Adamts agrekazların kondrositlerdeki biyolojik rolleri ve klinik uygulama potansiyelleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
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Osteoartrit, eklem kıkırdağının yük binen kısımlarında kıkırdakta hasarlanma, eklem çevresinde yeni kemik oluşumu ve sinovitis ile karakterize dejeneratif bir eklem hastalığıdır. Tutulan eklemde, ağrı ve deformiteye yol açmaktadır. OA tedavisinde, ağrı kesici ilaçlar ilk basamak tedavidir. Son evrede ise hastalar eklemlerini kaybederek, protez ameliyatı ile tedavi edilmektedir. OA nın sebebi henüz bilinmemektedir. Yaşlanma, obezite, travma gibi dış nedenler yanında genetik yatkınlık da suçlanmaktadır. Bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalarda, kıkırdak yıkımına neden olan katabolik enzimlerle ilgili birçok veriye ulaşılmıştır. Bu enzimler, matriks metalloproteaz ailesi ve ADAMTS ailesi üyeleri olmakla birlikte, ADAMTS5 enzimi kıkırdağa daha spesifiktir. ADAMTS5 geninin kıkırdak dokusunda regülasyonu ile ilgili çalışmalar, OA patogenezini konu alan çalışmaların yeni odağı haline gelmiştir. Bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalarda, inflamatuvar sitokinlerin, ADAMTS5 genini stimüle ederek kıkırdak hasarını artırdığı belirtilmiştir. Bu sitokinlerin başında, TNFα gelmektedir. TNFα nın hangi aracı moleküllerle, bu geni regüle ettiği araştırılmaktadır. TNFα nın, hedef moleküllerinden biri olan NFĸB, bu bağlamda araştırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, ADAMTS5 geninin, kondrositlerde, TNFα tarafından regülasyonu ve NFĸB nin bu regülasyondaki rolü araştırıldı. Kondrosit hücreleri ve kontrol hücrelerinde, TNFα uygulanarak, TNFα nın bilinen hedef molekülleri olan TNFα ve IĸB genleri ve ADAMST5 geni ekspresyonları, RNA düzeyinde real time PZR ve protein düzeyinde western blot tekniği ile araştırıldı. Daha sonra, TF bağlanma bölgesi tahmin programıyla, ADAMTS5 geni promoteri üzerinde NFĸB için bağlanma bölgeleri tespit edildi. Bu bölgeleri içeren ADAMTS5 geni promoter delesyon konstraktları oluşrurularak plazmid ekspresyon vektörlerine klonlandı. OUMS-27 ve HEK-293T hücrelerine transfekte edildi. TNFα tarafından uyarılan bu hücrelerde, ADAMTS5 geni promoteri aktivitesi, lusiferaz deneyleriyle araştırıldı. Deneyler sonucunda, OUMS-27 hücrelerinde, TNFα uygulanmasının ardından, ADAMTS5 geni, mRNA ve protein düzeyinde aktive oldu. Lusiferaz deney sonucunda da aktivatör NFĸB bölge sayısı en fazla olan ADAMTS5 geni promoter konstraktı en yüksek aktiviteyi gösterdi. TNFα uygulanması, bu konstraktın aktivitesini daha da artırdı. Bu sonuçlara göre, OUMS-27 hücrelerinde, TNFα , NFĸB aracılığıyla, ADAMTS5 genini stimüle etmektedir. Ancak, kontrol hücre grubu olan Hek-293T de ADAMTS5 geni ekspresyonu, TNFα dan etkilenmemektedir
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by damage in the joints cartilage's load bearing part, new bone formation around the joint and synovitis. It leads to pain and deformity in the involved joint. Pain medications are the first line therapy in OA. In the last stage of the disease, patients lose their joints and are treated with prosthesis operation. The cause of OA is not known yet. Genetic predisposition is also charged in addition to external causes such as aging, obesity and trauma. In studies to date, it has reached a lot of data about the catabolic enzymes that cause cartilage destruction. These enzymes are the family of matrix metalloproteinases and ADAMTS family members, but ADAMTS5 enzyme is more specific for cartilage. Recently, the studies related to ADAMTS5 gene regulation in the cartilage has become a focus of study in OA pathogenesis subject area. In the studies to date, it is reported that, inflammatory cytokines, increase cartilage damage by stimulating ADAMTS5 gene. One of the most important cytokine is TNFα among these. By which molecule, the TNFα regulates this gene is being investigated. In this context, NFĸB, one of the target molecule of TNFα is being investigated. In this study, regulation of the ADAMTS5 gene in chondrocytes by TNFα and the role of NFĸB in this regulation is investigated. For