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Öğe Asit reaksiyonlu bir toprakta yetiştirilen mısır bitkisinin gövde-kök biokütlesi ile klorofil içeriklerine tavuk gübresi, odun külü ve kirecin etkisi(Selçuk Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, 2018) Çalış, Ramazan; Şeker, CevdetBu çalışmada tavuk gübresi (TG), odun külü (KL), kireç (KR) ve TG+KL’nin ağırlıkça eşit oranlardaki karışımlarının asit reaksiyonlu bir toprakta mısır bitkisinin gelişimine etkileri sera koşullarında belirlenmiştir. Sera denemesi fırın kuru ağırlık esasına göre 2500 g toprak doldurulan saksılarda; kontrol (0), TG 20, 40 ve 80 g saksı-1, KL 2.5, 5 ve 10 g saksı-1, TG+KL (1:1 ağırlık/ağırlık) 5, 10 ve 20 g saksı-1ve KR 2, 4 ve 6 g saksı-1uygulamaları yapılarak yürütülmüştür. TG uygulamaları diğer uygulamalarla kıyaslandığında, daha yüksek bitki boyu, gövde çapı, gövde biokütlesi, kök biokütlesi ve kök kuru maddesi ile klorofil b içeriği değerleri oluşturmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda TGve TG+KL uygulamaları, mısır bitkisinin gelişimini daha fazla artırması ve bir atık madde olan KL’nin asit reaksiyonlu toprağın pH’sını iyileştirme potansiyeli nedeniyle, önerilmiştirÖğe Bazı Hibrit Ayçiçeği Çeşitlerinin Verim ve Verim Unsurlarının Belirlenmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Çetin, Kerim; Öztürk, ÖzdenAraştırma; bazı hibrit ayçiçeği çeşitlerinin Konya koşullarında verim ve verim unsurlarını belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada materyal olarak tescil edilmiş ve üretim izni alınmış onbeş farklı piyasa çeşidi (SİRENA, P64LL05, P63MM54, SANBRO, EKLLOR, C70165, TRANSOL, ALHAJA, 08TR003, ŞEMS, PR64G46, TUNCA, LG 5580, BOSFORA ve LG 5400) kullanılmıştır. Deneme; Tesadüf Blokları Deneme Deseni’ne göre 3 lokasyon (AltınekinKonya, Çumra-Konya, Obruk-Konya) ve dört tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Araştırmada; bitki boyu, tabla çapı, 1000 tane ağırlığı, hektolitre ağırlığı ve tohum verimi incelenmiştir. Araştırmada lokasyon ve çeşit etkisi incelenen bütün özeliklerde istatistiki anlamda önemli bulunmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda tohum verimi en yüksek Altınekin lokasyonunda 416,3 kg/da (TRANSOL), Çumra lokasyonunda 459,5 kg/da (TRANSOL) ve Obruk lokasyonunda ise 470,0 kg/da (LG 5580) olarak değişmiş, 3 lokasyonun ortalaması ise 428,1 kg/da (TRANSOL) olarak tespit edilmiştir.Öğe Ereğli İvriz Sağ Sahil Sulama Birliği’nde Sulama Performansının Değerlendirilmesi(2018 Aralık) Yürekli, Halit; Topak, RamazanBu çalışmada, Konya Ereğli ilçesinde faaliyette bulunan Ereğli İvriz Sağ Sahil Sulama Birliğinin sulama performansı değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada 2012-2016 dönemini kapsayan 5 yılın değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Değerlendirme, su kullanım etkinliği, mali etkinlik ve tarımsal üretim performansı göstergelerinden yararlanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Değerlendirme sonuçlarına göre, birim sulanan alana dağıtılan yıllık sulama suyu miktarı 6866-8763 m3ha-1, yıllık toplam sulama suyu temini oranı 1.28-1.80, yatırımın geri dönüşüm oranı %79.2-107.2, su ücreti toplama performansı %51.7-100, yıllık toplam tarımsal üretim 39 213-132 366 ton, sulanan birim alana karşılık elde edilen gelir 4 068-6 555 TL ha-1, birim sulama suyuna karşılık elde edilen gelir 0.46-0.86 TL m-3olarak bulunmuştur.Öğe Comparison of Strip Tillage Systems for Sillage Maize Production in Middle Anatolia(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Çarman, Kazım; Çıtıl, Ergün; Marakoğlu, Tamer; Gür, Kazım; Kırılmaz, HasanStrip tillage might offer an option to produce high silage maize yields at lower costs and improved erosion control compared to full width tillage practices. However, the strip tillage is not included in the agricultural production practice of the farmers in our country. In this study, three different strips tillage application have been used as a alternative to traditional practices (CT). While the machine made by the Maschio Gaspardo (OST) is used in one of the applications of the strip tillage, the other two machines (horizontal (MHST) and vertical shaft rotary tillers (MVST) have been modified and used in strip tillage. The width of the strips of applications varied between 25-28cm. As a depending on strip tillage applications, 35-40 % of soil surface was tilled. While the penetration resistance of the strip tillage applications ranged from 0.45-1.91MPa, the surface roughness of the strips was found to be about 11 %. Results of fuel consumption were 4.92, 1.82, 1.3 and 0.73 l da-1for the full width tillage, OST, MVST and MHST respectively. Seedling emergence degree was approximately 6 % higher for MVST and OST compared to CT. An average increasing of 12 % plant emergence rate index (ERI) under MVST compared with other applications was found.Öğe The Use Of Fuzzy Logıc Approach In Evaluatıon Of Sublınıc Mastıtıs(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Coşkun, Fatma Sinem; Zülkadir, UğurThis study was carried out with the aim of investigating the possibility ofdetection of subclinical mastitis in the number of somatic cell count and electrical conductivity by using fuzzy logic method in Holstein cows raised in aprivate farm in the Karapinar district of Konya.As a result of the analysis, mean of somatic cell count was 348153 ± 52340and average of electrical conductivity was 4.23 ± 0.18. Linear regression ofelectrical conductivity and milk fat to somatic cell count were found statistically significant (P<0.01), while the parity was insignificant to the somatic cellscount. For the electrical conductivity, the effect of the parity, animal group andthe protein group was very important (P <0.001) and the effect of the milk fatgroup was significant (P<0.05). In the analysis according to the fuzzy logicmethod, the accuracy ratio between the number of somatic cells count and theelectrical conductivity was determined as 92.45%.As a result, 92% of subclinical mastitis can be correctly detected using thenumber of somatic cells and electrical conductivity values.Öğe Comparison of Park Users’ Satisfaction in The Example of Konya and Kirkuk Cities(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Alabbas, Walaa Ghassan; Polat, Ahmet TuğrulParks are built for fulfilling urban person’s longing for the nature, increasingsocial and cultural interactions and enabling human comfort in the open area.Parks are the most important elements of urban open-green area system. Planning and design processes of parks should be carried out carefully. At thispoint, one of the most important issues is to carry out these processes withmultidisciplinary, participatory and multi-denominator togethernesses. Ofcourse, the most important one of these sharers is people who will use the parkthat will be designed and built, in other words, users of that park. In this study;users’ satisfaction rates for security, maintenance, quality, sufficiency anddevelopment speed of urban parks in Konya and Kirkuk have been determined.Based on the data obtained, satisfaction levels of users of Konya and Kirkukurban parks have been compared. According to research findings; it has beendetermined that there are significant differences between participants of Konyaand Kirkuk provinces in terms of security, sufficiency and development speedparameters. Based on the findings and results obtained, suggestions have beenmade to relevant people and institutions.Öğe Phenological and Pomological Characteristics of Some Asian Pear Cultivars in Ereğli-Konya(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Yavuz, Mahmut; Pırlak, LütfiThis study was carried out on the four Asian pear varieties grown in Ereğlidistrict of Konya province between 2017- 2018. Within the scope of this work,some phenological and pomological characteristics of Hosiu, Kosiu, Hakkoand Shinseiki cultivars were examined. 