XV-XVI. Asırlarda Akşehir Kent Merkezinin Nüfus Yapısı
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Eski çağlardan itibaren kullanılan kervan yollarından birinin üstünde kurulmuş olan Akşehir, özellikle Anadolu Selçukluları döneminde başkent Konya’ya yakınlığı nedeniyle önemli bir ticaret ve kültür merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu canlılığını, Osmanlı idaresine geçtiği dönemde de sürdürdüğü anlaşılmaktadır. 1476 ve 1483 tarihli vakıf defterlerinde, şehir merkezinde 5 zaviye, 2 cami, 1 külliye, 1 medrese ve 35 mescit görülmektedir. İlhakın hemen akabinde 1466’da yapılan tahrirde mahalle sayısının kabarıklığı, şehir nüfusunun yoğunluğu, farklı sıfat ve unvanlarla anılan sosyal zümrelerin çeşitliliği dikkat çekmektedir. Bilhassa hacı unvanlı kişiler en kalabalık kesimi oluşturmaktadır. Bütün bunlar Akşehir’de kentleşmenin Osmanlılardan önce Selçuklu ve Karamanoğulları döneminde gerçekleştiğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada, 1466’daki durum tespiti yapıldıktan sonra 1500, 1522, 1524, 1530, 1539 ve 1584 tarihlerinde şehirdeki mahalle yapısı, nüfus potansiyeli ve sosyal zümrelerin hangi boyutlarda gelişme veya daralma gösterdiği incelenmeye çalışılacaktır.
Located on one of the caravan routes used since ancient times, Akşehir became an important center of culture and trade especially during the rule of the Anatolian Seljuks due to its closeness to the capital city, Konya. It is believed that Akşehir maintained its central status under Ottoman rule too. According to the vakif registers of 1476 and 1483, the city held five “zaviye”s, two mosques, a “kulliye”, a “medrese” and thirty-five “mescit”s. Another register kept immediately following the annexation of 1466 attracts attention to the significant number of residential quarters, the density of the city’s population, and the diversity of social groups identified through a variety of different titles. The registers, for instance, indi-cate that at the time, especially those who had “Hacı” (pilgrim) as a title made up the majority of the population of Akşehir. All this evidence indicates that Akşehir became urbanized at a time prior to Ottoman rule, during the reign of the Seljuks and the Karamanogulları. This study initially aims to identify the demographic condition of Akşehir in the year 1466. It then examines the registers of the years 1500, 1522, 1524, 1530, 1539 and 1584 in order to trace the changes in the structure of the city’s residential quarters and population potential and to provide an account of expanding and contracting social groups.
Located on one of the caravan routes used since ancient times, Akşehir became an important center of culture and trade especially during the rule of the Anatolian Seljuks due to its closeness to the capital city, Konya. It is believed that Akşehir maintained its central status under Ottoman rule too. According to the vakif registers of 1476 and 1483, the city held five “zaviye”s, two mosques, a “kulliye”, a “medrese” and thirty-five “mescit”s. Another register kept immediately following the annexation of 1466 attracts attention to the significant number of residential quarters, the density of the city’s population, and the diversity of social groups identified through a variety of different titles. The registers, for instance, indi-cate that at the time, especially those who had “Hacı” (pilgrim) as a title made up the majority of the population of Akşehir. All this evidence indicates that Akşehir became urbanized at a time prior to Ottoman rule, during the reign of the Seljuks and the Karamanogulları. This study initially aims to identify the demographic condition of Akşehir in the year 1466. It then examines the registers of the years 1500, 1522, 1524, 1530, 1539 and 1584 in order to trace the changes in the structure of the city’s residential quarters and population potential and to provide an account of expanding and contracting social groups.
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