Koroner arter baypas cerrahisinde sık kullanılan greft damarlarının baypas öncesi histopatolojik özelliklerinin ve TGF-ß1 ekspresyonlarının değerlendirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Koroner Arter Baypas Greft Cerrahisi (KABG), koroner arter hastalığında, miyokardın revaskülarizasyonu için en etkili ve uzun süreli çözümdür. KABG ile üstün kısa ve orta dönem sonuçlar elde edilir, ancak uzun dönem sonuçlar greft yetmezliği ile etkilenmektedir. İntimal hiperplazi ve/veya ateroskleroz nedeniyle gelişen stenoz ya da oklüzyon greft yetmezliklerinin esas nedenidir. Safen Ven (SV), İnternal Mammarian Arter (İMA) ve Radial Arter (RA), KABG'nde en sık kullanılan greftlerdir. İMA'in uzun dönem açıklık oranları yüksektir. Oysa SV'lerde greft yetmezlikleri sıktır ve uzun dönem açıklık oranları düşüktür. RA'lerde ise SV'lerden daha iyi sonuçlar elde edilmiştir İntimal hiperplazi ve ateroskleroz gelişmesinde, damarların histolojik yapısı, endotelyal ve vasküler düz kas hücre nitelikleri ve onları etkileyen büyüme faktörleri gibi pek çok faktör etkili olabilir. TGF-ß1, intimal hiperplazi ve aterosklerozda rol oynadığı düşünülen büyüme faktörlerinden biridir. Damar duvarında TGF-ß1'in rolü komplekstir ve esas olarak ekstrasellüler matriks sentezini uyararak intimal kalınlaşmaya neden olmaktadır Bu çalışmanın amacı, KABG öncesi SV, İMA ve RA'in, histopatolojik özelliklerinin ve TGF-ß1 ekspresyonlarının değerlendirilmesidir. Damarlarda intimal hiperplazi ve ateroskleroz değerlendirilmiş ve birbirleriyle karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca damarlarda TGF-ß1 ekspresyonları ile intimal hiperplazi ve ateroskleroz arasındaki ilişki değerlendirilmiştir Bu çalışmada, 32 hastadan KABG esnasında alınan toplam 44 damar (19 SV, 18 İMA ve 7 RA) kullanıldı. Damarların morfometrik analizleri yapıldı ve damar grupları arasında karşılaştırıldı. TGF-ß1'e karşı direkt antikorlar kullanılarak, damarların immün boyamaları yapıldı ve TGF-ß1 ekspresyonları değerlendirildi İMA'lerde intimal hiperplazi ve ateroskeroz oranları, SV ve RA'lerden daha düşüktü. Oysa SV ve RA'lerin çoğunda, KABG öncesi intimal hiperplazi ve ateroskleroz mevcuttu. SV'lerin TGF-ß1 ekspresyonu, İMA ve RA'lerden daha yüksekti, İMA ve RA'lerin TGF-ß1 ekspresyonları aynıydı. TGF-ß1 ekspresyonu, İMA'lerde intimal hiperplazi ile ilişkiliydi. TGF-ß1'in intimal hiperplazili İMA'lerde, intimal hiperplazi içermeyenlere göre, daha fazla oranda eksprese edildiği saptandı. Ancak damarlarda TGF-ß1 ekspresyonu ile ateroskleroz arasında herhangi bir ilişki yoktu. TGF-ß1 ekspresyonunun, greft açıklık oranlarının daha düşük olduğu SV'lerde yüksek olması, buna karşın greft açıklık oranlarının daha yüksek olduğu İMA ve RA'lerde düşük bulunması önemlidir Sonuç olarak, TGF-ß1'in, olasılıkla bilinmeyen farklı mekanizmaların da etkisiyle, greft açıklık oranlarında rol oynadığı düşünülebilir. İMA ve RA greftlerinin, düşük TGF-ß1 ekspresyonları nedeniyle KABG'nde üstün seçenekler olduklarını söyleyebiliriz
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgey (CABG) is the most efficient and a long term treatment for myocardial revascularisation in coronary heart disease. CABG provides excellent short-term and intermediate-term outcomes, but long-term results are affected by graft failure. Occlusion or stenosis caused by intimal hyperplasia, atherosclerosis, or both is the main reason for late failure of CABGs. Saphenous Vein (SV), İnternal Mammarian Artery (IMA) and Radial Artery (RA) are the most frequently used grafts for CABG. İMA grafts have excellent long-term patency. However the long-term patency of SV grafts is limited and high prevalence of graft failure. RA grafts have yielded better long-term results compared with SV grafts İntimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis development might be influenced by many factors such as vascular structure, endothelial and smooth muscle cell properties and growths factors. TGF-ß1 is one of the growths factors that is thought of as playing a role in intimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis. The role of TGF-ß1 in the vessel wall is complex, and causes intimal thickening by promoting the synthesis of extracellular matrix molecules primarly Purpose of this study was to evaluate preexisting histopathologic features and TGF-ß1 expressions of SV, IMA and RA before CABG. İntimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis rates of vessels were evaluated and compared with each other. Additionaly, association between intimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis with TGF-ß1 expressions in the vessels was evaluated In this study, totally 44 vessels (19 SV, 18 IMA and 7 RA) were collected from 32 patients undergoing