Gebelikte izole proteinüri tespit edilen olguların maternal ve perinatal sonuçlar ile ilişkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Preeklampsi, artmış maternal, perinatal morbidite ve mortalite ile ilişkili multisistemik bir sendromdur. Prevalansının dünya genelinde ortalama %5-10 (%2.7–8.2) olduğu tahmin edilmektedir. PE, daha önceden normotansif bir gebede 20. gebelik haftasından sonra yeni başlangıçlı hipertansiyona proteinüri veya çoklu organ hasarının eşlik etmesi olarak tanımlanır. Proteinüri, gebeliğin hipertansif hastalıklarının genellikle geç klinik bulgusu olmasına rağmen bazı gebelerde tansiyon yüksekliği olmaksızın sadece proteinüri görülebilir ve bu durum izole gestasyonel proteinüri olarak adlandırılır. İGP'nin PE ile olan ilişkisi tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Bu çalışmada İGP olgularının maternal ve perinatal sonuçları, preeklampsiye ilerleme oranları, preeklampsi gelişen ve gelişmeyen gruplar arasındaki risk faktörleri benzerlik ve farklılıklarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Retrospektif özellikteki çalışmamıza 2010-2019 yılları arasında Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Polikliniği'ne rutin antenatal takip amacıyla başvuran çalışma kriterlerine uyan 185 gebe dahil edildi. Olgular İGP ve PE olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Bu hastaların dosyalarından anne yaşı, vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ), gravidası, paritesi, kan basıncı takipleri, kan basıncı takip şekli, rutin olarak değerlendirilen trombosit düzeyi, karaciğer fonksiyon testleri, böbrek fonksiyon testleri, proteinürinin ilk tespit edilme haftası, doğumun gerçekleştiği gebelik haftası, doğum endikasyonu ve doğum şekli, bebek doğum kilosu, bebeğin birinci ve beşinci dakika Apgar skoru, bebek ve anne yoğun bakım gereksinimi, PE gelişip gelişmediği, PE'nin tespit edildiği gebelik haftası parametreleri kayıt edilmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Hastalar doğum sonrası postpartum 6. haftada rutin olarak kontrole çağırılarak hipertansiyon ve proteinüri açısından tekrar değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmaya dahil edilen 185 hastanın 52'sinde (%28,1) ilerleyen gebelik haftalarında PE gelişti. Kalan 133 hastada (%71,9) ise gelişmedi. Gruplar arasında yaş, parite, BMI, çoğul gebelik ve 40 yaş üstü olma açısından farklılık izlenmedi. Geçirilmiş PE öyküsü ise PE gelişen grupta anlamlı olarak daha yüksek saptandı [ İGP: 1 (% 0,75), PE: 4 (% 7,69), p: < 0,001 ]. Preterm doğum [ İGP: 19 (%14,29), PE: 26 ( %50,00), p: < 0,001 ], IUGR oranı [ İGP: 10 (%7,52), PE: 17 ( %32,69), p: < 0,001 ], yenidoğan yoğun bakım gereksinimi [ İGP: 15 (%11,28), PE: 17 ( %32,69), p: < 0,001 ] ve anne yoğun bakım gereksinimi [İGP: 1 (%0.75), PE: 2 (%3,85), p: < 0,001 ] PE gelişen grupta anlamlı olarak daha yüksek saptandı bu sonuçlarla uyumlu olarak yenidoğan doğum ağırlığı PE gelişen grupta anlamlı olarak daha düşük saptandı [İGP: 3080,70 ± 627,78, PE: 2504,75 ± 734 ,00 p: < 0,001]. Yapılan çalışmalara göre gestasyonel proteinürisi olan kadınların en az üçte birinde PE geliştiğine dair sonuçlar mevcuttur. Bizim çalışmamızda her ne kadar İGP'li gebelerin perinatal sonuçlarının bozulmadığını görsek de özellikle daha önceki gebeliklerinde PE öyküsü olan ve proteinüri miktarı yüksek olan kadınların PE gelişimi açısından yakın takibi son derece önemlidir. Bulgularımızı teyit etmek ve yeni takip tedavi metodları geliştirmek için daha fazla hastanın dahil edildiği araştırmalara ihtiyaç vardır.
