animal slaughter have always become one of the most important topics of Islamic jurisprudence. There are three basic pre-requisites in animal slaughter. The first of these pre-requisites relates to the process of slaughter itself. Second one relates to the slaughterer and third one relates to reciting Basmalah at the time of slaughtering process. In this review it was described forbidden foods of animal origin that are mentioned in Qur’an and it was explained in detail the three basic requirements of Islamic procedure for animal slaughter. In other respects, it was given technical information and made a mention of religious views about some modern slaughter methods such as stunning and mechanical slaughter.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Et, Hayvan Kesimi, Bayıltma, Mekanik Kesim, Meat, Animal Slaughter, Stunning, Mechanical Slaughter
Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Altunboy, A., Sarıçoban, C., (2018). Hayvan Kesiminde Başvurulan Bayıltma Uygulamaları ve Mekanik Kesim Metotları. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(2), 206-211. DOI: 10.15316/SJAFS.2018.86