122.00 -206.00 g fruit weight, 58.97-72,78 mm fruit width, 47.85-70,01 mm fruit size, 2.80- 5.48 kg cm-2fruitfirmness, 11.83- 16.90 % total soluble solids and 1.02- 5.66 % titratable acidityratio were found as research results. As a result of this work on Asian Pearcultivars, in 2017, swollen bud term was carried out as 02-04 April, beginningof flowering 18- 19 April, full bloom 23-25 April, harvest date 05-09 Augustand the period from blooming to harvest date is determined between 133- 137days. For 2018, swollen bud term was observed on 05- 07 March, beginning offlowering was on 23- 27 March, the full bloom was on 26- 29 March, harvestdate 14- 16 August and the period from blooming to harvest date is determinedbetween 141- 143 days. As a result of this study, four Asian Pear cultivars'phenological and pomological characteristics were determined in Ereğli district. The obtained result is thought to be important for regional-based andcountry-based for fruit growingÖğe Effects of Dietary Different Levels of Rosemary Essential Oil on Performance and Eggshell Quality Parameters in Laying Hens(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Cufadar, YusufIn this study was evaluated the effects of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)essential oil on performance and eggshell quality parameters of laying hens. Inexperiment, a total of 192 twenty four-week-old NOVOgen White laying henswere assigned to the basal control diet supplemented with 50, 100, 150, 200and 250 mg/kg of rosemary essential oil (6 treatment diets, 8 replicates, eachreplicate consists of 4 hens). Hens were fed with experimental diets from 24 to36 weeks of age. Water and feed were supplied ad libitum throughout theexperiment. The results of study indicated that there were no differences in eggproduction, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, egg weight, egg mass as performance parameters among the treatment groups. The eggshell weight had nosignificantly affected by the dietary treatments. However, eggshell thicknessand eggshell breaking strength were significantly affected by the treatments(P< 0.05). The eggshell thickness was significantly increased fed with 250mg/kg rosemary essential oil supplemented of group when compared to thecontrol group. The breaking strength was increased by the addition of dietaryrosemary essential oil. The results of this study demonstrated that performanceparameters were not significantly influenced with rosemary oil addition inlaying hens diet. But, rosemary oil addition in laying hens diet significantlyincreased to eggshell breaking strength. It may be said that the dietary additionof 50 mg/kg of rosemary essential oil would be beneficial to improve the eggshell quality in laying hens.Öğe Sustainable Food Systems: Relations amongst Nutritional Components in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Kahraman, AliChickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important foods over theworld. As it seen on the other legumes, chickpea protein is the main factor toconsuming as human diet. Nutritional components are the other factors topresentation of quality. In the study, correlation analyze among the nutritionalcomponents was evaluated on the field released chickpea which was subjectedto foliar applied humic acid doses in 2013 under Altınekin Town/Konya ecological conditions. Result of the study showed positive and significant relationsbetween pod/plant, protein yield and protein ratio while negative-significantrelations between magnesium and protein ratio, as well. For protein yield,positive and significant relations were found with pod/plant, plant height, seedyield and protein ratio. Consequently, agronomical and quality related characteristics have significant relations in chickpeas. Future aspects can be focusedon the mentioned quality related characteristics to produce enhanced quality inchickpeas which is essential for sustainability food security and production offunctional foods.Öğe The Impact of a Centrifugal Pump in the Fuel Consumption of Agricultural Tractors with Different Nominal Capacities Driven with 540 and 540e PTO Options(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018 Ağustos) Çiftçi, Oktay; Çalışır, SedatIn this study examined that PTO power and torque values, tractor hourly fuelconsumption and tractor specific fuel consumption of three tractors with different nominal loads driven with a 540 and 540E min-1 power take-off (PTO) anda centrifugal pump with a reduction gear.A 150 mm intake line with 1/4 transmission system driven with a PTO, horizontal shaft snail type centrifugal gear pump with 125 