Batı Anadolu'da İlk Tunç Çağı mezarlık geleneği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
M.Ö. 3. Binyıl'ın başlarında, bakır ve kalayın karışımından elde edilen ve adını bir çağa verecek olan tunç madeni, Anadolu Protohistoryası'nda ortaya çıkmıştır. İlk Tunç Çağı; sosyal, dinsel, kültürel, mimari ve teknolojik alanlarda önemli değişikliklere sahne olmuştur. Gerek mezar tipleri, gerekse mezar hediyeleri ile İlk Tunç Çağı Batı Anadolu'sunda, bazı detay farklılıkları dışında ortak bir kültürel gelenek mevcuttur. Bu çağda Batı Anadolu'da, inhumasyon gömülerde mezar mimarisi olarak; pithos mezarlara, çömlek mezarlara, sandık mezarlara ve basit toprak mezarlara rastlamaktayız. Batı Anadolu'da İlk Tunç Çağı'na tarihlenen ve bugüne kadar kremasyon gömünün kesin olarak uygulandığı bilinen ilk mezarlık alanı Kaklık Mevki Mezarlık Alanı'dır. Kremasyon gömünün üç örnekle temsil edildiği ikinci mezarlık alanı ise Kumyer Mezarlık Alanı'dır. Kumyer Nekropolü'nde ele geçen 96 mezarda gömü biçiminin inhumasyon, 3 mezarda ise gömü biçiminin kremasyon olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Kremasyon uygulamasının yapıldığı çömlek mezar ve pithos mezar olmak üzere iki farklı tipteki mezarda, yetişkin birey ve bebek gömülerinin olduğu saptanmıştır. İlk Tunç Çağı nekropollerinde genel olarak doğu-batı aksında bir yön birliği bulunmaktadır ve gömüler ekseriyetle hoker pozisyonunda yatırılmıştır. Dönemin mezarlık alanlarında, tekli gömü geleneği ile beraber, sayıları altıya kadar ulaşan çoklu gömü geleneğine de rastlamaktayız. Bu gelenek; pithos mezarlar, sandık mezarlar ve basit toprak mezarlar içinde sıkça uygulama bulmuştur. Mezar hediyesi olarak, mezar içine ya da mezar dışına konulan pişmiş toprak kapların yanı sıra çok sayıda madeni ve taş eser de ele geçirilmiştir.
The bronze metal which is an alloy of copper and tin appeared in the protohistory of Anatolia, in the early part of the third millennium B.C. and the Bronze Age was named after the metal. Significant changes emerged in social field, in religion, in culture, in architecture, in technology in the Early Bronze Age. Except minor differences, there was a common cultural tradition in the types of tombs and in the tomb gifts in Western Anatolia, in the Early Bronze Age. Types of tombs of inhumation burial style of Western Anatolia in this age were; pithos burials, jar burials, earth burials, stone cist burials. Kaklık Necropolis that dated to the Early Bronze Age and located in Western Anatolia was the first and only definitively known cremation burial cemetery until now. The second cremation burial cemetery represented with three examples is Kumyer Necropolis. 96 tombs uncovered in Kumyer Necropolis were inhumation burials and 3 tombs were cremation burials. The type of these cremation burial tombs were pithos burial, jar burial and there were two infants and individual adult in these two different types of tombs. There was a unity of orientation generally as east-west point in the Early Bronze Age necropolises and bodies were shaped generally in hocker position. Single burial tradition and multiple burial tradition reaching up to six burials were determined in the necropolises of this age. This multiple burial tradition was applied frequently in pithos burials, earth burials and stone cist burials.
The bronze metal which is an alloy of copper and tin appeared in the protohistory of Anatolia, in the early part of the third millennium B.C. and the Bronze Age was named after the metal. Significant changes emerged in social field, in religion, in culture, in architecture, in technology in the Early Bronze Age. Except minor differences, there was a common cultural tradition in the types of tombs and in the tomb gifts in Western Anatolia, in the Early Bronze Age. Types of tombs of inhumation burial style of Western Anatolia in this age were; pithos burials, jar burials, earth burials, stone cist burials. Kaklık Necropolis that dated to the Early Bronze Age and located in Western Anatolia was the first and only definitively known cremation burial cemetery until now. The second cremation burial cemetery represented with three examples is Kumyer Necropolis. 96 tombs uncovered in Kumyer Necropolis were inhumation burials and 3 tombs were cremation burials. The type of these cremation burial tombs were pithos burial, jar burial and there were two infants and individual adult in these two different types of tombs. There was a unity of orientation generally as east-west point in the Early Bronze Age necropolises and bodies were shaped generally in hocker position. Single burial tradition and multiple burial tradition reaching up to six burials were determined in the necropolises of this age. This multiple burial tradition was applied frequently in pithos burials, earth burials and stone cist burials.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Archeology, Arkeoloji, Tunç Çağı, Bronze Age, Mezarlık, Necropolis
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Akarsu, B. M. (2013). Batı Anadolu'da İlk Tunç Çağı mezarlık geleneği. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.