Farkı broyler hibritlerinin verim ve et kalitesi özellikleri bakımından karşılaştırılması
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu araştırmada, günlük yaşta cinsiyet ayırımına tabi tutulan üç farklı hibrit broyler genotip(G)ine (HY:Hybro, HB:Hubbart-flex ve RO:Ross 308) ait civcivler 6 hafta süreyle yetiştirilerek, verim performansları, kesim sonuçları, karkas ve et kalite özellikleri belirlenmiştir. Bu amaçla 3 G'ten iki cinsiyete (C) ait civcivler 4 tekerrürlü olarak toplam 24 alt grupta büyütülmüşlerdir. Toplam olarak 870 adet civciv kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler tesadüf parsellerinde 3x2 faktöriyel deneme desenine göre istatistik analize tabi tutulmuşlardır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; 6. hafta canlı ağırlığı (CA) ve haftalık canlı ağırlık artışları bakımından G'ler arasında önemli bir farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. Beklendiği gibi, erkekler dişilerden daha yüksek (p<0.05) ortalama CA değeri göstermişlerdir. 6. haftanın sonundaki kümülatif yem tüketimi (KYT) bakımından; HY erkekleri HB ve RO gruplarından daha az (p<0.01) yem tüketirken, dişiler arasındaki farklılıklar önemsiz çıkmıştır. Erkekler dişilerden daha fazla KYT göstermişlerdir. Karışık cinsiyette, RO hibriti HY'den daha yüksek (p<0.01) KYT gösterirken, HB grubu ile aralarındaki fark önemsiz bulunmuştur. KYT'ne bağlı olarak hesaplanan 6. hafta sonundaki YDK bakımından, HY grubu diğer ikisinden (HB ve RO) daha iyi (p<0.05) bulunmuştur. Genel ortalama YDK 1.72 olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Erkekler dişilere nazaran daha düşük (daha iyi) YDK göstermişlerdir. Yaşama gücü bakımından ise G'ler arasında önemli bir farklılık belirlenmemiştir. Kesimde karkas randımanı, göğüs oranı ve abdominal yağ (AY) oranı üzerinde önemli bir etki tespit edilmezken, but oranı ve kanat oranı bakımından G x C interaksiyon etkisi önemli (p<0.05) bulunmuştur. But oranı bakımından cinsiyetler arasındaki farklılıklar HB grubunda erkekler lehine önemli (p<0.05) çıkarken, HY ve RO'da önemsiz bulunmuştur. Karkas ağırlığı bakımından cinsiyetler arasındaki fark erkekler lehine önemli (p<0.01) çıkmış, HY grubu HB ve RO'dan düşük (p<0.01) bulunmuştur. But ağırlığı bakımından HB erkekleri en iyi durumda olup, HY'den yüksek (p<0.01) ve RO ile aralarındaki fark önemsiz çıkmıştır. Göğüs ağırlığı bakımından HB ve RO erkekleri HY erkeklerinden daha yüksek (p<0.01) değer göstermişlerdir. AY ağırlığı bakımından cinsiyetler arasında önemli bir farklılık görülmese de, RO grubunda HY grubundan daha yüksek (p<0.05) değer tespit edilirken, HB ile aralarındaki fark önemsiz çıkmıştır. Soğuk karkasta; karkas ağırlığı ve karkas randımanı, yenilebilir et miktarı ve oranı, kemik miktarı ve oranı üzerine G etkisi önemsiz çıkmıştır. Karkas ağırlığı (p<0.01), yenilebilir et miktarı (p<0.05) ve oranı (p<0.05), kemik miktarı (p<0.01) ve kemik oranı (p<0.05) üzerine cinsiyet etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. Bu özellikler bakımından erkekler daha yüksek (p<0.05) değer göstermişlerdir. Göğüs eti L*, a* ve b* renk kriterleri üzerine faktörlerin etkisi önemsiz çıkmıştır. But eti b* renk kriteri muamelelerden etkilenmezken, L* ve a* renk kriterleri üzerinde G x C etkisi önemli (p<0.05) bulunmuştur. RO dişileri diğer tüm kombinasyonlardan daha düşük (p<0.05) L* (parlak) renk değeri göstermiştir. RO erkekleri ise diğer tüm gruplardan daha düşük (p<0.05) kırmızı renk değeri, a*, vermiştir. Göğüs eti sertlik değeri bakımında ne G, ne de C etkileri önemli bulunmuştur. But eti serlik değeri bakımından ise, RO dişileri en yumuşak, HY dişileri ise en sert bulunmuşlar ve aralarındaki fark önemli (p<0.05) çıkmıştır. Piliç eti pH değerleri bakımından, HY ve HB erkeleri kendi dişilerinden ve RO erkeklerinden daha yüksek (p<0.01) bulunurken, RO dişileri de diğer dişilerden daha yüksek (p<0.01) pH değeri göstermişlerdir. Genel olarak; piliç eti pH değeri bakımından, hibritler arasında önemli bir farklılık görülmezken, erkekler dişilere nazaran daha yüksek (p<0.01) pH değeri vermişlerdir. HY grubu, su tutma kapasitesi bakımından diğerlerinden daha yüksek (p<0.01) değer gösterirken, pişirme kayıpları bakımından daha düşük (p<0.05) değer göstermiştir.