this, chondrocyte cells and the control cells were treated with the TNFα and the expression of TNFα and IĸB genes that are known target molecules of TNFα and ADAMTS5 gene expression were investigated by the real time PCR in the RNA level and by western blot technique in the protein level. Then, binding sites for NFĸB on ADAMTS5 promoter were detected by the program estimates the binding sites of transcription factors. ADAMTS5 gene promoter deletion constracts that containing these regions formed and cloned into the expression vector and transfected to OUMS-27 and HEK-293T cells. In these cells induced by TNFα, ADAMTS5 gene promoter activity was examined by luciferase assay. As a result of experiments, in the OUMS-27 cells, following administration of TNFα, ADAMTS5 gene was activated in mRNA and protein level. In the luciferase assay result, the ADAMTS5 gene promoter construct that has the highest number of activator NFĸB binding sites showed the highest activity. This construct's activity, further increased after implementation of the TNFα. According to these results, TNFα stimulates the ADAMTS5 gene via NFĸB in OUMS-27 cells. However, in the control group of cells HEK-293T, the ADAMTS5 gene expression is unaffected by TNFα.
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by damage in the joints cartilage's load bearing part, new bone formation around the joint and synovitis. It leads to pain and deformity in the involved joint. Pain medications are the first line therapy in OA. In the last stage of the disease, patients lose their joints and are treated with prosthesis operation. The cause of OA is not known yet. Genetic predisposition is also charged in addition to external causes such as aging, obesity and trauma. In studies to date, it has reached a lot of data about the catabolic enzymes that cause cartilage destruction. These enzymes are the family of matrix metalloproteinases and ADAMTS family members, but ADAMTS5 enzyme is more specific for cartilage. Recently, the studies related to ADAMTS5 gene regulation in the cartilage has become a focus of study in OA pathogenesis subject area. In the studies to date, it is reported that, inflammatory cytokines, increase cartilage damage by stimulating ADAMTS5 gene. One of the most important cytokine is TNFα among these. By which molecule, the TNFα regulates this gene is being investigated. In this context, NFĸB, one of the target molecule of TNFα is being investigated. In this study, regulation of the ADAMTS5 gene in chondrocytes by TNFα and the role of NFĸB in this regulation is investigated. For this, chondrocyte cells and the control cells were treated with the TNFα and the expression of TNFα and IĸB genes that are known target molecules of TNFα and ADAMTS5 gene expression were investigated by the real time PCR in the RNA level and by western blot technique in the protein level. Then, binding sites for NFĸB on ADAMTS5 promoter were detected by the program estimates the binding sites of transcription factors. ADAMTS5 gene promoter deletion constracts that containing these regions formed and cloned into the expression vector and transfected to OUMS-27 and HEK-293T cells. In these cells induced by TNFα, ADAMTS5 gene promoter activity was examined by luciferase assay. As a result of experiments, in the OUMS-27 cells, following administration of TNFα, ADAMTS5 gene was activated in mRNA and protein level. In the luciferase assay result, the ADAMTS5 gene promoter construct that has the highest number of activator NFĸB binding sites showed the highest activity. This construct's activity, further increased after implementation of the TNFα. According to these results, TNFα stimulates the ADAMTS5 gene via NFĸB in OUMS-27 cells. However, in the control group of cells HEK-293T, the ADAMTS5 gene expression is unaffected by TNFα.
Anahtar Kelimeler
ADAMTS5, ADAMTS agrekaz, ADAMTS aggrecanas
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Bilgiç, D. G. (2015). Adamts agrekazların kondrositlerdeki biyolojik rolleri ve klinik uygulama potansiyelleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış uzmanlık tezi, Konya.