Elektrookulografi (EOG) sinyalleri ile uyku evreleme
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Uyku evreleme solunum ve uyku hastalıklarının teşhisi ve tedavisinde önemli bir aşamadır. Uyku evreleme günümüzde polisomnografi ile yapılmaktadır. Polisomnografi (PSG), uyku ile ilgili çeşitli bozuklukların tespiti için gece normal uyku esnasında, kafa, yüz ve belirli vücut bölgelerine konulan sensörler yardımıyla sinyallerin kaydedildiği bir testtir. Kayıtların değerlendirilmesinde uygulanması gereken ilk aşama uyku evrelerinin skorlanmasıdır. Uyku evrelerinin skorlanması için ilk standart metot Rechtschaffen and Kales (R&K) tarafından 1968 yılında geliştirilmiştir. Bu metotla bütün polisomnogram epoklara bölünür ve her bir epoğa etiket verilir. Her bir etiket uykunun temel evrelerinden birini gösterir. Bu evreler başta elektroensefalogram (EEG), elektrookülogram (EOG) ve elektromiyogram (EMG) kayıtları olmak üzere pek çok sinyalin incelenmesi ile belirlenir. 2007 yılında Amerikan Uyku Tıbbı Akademisi (AASM), uyku kayıt teknikleri ve skorlamada standardizasyon sağlayan yeni bir skorlama el kitabı yayınlamış, 2012 yılında ise revize edilerek "AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep-Version 2.0" adı ile yayınlanan el kitabı ile skorlama kriterleri güncellenmiştir ve bilimsel çalışmalara temel olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak sadece EOG sinyali kullanarak uyku evrelenmek istenmiştir. Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi uyku laboratuvarında 15 hastadan sol göz EOG (EOGL) ve sağ göz EOG (EOGR) sinyalleri elde edilmiştir. Uyanık (wake), REM, Non-REM-1, Non-REM-2, Non-REM-3 bölgeleri belirli olan bu sinyaller üzerinden, zaman ve frekans domeninde, 36 özellik çıkarılmış ve sınıflandırmaya tabi tutulmuştur. Sinyaller uyanık (wake), hafif uyku (REM + Non-REM-1), derin uyku (Non-REM-2+Non-REM-3) olarak gruplanmıştır. Sınıflandırma algoritması olarak Naive Bayes, C4.5 karar ağacı (J48 decision tree), K-en yakın komşu algoritması (K-nearest neighbours classifier), YSA (Multilayer Perceptron), Random Forest algoritmaları kullanılmış olup Temel Bileşen Analizi (TBA) ile özellik seçimi yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda en yüksek sınıflandırma doğruluğunun Random Forest algoritması olduğu ve %80.15 doğruluk ile sınıflandırdığı görülmüştür.
Sleep staging is very important phase for diagnosing and treatment respiration and sleep diseases. Nowadays, sleep staging is made with polysomnography (PSG). Polysomnography is a standard test that the signals are recorded by means of sensors in face, head and body for diagnosing disease related to sleep during normal night sleep. During the evaluation of record first stage is scoring the sleep stages. First standard method was revealed by Rechtschaffen and Kales (R&K) for sleep staging in 1968. In this method, all signals are divided as epoches and each epoch is labelled. Each label (score) is shown stages of sleep and these stages are designated with examining electroensefalogram (EEG), elektrooculogram (EOG) ve electromyogram (EMG) signals in particular and so many other signals. American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) published a manual of standardized terminology, techniques and scoring system for sleep stages of human subject in 2007. This academy revised criteria of scoring of this manual named of "AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep-Version 2.0" in 2012 and it has provided a basis for following studies. We distinctly purposed associating only Electrooculogram (EOG) to sleep staging unlike other studies. In this study, we obtained left eye (LEOG) and the right eye (REOG) Electrooculogram EOG signals of 15 people at sleep laboratory of Meram Medicine Faculty of Necmettin Erbakan University. 36 features that Wake, REM, Non-REM-1, Non-REM-2, Non-REM-3 stages were predetermined were extracted and classified in time and frequency domain. These signals were grouped as Wake, light sleep (Non-REM-1+REM), deep sleep (Non-REM-2+Non-REM-3). Naive Bayes, C4.5 (J48 decision tree), K-nearest neighbours classifier, ANN (Multilayer Perceptron), Random Forest algoritms were implamented on signals with 10-fold cross validation technique as a classifier and PCA (Principal component analysis) was implamented as a features selector. At the end of the study, was reached conclusion with the maximum test classification accuracy as %80.15 by using Rondom Forest classifier algorithm.
Sleep staging is very important phase for diagnosing and treatment respiration and sleep diseases. Nowadays, sleep staging is made with polysomnography (PSG). Polysomnography is a standard test that the signals are recorded by means of sensors in face, head and body for diagnosing disease related to sleep during normal night sleep. During the evaluation of record first stage is scoring the sleep stages. First standard method was revealed by Rechtschaffen and Kales (R&K) for sleep staging in 1968. In this method, all signals are divided as epoches and each epoch is labelled. Each label (score) is shown stages of sleep and these stages are designated with examining electroensefalogram (EEG), elektrooculogram (EOG) ve electromyogram (EMG) signals in particular and so many other signals. American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) published a manual of standardized terminology, techniques and scoring system for sleep stages of human subject in 2007. This academy revised criteria of scoring of this manual named of "AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep-Version 2.0" in 2012 and it has provided a basis for following studies. We distinctly purposed associating only Electrooculogram (EOG) to sleep staging unlike other studies. In this study, we obtained left eye (LEOG) and the right eye (REOG) Electrooculogram EOG signals of 15 people at sleep laboratory of Meram Medicine Faculty of Necmettin Erbakan University. 36 features that Wake, REM, Non-REM-1, Non-REM-2, Non-REM-3 stages were predetermined were extracted and classified in time and frequency domain. These signals were grouped as Wake, light sleep (Non-REM-1+REM), deep sleep (Non-REM-2+Non-REM-3). Naive Bayes, C4.5 (J48 decision tree), K-nearest neighbours classifier, ANN (Multilayer Perceptron), Random Forest algoritms were implamented on signals with 10-fold cross validation technique as a classifier and PCA (Principal component analysis) was implamented as a features selector. At the end of the study, was reached conclusion with the maximum test classification accuracy as %80.15 by using Rondom Forest classifier algorithm.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Elektrookulogram, Derin uyku, Hafif uyku, Skorlama, Electromyogram, Deep sleep, Light sleep, Scoring
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Coşkun, A. (2017). Elektrookulografi (EOG) sinyalleri ile uyku evreleme. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.