CABG. Morphometric analysis of the vessels was performed and compared between vessel groups. Immunohistochemistry was performed with antibodies directed against TGF-ß1 and evaluated TGF-ß1 expressions of vessel groups The incidence of intimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis was significantly lower in IMA than in SV and RA. However, preexisting intimal hyperplasia before CABG is more prevalent in SV and RA than in IMA. Expression of TGF-ß1 in SV was significantly higher than in RA and IMA. Expressions of TGF-ß1 in IMA and RA were the same. TGF-ß1 expression was associated with intimal hyperplasia of IMA. IMA with intimal hyperplasia expressed more TGF-ß1 than without intimal hyperplasia. However, there was not any association between atherosclerosis and TGF-ß1 expressions in the vessels. It is important that TGF-ß1 expression is higher in SV which has lower rate of graft patency, and on the contrary, it is lower in IMA and RA which have higher rate of graft patency As a conclusion, it is thought that TGF-ß1 might play a role in graft patency rates by probably different unknown mechanisms. Both İMA and RA grafts which have low TGF-ß1 expressions are superior choices for CABG.
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgey (CABG) is the most efficient and a long term treatment for myocardial revascularisation in coronary heart disease. CABG provides excellent short-term and intermediate-term outcomes, but long-term results are affected by graft failure. Occlusion or stenosis caused by intimal hyperplasia, atherosclerosis, or both is the main reason for late failure of CABGs. Saphenous Vein (SV), İnternal Mammarian Artery (IMA) and Radial Artery (RA) are the most frequently used grafts for CABG. İMA grafts have excellent long-term patency. However the long-term patency of SV grafts is limited and high prevalence of graft failure. RA grafts have yielded better long-term results compared with SV grafts İntimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis development might be influenced by many factors such as vascular structure, endothelial and smooth muscle cell properties and growths factors. TGF-ß1 is one of the growths factors that is thought of as playing a role in intimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis. The role of TGF-ß1 in the vessel wall is complex, and causes intimal thickening by promoting the synthesis of extracellular matrix molecules primarly Purpose of this study was to evaluate preexisting histopathologic features and TGF-ß1 expressions of SV, IMA and RA before CABG. İntimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis rates of vessels were evaluated and compared with each other. Additionaly, association between intimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis with TGF-ß1 expressions in the vessels was evaluated In this study, totally 44 vessels (19 SV, 18 IMA and 7 RA) were collected from 32 patients undergoing CABG. Morphometric analysis of the vessels was performed and compared between vessel groups. Immunohistochemistry was performed with antibodies directed against TGF-ß1 and evaluated TGF-ß1 expressions of vessel groups The incidence of intimal hyperplasia and atherosclerosis was significantly lower in IMA than in SV and RA. However, preexisting intimal hyperplasia before CABG is more prevalent in SV and RA than in IMA. Expression of TGF-ß1 in SV was significantly higher than in RA and IMA. Expressions of TGF-ß1 in IMA and RA were the same. TGF-ß1 expression was associated with intimal hyperplasia of IMA. IMA with intimal hyperplasia expressed more TGF-ß1 than without intimal hyperplasia. However, there was not any association between atherosclerosis and TGF-ß1 expressions in the vessels. It is important that TGF-ß1 expression is higher in SV which has lower rate of graft patency, and on the contrary, it is lower in IMA and RA which have higher rate of graft patency As a conclusion, it is thought that TGF-ß1 might play a role in graft patency rates by probably different unknown mechanisms. Both İMA and RA grafts which have low TGF-ß1 expressions are superior choices for CABG.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Koroner arter baypas cerrahisi, İnternal mammarian arter, Safen ven, Radial arter, İntimal hiperplazi, Ateroskleroz, Coronary artery bypass surgery, Internal mammarian artery, Saphenous vein, Radial artery, Intimal hyperplasia, Atherosclerosis
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Dursunoğlu, D. (2008). Koroner arter baypas cerrahisinde sık kullanılan greft damarlarının baypas öncesi histopatolojik özelliklerinin ve TGF-ß1 ekspresyonlarının değerlendirilmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış uzmanlık tezi, Konya.