In this research, chicks (sex separated at day old) from 3 hybrid broyler genotype(G)s (HY:Hybro, HB:Hubbart-flex ve RO:Ross 308) were grown to the 6th wks of slaughtering age, and production performances, slaughtering results, carcass and meat quality properties were determined. As being the 3 G and 2 sex (S) with 4 replicates, totally 24 sub groups were raised. Totally 870 chicks were used in the experiment. The data obtained were applied to statistical analysis as to the two factor (3x2) randomized plot design. According to the results obtained, there were no significant differences between G groups with respect to live weight (LW) at 6th wks of age and weekly live weight changes. The males were given more (p<0.01) mean LW than females, as expected. As to the cumulative feed consumption (CFC) at the end of 6th wks, while HY males consumed less (p<0.01) feed than HB and RO male groups, the differences between females were not significant. CFC of the males were higher (p<0.05) than the females. As mixed sex, while RO G groups had higher CFC than HY, the difference with HB groups was not significant. With respect to the feed conversion ratio (FCR) calculated as to the CFC at the end of the 6th wks, HY G was found better than the others (HB and RO). General mean FCR was realized as 1.72. The males were showed lower FCR (good) than females. There were no significant differences between G groups for livability. At slaughtering, on carcass ratio, breast ratio, and abdominal fat (AF) ratio were not found any significant effects, on thigh and wing ratio were determined significant (p<0.05) G x S interaction effects. While the difference for thigh ratio between sex were found significant (p<0.05) in HB groups, not significant in HY and RO groups. For carcass weight, the difference between sex were found significant (p<0.01) on be half of the males, HY groups were found lower (p<0.01) than HB and RO groups. For thigh weight, HB males was better than all and higher (p<0.01) than HY and found not different than the RO group. For the breast weight, males from HB and RO had shown higher (p<0.01) mean value than HY males. For AF weight, even if there is no difference between sex, while higher value determined in RO groups than HY, the difference with HB were not found significant. For cold carcass, effects of G on carcass weight and ratio, edible meat amount and ratio, bone amount and ratio were not found significant. Effect of sex on carcass weight (p<0.01), edible meat amount (p<0.05) and ratio (p<0.05), bone amount (p<0.01) and ratio (p<0.05) were found significant. For these properties males showed higher mean values than females. Effects of factors on L*, a* and b* color criterion of breast meat were not found significant. While b* color critter was not effected significantly by treatments, G x S interaction effects were found significant on L* and a* color criteria of the thigh meat. RO females showed lower (p<0.05) L* (lightness) mean values than all other combinations. RO males also had shown lower (p<0.05) redness, a*, color value than the others. On breast meat hardness value, neither G nor S effects were found significant. For thigh meat hardness value, while RO females were found most tender, HY females were found hardest and the difference between them found significant (p<0.05). For pH value of the whole of broiler meat, while males from HY and HB were higher (p<0.01) than their females and RO males, values of RO females had higher pH value than the other females, but almost same with the males. Even if there was no significant difference between hybrids for pH value of the broiler meat, males have had higher (p<0.01) value than females. While HY group have given higher (p<0.01) value for water holding capacity, had given lower (p<0.05) value for cooking losses than the others.