mm nominal diameterwith outlet line was used in the study. The pump was driven by three differentpower tractors (New Holland TD65D, TD90D and TD110D) under laboratoryconditions with 540 and 540E PTO options. The pump was operated at constant shaft speed (2160 min-1) during all tests.PTO torque, PTO power, fuel consumption and specific fuel consumptionparameters were determined for both PTO applications in the experiments. Thepump operations in all three tractor revealed that there was no change in PTOtorque values as a result of experiments carried out with 540 and 540E rpmwhile the values fuel consumption in the 540E rpm application (14% forTD110D tractor, 34% for the TD90D tractor, 11% for the TD65D tractor) andspecific fuel consumption (17% for the TD110D tractor, 36% for the TD90Dtractor, 13% for the TD65D tractor) were less than the values in the 540 rpmapplication. This is the result of the application of different engine speeds forthe two PTOs.Taking all parameters into account, it has been concluded that the 540E application provides certain advantages in terms of fuel consumption for many toolsand machines operated with PTO compared to the 540 application. Accordingto this result, the 540E application is proposed as an important alternative tothe 540 application for tools and machines of similar capacity and specifications used in this study.Öğe Effects of Different Manganase Sources and Concentration in the Diets on the Performance, Reproductive Characteristics and Some Blood Parameters of Breeder Japanese Quail(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018 Temmuz) Gökmen, Seyit Ahmet; Bahtiyarca, YılmazAn experiment with breeder Japanese quail was conducted to determinethe effects of different manganese (Mn) sources and levels in diet on the performance, reproductive characteristics and blood constituents during for five28 day periods. In the experiment, a total of three hundred and sixty quail(female:male ratio, 2:1) at seven weeks of age was fed on diets containing 0,60, 120, 180 and 240 mg kg-1 Mn levels from inorganic (MnSO4.H2O) or organic (Mn-amino acid chelate, Glycinoplex-Mn) source. Ten treatments combination of 2 Mn source and 5 Mn levels in 2X5 factorial arrangement wereused with six replicate consisting of 4 female and 2 male quail each. The dietsin mash form and water were given as adlibitum and 16 hours ligthting wasprovided in a day. In the experiment, final body weight (BW), body weightgain (BWG), livability, hen day egg production (EP), egg weight (EW) and eggmass (EM), feed consumption (FC) and feed conversion ratio (FCR), chickweights at hatching, fertility, hatchability of eggs set (%), hatchability of fertileeggs (%), embryonic mortalities and glucose, total cholesterol and protein,albümin, BUN, GGT, SGOT, SGPT, calcium, phosphorus and magnesiumcontent of blood serum were measured. Dietary Mn source and levels as the main factor did not significantlyaffect the performance and reproductive traits which was measured in theexperiment. Nevertheless the interaction between source and levels of Mn hada significant effect on average EW and chick weights at hatching over theexperimental period. Egg weight of quail fed diet with 60 mg kg-1 Mn frominorganic form was higher (P<0.01) than those of quail fed with 0, 180 and 240mg kg-1. Mn from inorganic and 0, 60, and 240 mg kg-1 Mn from organic form,again chick weights at hatching of quail fed diet with 60 mg kg-1inorganic Mn,was significantly higher (P<0.05) compared with quail fed with all other levelsof inorganic and organic Mn. In the experiment, while dietary Mn levels didnot significantly affect any blood parameters, the serum glucose level of thequail fed with organic Mn was significantly higher than that of the quail fedwith inorganic Mn and also serum phosphorus level of the quail fed with inorganic Mn was higher than that of the quail fed with organic Mn (P<0.01). Theinteraction groups between source and levels of Mn significantly affected thetotal protein, albumin and calcium levels of blood serum (P<0.05). Theseparameters were found to be higher in quail fed diets containing 60 mg kg-1 Mnin inorganic form than quail with some other diets. These results have shownthat addition of 60 mg kg-1 Mn in inorganic form to breeder quail diets (containing 21.56 mg kg-1 Mn, found in analysis) based on corn + soybean mealmay be beneficial.