Buhara’daki ceditçilik hareketi ve yaş Buharalılar
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
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20. yüzyılın ilk çeyreğinde meydana gelen Birinci Dünya Savaşı ve Bolşevik Devrim’i gibi önemli siyasi gelişmelerin ortaya çıkardığı değişimlerden, Türkistan coğrafyası da üzerine düşen nasibi almıştır. Uluslararası siyaset arenasında köklü değişimlerin yaşandığı bu süreçte, Türkistan coğrafyasında eğitim ve kültür temelli ortaya çıkmış olan Ceditçilik (yenileşme) hareketinin Buhara Emîrliği’ndeki kolu, Bolşevik Devrimi’nin etkisi ile mevcut emîrlik idaresini ortadan kaldırmayı amaçlayan devrimci siyasi bir harekete dönüşmüştür. Bolşevikler ile yapılan iş birliği neticesinde Buhara Emîrliği’nin son emîri Âlim Han devrilerek yerine Buhara Halk Sovyet Cumhuriyeti kurulmuştur. Ceditçi aydınlar bu yeni cumhuriyetin yönetim kadrolarında yer alsalar da, ülkenin kontrolü kızıl ordunun sahibi olan Sovyet Rusya’nın elinde olmuştur. Milliyetçi aydınlar zamanla tasfiye edilerek cumhuriyetin siyasi varlığına Sovyet yönetimi tarafından 1924 yılında son verilmiştir. Rusya’ya bağlı olan Buhara Emîrliği’nde yenileşeme hareketlerinin ortaya çıkışı, bu hareketin Yaş Buharalılar adını alması, Yaş Buharalılar oluşumunun yürüttüğü faaliyetler, hareketin siyasi partiye dönüşmesi, emîrliğin bağımsızlığına kavuşması ve Yaş Buharalılara karşı tutumu, Bolşevikler ile iş birliği yaparak Emîrlik idaresini devirmeleri, Buhara Halk Sovyet Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulması gibi konular bu çalışmanın konusunu teşkil etmektedir.
The changes that experienced at the first quarter of 20. century caused by the political developments after the First World War and Bolshevik Revolution has affected Turkestan geography as well. In that period, when radical changes had occured in international political area, the extension of Jadidism (innovation) movement in Bukhara Amirate, which was emerged in Turkestan geography based on education and culture, has converted into a revelotionary political movement that aimed to remove existed amirate government because the influence of Bolshevik Revolution. As the result of collaboration with Bolsheviks, last Amir of Bukhara Amitare’s Âlim Khan has fallen and Bukhara People Soviet Republic? has established. Although innovator (Jadids) intellectuals took part in that republic’s cadre, the state has been controlled by Soviet Russia which has Red Army. National intellectuals has been eliminated over time and Republic was abolished by Soviet administration in 1924. The emergence of innovation movement in Bukhara Amirate which was depend on Russia, how this movement become to be mentioned ad “Yaş Bukharians”, the activities hold by Yaş Bukharas formation, convertion of this movement into political party, Emirate’s independence and its attitude towards Yaş Bukharians, collaboration with Bolsheviks and take down Amirate administration, the establishment of Bukhara People Soviet Republic are the subjects of this study.
The changes that experienced at the first quarter of 20. century caused by the political developments after the First World War and Bolshevik Revolution has affected Turkestan geography as well. In that period, when radical changes had occured in international political area, the extension of Jadidism (innovation) movement in Bukhara Amirate, which was emerged in Turkestan geography based on education and culture, has converted into a revelotionary political movement that aimed to remove existed amirate government because the influence of Bolshevik Revolution. As the result of collaboration with Bolsheviks, last Amir of Bukhara Amitare’s Âlim Khan has fallen and Bukhara People Soviet Republic? has established. Although innovator (Jadids) intellectuals took part in that republic’s cadre, the state has been controlled by Soviet Russia which has Red Army. National intellectuals has been eliminated over time and Republic was abolished by Soviet administration in 1924. The emergence of innovation movement in Bukhara Amirate which was depend on Russia, how this movement become to be mentioned ad “Yaş Bukharians”, the activities hold by Yaş Bukharas formation, convertion of this movement into political party, Emirate’s independence and its attitude towards Yaş Bukharians, collaboration with Bolsheviks and take down Amirate administration, the establishment of Bukhara People Soviet Republic are the subjects of this study.
Url: http://sutad.selcuk.edu.tr/sutad/article/view/807
Anahtar Kelimeler
Buharalılar, Buhara, Âlim Han, Ceditçilik, Türkistan, Rusya, Bolşevik Devrimi, Bukharians, Bukhara, Jadidism, Turkhestan, Russia, Bolshevik Revolution
Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Hatunoğlu, N. (2015). Buhara’daki ceditçilik hareketi ve yaş Buharalılar. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (38), 1-33.