Küreselleşme sürecinde Türkiye'de sosyal devlet ve sosyal hizmetler
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Tüm toplumsal kurumlar gibi devlet de içinde bulunduğu toplumsal dinamiğin ürünü olarak ortaya çıkar. Devleti anlamak, toplumun tarihteki serüvenini, toplumlar arası ilişkilerdeki konumunu; toplumun tarih içindeki yerinin anlaşılmasına ve açıklanmasına imkân verir. Buradan hareketle Modern Devlet, sosyolojinin konu edindiği bağlamda Rönesans, Fransız İhtilali, Sanayi İnkılâbından hareketle; kapitalizmin, ulus devlet sürecinin, kapitalist ülkelerin ürettikleri mal ve hizmetlerin tüm dünyayı coğrafi sınır tanımadan dolaşması boyutuyla küreselleşme olgularının bileşeninde ele alınabilir. Kapitalizmin küresel etkilerinin ortaya çıkmasıyla dünyada yeni düzeni kurmak ve sağlamlaştırmak amacıyla modern devletin karakterinde de bazı değişiklikler ortaya çıkmış ve bu değişim Sosyal Devleti zorunlu kılmıştır. Sosyal Devlet kurumsal varlığını Sosyal politikalar yoluyla devam ettirir. Batıda kapitalizm, küreselleşme ve ulus devlet bileşeninde okunan sosyal devletin Türkiye'de kendine özgü farklı bileşenleri vardır. Bu bileşenleri anlamak için İslam Düşünce sistemi, geleneksel Osmanlı sistemi ve Osmanlı modernleşmesi, Tanzimat dönemi, Cumhuriyet uygulamalarının derinlemesine incelenmesi gerekir. Türk toplumsal ve siyasal hayatı, altı yüz yıllık bir deneyimin ardından eklektik bir yapısal dönüşüm geçirerek Cumhuriyetle beraber yeni bir deneyim ve tecrübe iklimine girmeyi tercih etmiştir. Türkiye de Sosyal Devletin inişli çıkışlı kendine özgü bir serüveni vardır. Hem makro bir sosyal politika yaklaşımını anlama hem toplumsal ve bireysel müdahale süreçlerini anlamlandırmamız açısından sosyal hizmetler önemli bir teorik- pratik alandır.
State emerges as a product of social dynamics in itself like all social institutions Understanding state enables us to comprehend and to explain adventure of society in history, position of society in relationships among societies and position of society in history. Hence, modern state can be considered together with Renaissance, French and Industrial Revolutions as unfolded in sociology. Also, modern state can be handled with capitalism, the process of nation-state and globalization in the meaning of circulation of goods and services produced by capitalist states throughout world without recognizing boundary. With the emergence of global effects of capitalism, some modifications have occured in the character of modern state to establish new world order and to strengthen it and this change has required social welfare state.Social welfare state maintains its institutional existence through social policies. Although, in the west, social welfare state comes to mind with capitalism, globalization and nation-state, there are different components of social welfare state indigenous to Turkey. The system of Islamic thought, traditional Ottoman system and Ottoman modernization, Tanzimat Period and applications of Turkish Republic are required to analyze deeply in order to understand that components. Afterwards experince gained in six hundred years, Turkish social and political life were subjected to eclectic and structural transformations and after the establishment of Turkish Republic in 1923, it chose new enviroment of experience. Social welfare state in Turkey has fluctuantly indigenous adventure. Social services are important theoretical and practical field both to understand macro social policy approach and social and individualistic intervention processes.
State emerges as a product of social dynamics in itself like all social institutions Understanding state enables us to comprehend and to explain adventure of society in history, position of society in relationships among societies and position of society in history. Hence, modern state can be considered together with Renaissance, French and Industrial Revolutions as unfolded in sociology. Also, modern state can be handled with capitalism, the process of nation-state and globalization in the meaning of circulation of goods and services produced by capitalist states throughout world without recognizing boundary. With the emergence of global effects of capitalism, some modifications have occured in the character of modern state to establish new world order and to strengthen it and this change has required social welfare state.Social welfare state maintains its institutional existence through social policies. Although, in the west, social welfare state comes to mind with capitalism, globalization and nation-state, there are different components of social welfare state indigenous to Turkey. The system of Islamic thought, traditional Ottoman system and Ottoman modernization, Tanzimat Period and applications of Turkish Republic are required to analyze deeply in order to understand that components. Afterwards experince gained in six hundred years, Turkish social and political life were subjected to eclectic and structural transformations and after the establishment of Turkish Republic in 1923, it chose new enviroment of experience. Social welfare state in Turkey has fluctuantly indigenous adventure. Social services are important theoretical and practical field both to understand macro social policy approach and social and individualistic intervention processes.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Social work, Sosyal hizmetler, Sosyal devlet, Social state, Küreselleşme, Globalization
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özdemir, İ. M. (2008). Küreselleşme sürecinde Türkiye'de sosyal devlet ve sosyal hizmetler. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.