Öğe An Approach to Comparing Different Land Evaluation Methods with NDVI(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018 Temmuz) Dedeoğlu, Mert; Özaytekin, Hasan Hüseyin; Başayiğit, LeventLand evaluation is a necessary process for determining the potential cabilities of the land under different uses and for sustainable soil fertility. Today, many land evaluation models have been developed and using for this purpose. But the availability of models is constantly being investigated by the researcers. In this study, Storie Index (SI) and Productivity Index (PI) models were compared with NDVI values which are a remote sensing analysis in Konya Beşgözler agricultural field using GIS. In the results of the study, SI land evaluation model was determined with higher accuracy coefficient (r2 : 0.86) compared to PI model (r2 : 0.29) in terms of the ability of the soil cability based on the density of vegetation and the use of this model is recommended for Arid region soils.Öğe The Effect of in-ovo Injection of Lactobacilla Rhamnosus on Hatching Traits and Growth Parameters of Quails(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018 Temmuz) Abdulqader, Abbas Fadhıl; Aygun, Ali; Maman, Abdoulaziz Hamissou; Olgun, OsmanThe aim of this study was to investigate the effect of in-ovo injection ofLactobacilla Rhamnosus (0, 16x103, 32x103and 48x103cfu) as probioticsource on hatching parameters and growth performance of quails. In this, atotal of 400 quail hatching eggs, were randomly distributed among 4experimental groups. Each experimental group contained 4 replicates of 25eggs each. In-ovo injections of Lactobacilla Rhamnosus into quail eggs did notstatistically affect incubation characteristics and some tissue weights. A highamount of Lactobacilla Rhamnosus injection into the breeder quail eggsnegatively affected live weight and live weight gain. As a result, it can be saidthat low or medium levels Lactobacilla Rhamnosus injection into quail eggshave no effect on incubation and growth parameters of quails.Öğe Determining the Diversity of Bread Wheat Variteties on Yield and Quality Traits at Rainfed and Irrigated Conditions(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Aydoğan, Seydi; Şahin, Mehmet; Göçmen Akçacık, Aysun; Demir, Berat; Hamzaoğlu, Sümeyra; Taner, SeyfiThis study was conducted with 7 bread wheat varieties in rainfed and irrigatedconditions at Bahri Dagdas International Agricultural Research Institute as arandomized complete block design with three replications. Grain yield, thousand kernel weight, protein ratio, Zeleny sedimentation value, bread weight,bread volume and farinograph traits were investigated. Significant differencesbetween the varieties were determined in terms of investigated traits in rainfedand irrigated conditions. Bread volume, farinograph development time, proteinratio and Zeleny sedimentation values in rainfed conditions were higher thanvalues in irrigated conditions. Bread volume, farinograph development time,protein ratio and Zeleny sedimentation were determined as 507 cm3, 9.2 min,13.6% and 46.8 ml in rainfed conditions and 495 cm3, 6.7 min., 12.3% and44.0 ml in irrigated conditions respectively. According to the results; the effectof the growing conditions were found statistically significant on wheat quality.Öğe The Effects of Different Plant Densities and Nitrogen Levels on Some Macro and Micro Element Contents of Okra(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Yoldaş, Funda; Ceylan, Şafak; Elmacı, Ömer Lütfü; Duman, İbrahim; Düzyaman, Eftal; Özge, MuratField trials were conducted in two locations: the training fields of the EgeUniversity Odemis Vocational High School and Ege University, MenemenResearch, Application and Production Farm, where the effects of differentplant densities and nitrogen levels on macro and micro element contents ofokra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) were investigated. The experiments wereconducted using a split-plot design