Büyük Taarruz ve Büyük Taarruz Şehitlikleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
26 Ağustos 1922 sabahı başlayan Büyük Taarruzun amacı Anadolu'yu işgal eden Yunan kuvvetlerinin tamamen yurttan atılmasıdır. Bu amaçla başlayan Büyük Taarruz 9 Eylül 1922'de Yunan Ordusu'nun İzmir'de denize dökülmesiyle sona ermiştir. 26 Ağustos- 9 Eylül 1922 tarihleri arasındaki mücadeleyle Yunan Ordusu'nun büyük bir bölümü imha edilmiş, bir kısmı esir alınmış, geriye kalanlar ise İzmir'den gemilerle kaçmak zorunda kalmıştır. Mücadelenin ana safhası Afyonkarahisar ? Kütahya il sınırları dâhilinde cereyan etmiştir. Bu alanlarda verilen mücadelelerde binlerce askerimiz şehit olmuş veya yaralanmıştır. Şehit olan askerlerimiz namına bu alanlarda şehitlikler yapılmıştır. Şehitliklerimiz günümüze ulaşıncaya kadar çeşitli bakım ve onarım çalışmalarından geçmiştir. Çalışma iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde Büyük Taarruz'un 26 Ağustos- 9 Eylül 1922 tarihleri arasındaki askeri mücadele ele alınmıştır. İkinci bölümde ise Büyük Taarruz Şehitleri ele alınmıştır. Çalışmanın ağırlıklı kısmını Büyük Taarruz Şehitlikleri oluşturmuştur. Şehitlikler Afyon il sınırında olanlar ve Kütahya il sınırında olanlar olmak üzere iki başlık altında incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, şehitliklerin; ulaşım merkezlerine uzaklıkları, yapılış tarihleri, bakım ve onarım hizmetleri, şehitlikte bulunan anıtlar, abideler ve anıt mezarlar ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele alınmıştır
The Great Attack started in the morning of 26th of August, 1922. Its aim was casting the Greek commands, which occupied Anatolia, off our homeland completely. The Great Attack, which was begun for this aim, ended on 9th of September by Greek Army?s being shed into the sea in İzmir. By the combat which happened between the dates 26th of August and 9th of September, the major part of the Greek Army was destroyed, some of it was captured and the other part was obliged to escape from İzmir by ships. The battle?s main phase took place at Afyonkarahisar- Kütahya land border. In these combats thousands of our soldiers martyrized or were injured. In these places, martyrdoms were constructed on behalf of our martyrs. Our martyrdoms have had lots of maintenance and repairments so far. The study has two parts: The first part deals with the military combat of The Great Attack between the dates 26th of August and 9th of September. In the second part, The Great Attack?s Martyrdoms are handled. The study?s major part is the Great Attack?s Martyrdoms. The Martyrdoms are analyzed in two titles: The Martyrdoms which are at the Afyonkarahisar?s land border, and which are at the Kütahya?s land border. In the study, the Martyrdoms? distance to the centers, construction dates, maintenance and repairment services, the monuments and monumental tombs which are found at the Martyrdoms are dealed with in detail.
The Great Attack started in the morning of 26th of August, 1922. Its aim was casting the Greek commands, which occupied Anatolia, off our homeland completely. The Great Attack, which was begun for this aim, ended on 9th of September by Greek Army?s being shed into the sea in İzmir. By the combat which happened between the dates 26th of August and 9th of September, the major part of the Greek Army was destroyed, some of it was captured and the other part was obliged to escape from İzmir by ships. The battle?s main phase took place at Afyonkarahisar- Kütahya land border. In these combats thousands of our soldiers martyrized or were injured. In these places, martyrdoms were constructed on behalf of our martyrs. Our martyrdoms have had lots of maintenance and repairments so far. The study has two parts: The first part deals with the military combat of The Great Attack between the dates 26th of August and 9th of September. In the second part, The Great Attack?s Martyrdoms are handled. The study?s major part is the Great Attack?s Martyrdoms. The Martyrdoms are analyzed in two titles: The Martyrdoms which are at the Afyonkarahisar?s land border, and which are at the Kütahya?s land border. In the study, the Martyrdoms? distance to the centers, construction dates, maintenance and repairment services, the monuments and monumental tombs which are found at the Martyrdoms are dealed with in detail.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türk İnkılap Tarihi, History of Turkish Revolution
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Demiralay, A. (2009). Büyük Taarruz ve Büyük Taarruz Şehitlikleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.