Yeni Türk Sinemasında Minör İzdüşümler
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Deleuze ve Guattari’nin felsefi yaklaşımlarında ürettikleri kavramlarla bağlantılı
olan minör, Spinozacı ve Nietzscheci oluşu içeren yaşam felsefeleri ile tutarlıdır. Minör,
molar yapılardan kaçış hattı çizerek, farklılığı, oluşu ve yaşamı olumlar. Deleuze ve
Guattari’nin edebiyat incelemeleri, minör olanın ve minör dilin nasıl olacağına
odaklanmış görünse de, minör fikrinin aslında yaşama içkin olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Bu
felsefenin sinemaya yansıması ise zaman-imge (genetik göstergeler) olarak nitelendirilen
filmlerde, henüz olmayan bir halka seslenmek, yersiz-yurtsuzlaşma, kolektif sözcelem
kurarak, politik olana bağlanmak gibi özelliklerle kendini göstermektedir. Çalışmada
sınırlandırılmış bir uzamda, Deleuze’ün sinema yaklaşımı, felsefede ürettiği kavramlarla
birlikte sinemaya ne tür bir politik anlam yüklediği tartışılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda
çalışmanın amacı, Deleuze’ün minör edebiyat ile bağlantı kurduğu modern siyasal sinema
üzerine düşüncelerini, ürettiği felsefi kavramların bağlantılarıyla birlikte analiz etmek ve
böylece sinema yaklaşımının politikayı olanaklı kıldığını göstermektir. Bu amaç
doğrultusunda, zaman-imge olarak değerlendirilebilecek; Kaygı, Yol Kenarı, Kız
Kardeşler, Gelincik ve Hayaletler filmlerinin, minör sinemaya ne kadar tekabül ettiğinden
hareket ederek, imajın felsefi değeri, seçilen beş örnek film çerçevesinde incelenmiştir.
Minor, related with the concepts Deleuze and Guattari created in their philosophical approach, is consistent with the life philosophies that involves Spinozist and Nietzschean views connected with becoming. By drawing a line of escape from molar structures, minor affirms difference, becoming and life. Although the literature reviews of Deleuze and Guattari seem to focus on what the minor is and how the minor language is formed, it is understood that the idea of minor is, in fact, immanent to life. The reflection of this philosophy on the cinema is manifested in films characterized as time-image (genetic indicators), with features such as calling out to people who do not yet exist, deterritorialization, connecting to the political by establishing a collective utterance. In the study, Deleuze’s approach to cinema and what political meanings he attributed to cinema through the concepts he introduced to philosophy were discussed in a limited space. In this direction, the aim of the study is to analyse Deleuze’s thoughts on modern political cinema, which he connects with minor literature, together with the connections of philosophical concepts he produced, and thus to show that the cinema approach makes politics possible. For this purpose, the philosophical value of image was examined within the framework of five selected sample films, by setting out from how much the films Inflame, Sideway, A Tale of Three Sisters, Weasel and Ghosts, which could be evaluated as time-image, correspond to minor cinema.
Minor, related with the concepts Deleuze and Guattari created in their philosophical approach, is consistent with the life philosophies that involves Spinozist and Nietzschean views connected with becoming. By drawing a line of escape from molar structures, minor affirms difference, becoming and life. Although the literature reviews of Deleuze and Guattari seem to focus on what the minor is and how the minor language is formed, it is understood that the idea of minor is, in fact, immanent to life. The reflection of this philosophy on the cinema is manifested in films characterized as time-image (genetic indicators), with features such as calling out to people who do not yet exist, deterritorialization, connecting to the political by establishing a collective utterance. In the study, Deleuze’s approach to cinema and what political meanings he attributed to cinema through the concepts he introduced to philosophy were discussed in a limited space. In this direction, the aim of the study is to analyse Deleuze’s thoughts on modern political cinema, which he connects with minor literature, together with the connections of philosophical concepts he produced, and thus to show that the cinema approach makes politics possible. For this purpose, the philosophical value of image was examined within the framework of five selected sample films, by setting out from how much the films Inflame, Sideway, A Tale of Three Sisters, Weasel and Ghosts, which could be evaluated as time-image, correspond to minor cinema.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Politika, Minör, Oluş, Kaçış Çizgisi, Zaman- İmge, Sinema, Politics, Minor, Becoming, Line of Escape, Time-Image, Cinema
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Cantaş, A., (2021). Yeni Türk Sinemasında Minör İzdüşümler. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Konya.