with three replicates, where the main plotsconsisted of nitrogen applications and sub-plots of plant densities. Nitrogenfertilizers were applied in the form of urea and ammonium nitrate. Five different nitrogen levels (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg N ha-1) and two different distances between rows (15 cm * 70 cm and 25 cm * 70 cm) were tested. Macroand micro nutrients in fruits and leaves were determined. The N content of theleaves increased with higher nitrogen levels in the Odemis location. The maximum nitrogen content in leaves was determined at the 80 kg N ha-1applicationin this location. Additionally, the content of Mg, Zn, and Mn in the leaves andP, Ca, Mg, Fe, and Zn in fruits significantly affected nitrogen doses at theOdemis location. The Mg, Cu and Zn uptake of leaves and Zn content in fruitwhen compared to the control parcel significantly affected nitrogen doses at Menemen.Öğe Effects of Dietary Oregano Essential Oil Supplementation on Performance and Eggshell Quality in Laying Hens(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Cufadar, YusufThis study evaluated the effects of oregano essential oil on performance andegg quality parameters of laying hens. A total of 144 fourty-week-old H&NSuper Nick laying hens were assigned to the basal control diet supplementedwith 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 mg/kg of oregano essential oil (6 treatmentdiets, 8 replicates, each replicate consists of 3 hens). Hens were fed experimental diets from 40 to 52 weeks of age. Water and diets were supplied adlibitum throughout the experiment. After 12 week of experiment, feed intake,egg production, feed conversion ratio, egg weight, egg mass did not differamong the treatment groups. Different application rate of oregano oil had noeffects on eggshell ratio, eggshell thickness and eggshell breaking strength.The results of this study demonstrated that addition oregano essential oil to thediets had no effect on performance and eggshell quality parameters of layinghens at 40 to 52 weeks of age.Öğe Mycoflora on Maize Cobs Infected by Ustilago maydis (DC) Corda(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Aydoğdu, Mehmet; Boyraz, Nuh; Maden, SalihUstilago maydis (DC) Corda, the causal agent of maize smut disease, can formenormous galls on cobs and cause significant yield losses under favorableconditions. In addition to yield losses, U. maydis may have an influence on thekernel quality in smutted cobs. The aim of this study was to determine presence of mycoflora on the cobs infected by U. maydis. A 2-year field experimentwas conducted in Antalya Province. In the study, some maize cultivars belonging to various maize variety groups including dent corn, flint corn, sweet cornand popcorn were used as host plants. Inoculations were performed by injecting inoculum into ear silk of each cob of the plants in inoculated plots. Foreach treatment, control plots were also set up. When the kernels of cobs incontrol plots were mature enough to harvest, kernel samples in inoculated plotswere taken from smutted cobs and investigated in terms of fungal flora. A totalof 6 genera (Paecilomyces, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Acremonium, Fusarium,Rhizopus) were detected from the kernels in the smutted cobs. However, frequently isolated species were Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, A. parasiticus(A. flavus), Paecilomyces lilacinus, Penicillium citrinum, Fusarium solani, F.oxysporum and Rhizopus stolonifer. The most frequently isolated genus wasAspergillus (31.4%), while the lowest one was Penicillium (6.4%). The studyshowed that U. maydis may affect kernel quality of maize by harboring somefungal microorganisms in smutted cobs.