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Selçuk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Davranı?sal muhasebe ve duygusal zeka son yıllarda literatürde sıklıkla kar?ıla?ılan iki kavramdır. Muhasebe sürecinde rakamlarla uğra?an muhasebecilerin davranı?sal ve duygusal durumlarının da göz ardı edilmemesi gerektiğinden yola çıkılan bu çalı?mada her iki kavramdan bahsedilmi?, sonrasında Isparta ilinde faaliyet gösteren muhasebe meslek mensupları ile gerçekle?tirilen alan ara?tırması sonuçlarına yer verilmi?tir. Boyutlarına ayrılmı? ve güvenirliği kanıtlanmı? bir duygusal zeka ölçeği kullanılan çalı?mada öncelikle faktör analizi yapılmı?tır. Boyutlar orijinal ölçekle birebir aynı çıkmı?tır. Sonrasında bazı demografik özellikler ve duygusal zeka ölçeği boyutları arasında anlamlı farklar olup olmadığı ölçülmü?tür. Aynı zamanda ara?tırmaya katılan muhasebe meslek mensuplarının duygusal zeka düzeylerinin ortalamanın üzerinde olduğu tespit edilmi?tir.
Behavioral accounting and emotional intelligence are two concepts that have been frequently encountered in recent years. The fact that behavioral and emotional conditions of the accountants dealing with numbers should not be overlooked during accounting process forms the basis of this study, and these two concepts have been touched on and afterwards, the results of the field study carried out with members of accounting profession in Isparta have been presented. First of all, factor analysis have been conducted in the study, in which an emotional intelligence scale whose sizing and reliability are proved. Dimensions proved to be exactly the same as original scale. Later on, it has been measured whether there are significant differences between various demographic features and emotional intelligence scale. In addition, it has been determined that average emotional intelligence levels of the accountants participating in the study is above the average.
Behavioral accounting and emotional intelligence are two concepts that have been frequently encountered in recent years. The fact that behavioral and emotional conditions of the accountants dealing with numbers should not be overlooked during accounting process forms the basis of this study, and these two concepts have been touched on and afterwards, the results of the field study carried out with members of accounting profession in Isparta have been presented. First of all, factor analysis have been conducted in the study, in which an emotional intelligence scale whose sizing and reliability are proved. Dimensions proved to be exactly the same as original scale. Later on, it has been measured whether there are significant differences between various demographic features and emotional intelligence scale. In addition, it has been determined that average emotional intelligence levels of the accountants participating in the study is above the average.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Duygusal Zeka,, Emotional Intelligence
Selçuk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi
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