Preeclampsia is a multisystemic syndrome associated with increased maternal, perinatal morbiditis and mortality. Its prevalence is estimated to be on average 5-10% (2.7–8.2%) in the world. It is defined that PE may be associated with new-onset hypertension, proteinuria or multiple organ damage in a normotensive pregnant after 20 weeks of gestation. Proteinuria, late clinical finding with hypertensive diseases of pregnancy is necessary, only the cause of tension of pregnant women, only the appearance of proteinuria and this condition is called isolated gestational proteinuria. The relationship of IGP with PE is not fully known. In this study, it was aimed to determine the maternal and perinatal outcomes of patients with isolated proteinuria during pregnancy, the rates of progression to preeclampsia, the risk factors similarities and differences between the groups with and without preeclampsia. 185 pregnant women admitted for routine antenatal follow-up who met the criteria for inclusion were included in our retrospective study between the years 2010-2019 in Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology Policlinic. The cases were divided into two groups as IGP and PE. From the files of these patients; maternal age, body mass index (BMI), gravida, parity, blood pressure follow-up, blood pressure follow-up form, routine evaluated platelet level, liver function tests, kidney function tests, first week of determination of proteinuria, gestational week at birth, birth indication, delivery method, baby birth weight, baby's first and fifth minute APGAR score, infant and mother intensive care requirement, whether PE developed, pregnancy week parameters in which PE was detected were recorded and evaluated. The patients were routinely called for control at postpartum 6th week after birth and reevaluated for hypertension and proteinuria PE developed in 52 (28.1%) of 185 patients included in the study during the gestational weeks. The remaining 133 patients (71.9%) did not develop. There was no difference between the groups in terms of age, parity, BMI, multiple pregnancy and being over 40 years old. Previous PE history was found to be significantly higher in the group developing PE [IGP: 1 (0.75%), PE: 4 (7.69%), p: <0.001]. Preterm delivery [IGP: 19 (14.29%), PE: 26 (50.00%), p: <0.001], IUGR rate [IGP: 10 (7.52%), PE: 17 (32.69% ), p: <0.001], neonatal intensive care requirement [IGP: 15 (11.28%), PE: 17 (32.69%), p: <0.001] and maternal intensive care requirement [IGP: 1 (0.75%) ), PE: 2 (3.85%), p: <0.001] were found to be significantly higher in the group who developed PE, and in accordance with these results, newborn birth weight was found significantly lower in the group that developed PE [IGP: 3080.70 ± 627.78 PE: 2504.75 ± 734, 00 p: <0.001]. According to studies, there are results indicating that at least one third of women with gestational proteinuria develop PE. In our study, although we see that perinatal outcomes of pregnant women with IGP have not deteriorated, close follow-up of women with a history of PE and high proteinuria in their previous pregnancies is extremely important for the development of PE. Researches involving more patients are needed to confirm our findings and to develop new follow-up treatment methods.
Preeclampsia is a multisystemic syndrome associated with increased maternal, perinatal morbiditis and mortality. Its prevalence is estimated to be on average 5-10% (2.7–8.2%) in the world. It is defined that PE may be associated with new-onset hypertension, proteinuria or multiple organ damage in a normotensive pregnant after 20 weeks of gestation. Proteinuria, late clinical finding with hypertensive diseases of pregnancy is necessary, only the cause of tension of pregnant women, only the appearance of proteinuria and this condition is called isolated gestational proteinuria. The relationship of IGP with PE is not fully known. In this study, it was aimed to determine the maternal and perinatal outcomes of patients with isolated proteinuria during pregnancy, the rates of progression to preeclampsia, the risk factors similarities and differences between the groups with and without preeclampsia. 185 pregnant women admitted for routine antenatal follow-up who met the criteria for inclusion were included in our retrospective study between the years 2010-2019 in Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology Policlinic. The cases were divided into two groups as IGP and PE. From the files of these patients; maternal age, body mass index (BMI), gravida, parity, blood pressure follow-up, blood pressure follow-up form, routine evaluated platelet level, liver function tests, kidney function tests, first week of determination of proteinuria, gestational week at birth, birth indication, delivery method, baby birth weight, baby's first and fifth minute APGAR score, infant and mother intensive care requirement, whether PE developed, pregnancy week parameters in which PE was detected were recorded and evaluated. The patients were routinely called for control at postpartum 6th week after birth and reevaluated for hypertension and proteinuria PE developed in 52 (28.1%) of 185 patients included in the study during the gestational weeks. The remaining 133 patients (71.9%) did not develop. There was no difference between the groups in terms of age, parity, BMI, multiple pregnancy and being over 40 years old. Previous PE history was found to be significantly higher in the group developing PE [IGP: 1 (0.75%), PE: 4 (7.69%), p: <0.001]. Preterm delivery [IGP: 19 (14.29%), PE: 26 (50.00%), p: <0.001], IUGR rate [IGP: 10 (7.52%), PE: 17 (32.69% ), p: <0.001], neonatal intensive care requirement [IGP: 15 (11.28%), PE: 17 (32.69%), p: <0.001] and maternal intensive care requirement [IGP: 1 (0.75%) ), PE: 2 (3.85%), p: <0.001] were found to be significantly higher in the group who developed PE, and in accordance with these results, newborn birth weight was found significantly lower in the group that developed PE [IGP: 3080.70 ± 627.78 PE: 2504.75 ± 734, 00 p: <0.001]. According to studies, there are results indicating that at least one third of women with gestational proteinuria develop PE. In our study, although we see that perinatal outcomes of pregnant women with IGP have not deteriorated, close follow-up of women with a history of PE and high proteinuria in their previous pregnancies is extremely important for the development of PE. Researches involving more patients are needed to confirm our findings and to develop new follow-up treatment methods.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İzole Gestasyonel Proteinüri, Preeklampsi, Perinatal ve Maternal Sonuçlar, Isolated Gestational Proteinuria, Preeclampsia, Maternal and Perinatal Results
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yılmaz, C. (2020). Gebelikte izole proteinüri tespit edilen olguların maternal ve perinatal sonuçlar ile ilişkisi. (Uzmanlık Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Konya.