Abdullah b. Abbâs hayatı ve şahsiyeti
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
İslâm Tarihindeki önemli sahsiyetlerden birisi olan Abdullah b. Abbâs'ın siyâsî iliskileri bu çalısmada ele alınmıstır. Abdullah b. Abbâs'ın daha çok ilmî kisiligi ön plana çıkmasına ragmen saglam siyâsî kimligi sayesinde islâm Tarihinde önemli olayların içinde yer almıstır. Özellikle Ali b. Ebî Tâlib döneminde meydana gelen Cemel ve Sıffîn Savaslarında ve Tahkîm olayında önemli roller üstlenmis, haklı olduguna inandıgı kisilerin yanında yer almıstır. Emevîler döneminde kendisini daha çok ilme veren Abdullah b. Abbâs hayatını ilim ögrenmekle ve ögretmekle geçirmistir. Bu baglamda arastırmamızda Abdullah b. Abbâs'ın, döneminde katıldıgı siyasi faaliyetler yanında yapmıs oldugu ilmî çalısmalara da kısaca yer verilmistir.
In this study the political relations of Abdullah b. Abbas, who is one of the most important personality in the history of Islam, is taken into cansideration. Despite his scientific individuality has been in the foreground, he participated in a lot of important events due to his trustworthy political personality. He undertook important parts, particularly in the wars of Cemel and Siffin and the event of Tahkim which occured in the period of Ali b. Ebi Talip. He was in comparison with the rightful person. In Emevi?s period, Abdullah b. Abbas, who devoted himself to science, lived with learning and teaching. In this context, his scientific studies, beside his political activities in which he participated, are mentioned shortly.
In this study the political relations of Abdullah b. Abbas, who is one of the most important personality in the history of Islam, is taken into cansideration. Despite his scientific individuality has been in the foreground, he participated in a lot of important events due to his trustworthy political personality. He undertook important parts, particularly in the wars of Cemel and Siffin and the event of Tahkim which occured in the period of Ali b. Ebi Talip. He was in comparison with the rightful person. In Emevi?s period, Abdullah b. Abbas, who devoted himself to science, lived with learning and teaching. In this context, his scientific studies, beside his political activities in which he participated, are mentioned shortly.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Abdullah b. Abbâs, Biyografi, Biography
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Akbıyık, A. (2007). Abdullah b. Abbâs hayatı ve şahsiyeti. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.