XVII. Yüzyıldan günümüze Türk kadın bestecilerinin eserlerinde geleneksel Türk sanat müziği makamları
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Müziksel yaratı süreci içinde, kadının ilkçağlardan itibaren erkekle birlikte var olduğu bilinen bir gerçektir. Ancak dünyada olduğu gibi Türki- ye’de de kadın besteciler erkeklere oranla tarih sayfalarında daha az yer almıştır. Fırsatlar ve sosyo-kültürel şartların kadın ve erkeğe eşit oranda sunulmamasının bir sonucu olarak nitelendirilebilecek bu duruma rağ- men, Türk kadın bestecilerin Geleneksel Türk Sanat Müziğinde farklı ma- kamlardan çeşitli eserler verdiği bilinmektedir. Müzik yaşayan bir varlıktır, dolayısıyla gerek müzik türleri gerekse bu türler içinde yer alan unsurlar değişime uğrarlar. Türk Sanat Müziği’- nin en temel yapı taşı olan makamlar da bu unsurlardan birisidir. Tarih boyunca yüzlerce makam kullanılagelmiştir. Bu makamların kullanım sıklığı zamana bağlı olarak farklılıklar göstermektedir. Tarama modeline dayalı olan bu çalışmada, gerek Türk kadın bestecilere vurgu yapmak gerekse onların eserlerindeki makamların değişim çizgilerini or- taya koymak amacıyla, XVII. yüzyıldan günümüze kadar Türk Sanat Müziği eserleri bestelemiş olan 187 kadın besteci tespit edilerek, eserleri incelenmiştir.
There is a known fact that, since ancient times women have been with men in the process of musical creativity. But, female composers have been allocated less place in history in Turkey just as it is in the world when compared to male composers. Despite this case which can be iden- tified as a result of not offering opportunities and socio-cultural conditions to males and females in an equal manner, it is known that Turkish fema- le composers have composed several works of arts in various Makams in Traditional Turkish Art Music. Because of music is a living entity, either music species or theirs ele- ments have been varied. Makam, the most basic part of Turkish Art Music, is one of those elements. Throughout history have been used hundreds of Makams. The frequency of use of those Makams vary depending on time. In this study of descriptive research, it is intended for underline the Turkish women composers and theirs works. In this research, 187 female composers who have composed works of art in Turkish Art Music from 17th century until present time have been found out.
There is a known fact that, since ancient times women have been with men in the process of musical creativity. But, female composers have been allocated less place in history in Turkey just as it is in the world when compared to male composers. Despite this case which can be iden- tified as a result of not offering opportunities and socio-cultural conditions to males and females in an equal manner, it is known that Turkish fema- le composers have composed several works of arts in various Makams in Traditional Turkish Art Music. Because of music is a living entity, either music species or theirs ele- ments have been varied. Makam, the most basic part of Turkish Art Music, is one of those elements. Throughout history have been used hundreds of Makams. The frequency of use of those Makams vary depending on time. In this study of descriptive research, it is intended for underline the Turkish women composers and theirs works. In this research, 187 female composers who have composed works of art in Turkish Art Music from 17th century until present time have been found out.
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