Milli Mücadele'de Çerkez Ethem ve Kuva-yı Seyyare'nin faaliyetleri (1919?1920)
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Çok sevdiği askerlik mesleğini yapmak için evden kaçan Çerkez Ethem çeşitli cephelerde görev aldı. Mondros Ateşkesi imzalandıktan sonra baba ocağı olan Bandırma'ya döndü. Bir süre Bandırma civarında çetecilik yaptı. İzmir'in işgali üzerine Salihli bölgesine giderek ağabeyleri Reşit ve Tevfik Bey'lerle beraber kurduğu Kuva-yı Seyyare ile Yunanlara karşı mücadele etti. Ahmet Anzavur ve Düzce isyanlarının bastırılmasında büyük rol oynadı. Daha sonra Ankara'yı zor durumda bırakan Yozgat İsyanı'na müdahale etti. Yozgat İsyanı sırasında girdiği Yeşil Ordu Cemiyeti ve ağabeylerinin etkisiyle asi tavırlar takındı. Demirci Muharebesi'nde Yunanlara karşı zafer kazandı. Gediz Taarruzu'nun yapılmasında büyük rol oynadı. Düzenli ordunun kurulmasına muhalefet etti. Cephelerin yeniden düzenlenmesiyle Batı Cephesi Komutanı olan İsmet Bey'in emirlerini dinlemeyerek Ankara Hükümeti'ne karşı isyan etti. Kuva-yı Seyyare üzerine yapılan harekât sonucu Yunanlarla anlaşma yaparak Yunan tarafına sığındı.
Left his father?s home in order to become an officer in Turkish Army, Ethem the Circassian was charged in some front lines during WW I. After the Mondros Armistice, he returned his homeland, Bandırma. Within this period, he stayed here and became a rebel. When Izmir was occupied by Greek troops, he went to the province of Salihli and struggled against the Greek army via Kuva-yı Seyyare (mobile army) established by his elder brothers Reşit and Tevfik. He played a significant part in the prevention of the rebellions in Düzce and caused by Ahmet Anzavur. Then, he intervened with another rebellion in Yozgat and became very successful. This success was of a vital importance for the new cabinet in Ankara. During this attempt in Yozgat, he joined a new movement, the Green Army Association established by his elder brothers Reşit and Tevfik. Due to negative atttitudes of this new association toward the new cabinet in Ankara, he became a rebel. He won a great victory against Greek troops in a battle in Demirci. He played an important part in the offensive of Gediz. In the formation of new regular armies, he became an opponent. He rebelled against the Ankara Cabinet by not complying with the orders by Ismet Pasha, the new commander of Western Front Lines. Holding a treaty with the Greek army, he took refuge with the enemy side after the operation arranged by Ankara Government against Kuva-yı Seyyare.
Left his father?s home in order to become an officer in Turkish Army, Ethem the Circassian was charged in some front lines during WW I. After the Mondros Armistice, he returned his homeland, Bandırma. Within this period, he stayed here and became a rebel. When Izmir was occupied by Greek troops, he went to the province of Salihli and struggled against the Greek army via Kuva-yı Seyyare (mobile army) established by his elder brothers Reşit and Tevfik. He played a significant part in the prevention of the rebellions in Düzce and caused by Ahmet Anzavur. Then, he intervened with another rebellion in Yozgat and became very successful. This success was of a vital importance for the new cabinet in Ankara. During this attempt in Yozgat, he joined a new movement, the Green Army Association established by his elder brothers Reşit and Tevfik. Due to negative atttitudes of this new association toward the new cabinet in Ankara, he became a rebel. He won a great victory against Greek troops in a battle in Demirci. He played an important part in the offensive of Gediz. In the formation of new regular armies, he became an opponent. He rebelled against the Ankara Cabinet by not complying with the orders by Ismet Pasha, the new commander of Western Front Lines. Holding a treaty with the Greek army, he took refuge with the enemy side after the operation arranged by Ankara Government against Kuva-yı Seyyare.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uzun, Z. (2008). Milli Mücadele'de Çerkez Ethem ve Kuva-yı Seyyare'nin faaliyetleri (1919?1920). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.