Öğe Asit Reaksiyonlu Bir Toprağın Islahına Tavuk Gübresi, Odun Külü ve Kireç Uygulamalarının Etkisi(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Çalış, Ramazan; Şeker, CevdetBu çalışmada tavuk gübresi (TG), odun külü (KL), kireç (KR) ve tavuk gübresi+odun külünün (TG+KL) ağırlıkça eşit oranlardaki karışımlarının asit reaksiyonlu bir toprağın bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özelliklerine etkileri 70 günlük seraçalışmasında belirlenmiştir. Sera denemesinde fırın kuru ağırlık esasına göre2500 g toprak doldurulan saksılara; kontrol (K), TG; 20, 40 ve 80 g saksı-1,KL; 2.5, 5 ve 10 g saksı-1, TG+KL (1:1 g/g) 5, 10 ve 20 g saksı-1ve KR 2, 4 ve6 g saksı-1uygulamaları yapılmıştır. Kontrol ile kıyaslandığında tüm uygulamalarda toprak pH’sı yükselmesine rağmen, toprak pH’sını artırmada en etkiliuygulamaların KL’nin 2.5 ve 5 g saksı-1dozları, TG+KL’nin 10 g saksı-1’lıkdozu ve KR’nin 5 g saksı-1dozu olmuştur. Bu uygulamalar toprak pH’sını5.30’dan 6.5-7 aralığına yükseltmiştir. TG uygulamaları diğer uygulamalar ilekıyaslandığında agregat stabilitesi ve tarla kapasitesi su içeriğini daha fazlaartırmıştır. Diğer taraftan TG’nin 80 g saksı-1’lık uygulama dozu elektrikiiletkenlik (EC) değeri kontrole göre %241 oranında yükseltmiştir. Hem toprakpH’sını istenen seviyeye getirmesi ve hem de toprağa organik madde kazandırmasından dolayı asit reaksiyonlu bir toprağın ıslahında TG+KL karışımlarıönerilmiştirÖğe Anadolu Merinosu Erkek Kuzularında Besi Dönemi Vücut Ölçülerine Ait Ortalamalardan Canlı Ağırlık, Canlı Ağırlık Artışı ve Yem Tüketiminin Tahmini(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Şahin, Özcan; Boztepe, Saim; Keskin, İsmailBu çalışmada Anadolu Merinosu erkek kuzularında besi dönemi vücutölçülerine (cidago yüksekliği, sağrı yüksekliği, göğüs çevresi, göğüsderinliği, vücut uzunluğu, but çevresi) ait ortalamalardan canlı ağırlık,canlı ağırlık artışı ve yem tüketimlerinin regresyon analizi yardımıylatahmin edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Canlı ağırlık ve vücut ölçüleri arasındaki korelasyonlar 0.674 ile 0.788 arasında değişmiş ve istatistik olarakönemli bulunmuştur (p<0.01). Canlı ağırlık artışı ile sadece canlı ağırlık arasında önemli (p<0.05) ilişki bulunurken, yem tüketimi ile cidagoyüksekliği, sağrı yüksekliği, göğüs derinliği ve canlı ağırlık arasında(p<0.01), vücut uzunluğu ve but çevresi arasında (p<0.05) önemlikorelasyonlar tespit edilmiştir. Besi sonu canlı ağırlığı ile göğüs çevresiarasında yüksek ve istatistik olarak önemli ilişki bulunması nedeniyle,vücut ölçülerinden sadece göğüs çevresi kullanılarak canlı ağırlıkCA=-51.8+1.04GÇ şeklinde tahmin edilmiştir. Bu denkleme ait belirleme katsayısı % 61.8 (p<0.01) olarak tespit edilmiştir.Öğe ‘Antep Karası’ Sofralık Üzüm Çeşidinde Hasat Öncesi Biopestisit ve Azotobacter Uygulamalarının Hasat Sonrasında Kalitenin Korunmasına Etkileri(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Kara, Zeki; Küçükbasmacı Sabır, Ferhan; Sabır, Ali; Yazar, Kevser; Günal, EceHasat sonrasında tane hasarı ve salkım iskeleti kuruması gibi zararlar ile Botrytis cinereabaşta olmak üzere mantari enfeksiyonlar sofralık üzümün pazarlamasını sınırlar. Sofralıküzüm kalitesinin hasattan sonra korunmasında SO2 yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte üründe sülfit birikimi riski vardır. Bu nedenle organik ürünlerin muhafazasındakullanımına izin verilmemektedir. Çürümeleri geciktirmek için SO2‘ye alternatif yöntemlerdenenmektedir. Bu çalışmada ‘Antep Karası’ (Vitis vinifera L.) sofralık üzüm çeşidindehasat sonrasında kalitenin korunması amacıyla Bacillus subtilis (Bs) QST 713 ile Azotobacter chroococum + Azotobacter vinelandii (Ac+Av) karışımı preparatların etkileri denenmiştir. Üretici bağında hasat öncesinde (24 saat) Bs 15 ml L-1, Bs 30 ml L-1, Ac+Av 10ml L-1, Ac+Av 20 ml L-1 omca üzerinde salkıma püskürtme şeklinde uygulanmıştır. Ürünhasattan 2 saat sonra soğuk hava deposuna (0 ±1 °C, %85 oransal nem) 500 gramlık poşetlerde konulmuştur. SO2 jeneratörü ped tek doz ile hiçbir uygulama yapılmayan örneklerkontrol olarak kullanılmıştır. 15 gün arayla alınan örneklerde kalite değişimi takip edilmiştir. Bs uygulamalarında ağırlık kaybı (%ak), depolama sürecinde, Azotobacter ve SO2uygulamalarının altında kalmıştır. Bs 15 ml L-1, ak, tane L değeri, olgunluk indisi (oi); Bs30 ml L-1, ak, °Brix, salkım iskeleti sararması (sk), saptan kopma direnci (kd), tat, görünümve titre edilebilir asitlik (ta) üzerine olumlu etkileri ile öne çıkmıştır. Bs ve Ac+Av uygulamaları 1 ay gibi kısa süreli sofralık üzüm muhafazasında SO2 uygulamalarına bir alternatif olabilir görünmektedir.