In this research, chicks (sex separated at day old) from 3 hybrid broyler genotype(G)s (HY:Hybro, HB:Hubbart-flex ve RO:Ross 308) were grown to the 6th wks of slaughtering age, and production performances, slaughtering results, carcass and meat quality properties were determined. As being the 3 G and 2 sex (S) with 4 replicates, totally 24 sub groups were raised. Totally 870 chicks were used in the experiment. The data obtained were applied to statistical analysis as to the two factor (3x2) randomized plot design. According to the results obtained, there were no significant differences between G groups with respect to live weight (LW) at 6th wks of age and weekly live weight changes. The males were given more (p<0.01) mean LW than females, as expected. As to the cumulative feed consumption (CFC) at the end of 6th wks, while HY males consumed less (p<0.01) feed than HB and RO male groups, the differences between females were not significant. CFC of the males were higher (p<0.05) than the females. As mixed sex, while RO G groups had higher CFC than HY, the difference with HB groups was not significant. With respect to the feed conversion ratio (FCR) calculated as to the CFC at the end of the 6th wks, HY G was found better than the others (HB and RO). General mean FCR was realized as 1.72. The males were showed lower FCR (good) than females. There were no significant differences between G groups for livability. At slaughtering, on carcass ratio, breast ratio, and abdominal fat (AF) ratio were not found any significant effects, on thigh and wing ratio were determined significant (p<0.05) G x S interaction effects. While the difference for thigh ratio between sex were found significant (p<0.05) in HB groups, not significant in HY and RO groups. For carcass weight, the difference between sex were found significant (p<0.01) on be half of the males, HY groups were found lower (p<0.01) than HB and RO groups. For thigh weight, HB males was better than all and higher (p<0.01) than HY and found not different than the RO group. For the breast weight, males from HB and RO had shown higher (p<0.01) mean value than HY males. For AF weight, even if there is no difference between sex, while higher value determined in RO groups than HY, the difference with HB were not found significant. For cold carcass, effects of G on carcass weight and ratio, edible meat amount and ratio, bone amount and ratio were not found significant. Effect of sex on carcass weight (p<0.01), edible meat amount (p<0.05) and ratio (p<0.05), bone amount (p<0.01) and ratio (p<0.05) were found significant. For these properties males showed higher mean values than females. Effects of factors on L*, a* and b* color criterion of breast meat were not found significant. While b* color critter was not effected significantly by treatments, G x S interaction effects were found significant on L* and a* color criteria of the thigh meat. RO females showed lower (p<0.05) L* (lightness) mean values than all other combinations. RO males also had shown lower (p<0.05) redness, a*, color value than the others. On breast meat hardness value, neither G nor S effects were found significant. For thigh meat hardness value, while RO females were found most tender, HY females were found hardest and the difference between them found significant (p<0.05). For pH value of the whole of broiler meat, while males from HY and HB were higher (p<0.01) than their females and RO males, values of RO females had higher pH value than the other females, but almost same with the males. Even if there was no significant difference between hybrids for pH value of the broiler meat, males have had higher (p<0.01) value than females. While HY group have given higher (p<0.01) value for water holding capacity, had given lower (p<0.05) value for cooking losses than the others.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Broiler, Tarım, Agriculture, Zoology, Zooloji, Etlik piliç
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Işık, Ş. (2008). Farkı broyler hibritlerinin verim ve et kalitesi özellikleri bakımından karşılaştırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.