Osmanlı medreselerinde Arapça öğretiminde kullanılan kitaplar
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Arapçaya olan ilginin son yıllarda giderek arttığı göz önünde bulundurulduğu takdirde hâli hazırda Arapçanın yabancı dil olarak öğretimi için kullanılan modern kaynakların yanı sıra klasik kaynaklar hakkında da literatür bilgisine sahip olmak, kuşkusuz daha verimli bir dil öğretimini beraberinde getirecektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda çalışmada Osmanlı medreselerinde, Arap dilinin öğretiminde kullanılan kitaplar ve bu bağlamda Osmanlı medrese eğitiminde Arapçanın nasıl bir konuma sahip olduğu araştırılacaktır. Osmanlılarda medreselerin önemli bir eğitim kurumu olmasının yanı sıra, bu kurumlarda okutulan bilimlere ulaşmayı sağlayan Arapçanın öğretimi de o derece önem taşımaktadır. Arapça, medreselerde okutulan tefsir, hadis, fıkıh, kelam, mantık ve felsefe ders kitaplarının dili olması nedeniyle bir anahtar vazifesi görmüş; diğer dersleri anlayabilmek için çıkılan yolda ilk basamağı teşkil etmiştir. Bu çalışmada Arapçaya dair Osmanlı medrese eğitimi çerçevesinde okutulan sarf (morfoloji), nahiv (sentaks), belâgat me'ânî, bedî', beyân- (retorik), lugatbilim (leksikografi), 'arûz, kavâfî ve vad' gibi ilimler hakkında detaylı bilgiler verilerek bu ilimlere ait ders kitapları teker teker açıklanacaktır. Yazılı kaynak (literatür) tarama yöntemine dayanan bu araştırma ile Osmanlı medrese ders müfredatında yer alan Arapçaya dair söz konusu ilimlerin tasnifi yapılarak bu kapsamda okutulan kitaplar hakkında ayrıntılı bilgiler verilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu sayede günümüz modern dil öğretim yöntemlerini uygularken Osmanlı âlimlerinin ortaya koyduğu klasik Arapça gramer kitapları da gözden geçirilmiş olacaktır
Having the knowledge of literature regarding both modern sources and classical ones currently applied in order to teach Arabic as a foreign language by taking into consideration the growing interest in Arabic in recent years brings about an undoubtedly more productive language teaching. In accordance with this purpose, this study examines the books used in teaching Arabic language in the Ottoman madrasahs; and in this context, the position of Arabic in the curriculum of these madrasahs. Along with the fact that the madrasahs in the Ottomans are considered as significant educational institutions, teaching Arabic language providing access to the sciences applied in these madrasahs is also crucial. Playing a key role in being the medium of the instructions and textbooks regarding tafsir, hadith, fiqh, kalam, logic and philosophy applied in the Ottoman madrasahs, Arabic language constitutes the first step to comprehend the mentioned lessons. This study analyzes the textbooks of Ottoman madrasahs on the sciences including sarf (morphology), nahiv (syntax), belâgat (rhetoric) and lexicography associated with the Arabic language. Based on the method of scanning literature, also known as written sources, this study aims to give detailed information regarding the textbooks and lessons applied in the curriculum of Ottoman madrasahs by classifying the studies related to Arabic language in the mentioned curriculum through the instrumentality of the referred literary works. Consequently, applying current modern language teaching methods, this study also scrutinizes the classical Arabic grammar books put forward by the Ottoman scholars Along with the fact that the madrasahs in the Ottomans are considered as significant educational institutions, teaching Arabic language providing access to the sciences applied in these madrasahs is also crucial. Playing a key role in being the medium of the instructions and textbooks regarding tafsir, hadith, fiqh, kalam, logic and philosophy applied in the Ottoman madrasahs, Arabic language constitutes the first step to comprehend the mentioned lessons. This study analyzes the textbooks of Ottoman madrasahs on the sciences including sarf (morphology), nahiv (syntax), belâgat (rhetoric) and lexicography associated with the Arabic language. The works regarding Arabic language applied in the madrasahs focused through our analysis are as follows. The works related to sarf (morphology) are; el-Emsile, el-Binâ, el-Maksûd, el-‘İzzî, Merâhu’l-Ervâh, eş-Şâfiye, elÇârperd, es-Seyyid, es-Sâfiye, Harûniyyefi’t-Tasrîf, ‘Ukûdu’l-Cevâhir fî ‘İlmi’t-Tasrîf, Nuzhetu’t-Tarf fî ‘İlmi’s-Sarf, Esâsu’t-Tasrîf el-‘Avâmilu’l-Mi’e, el-‘Avâmilu’l-Cedîd, İzhâru’l-Esrâr, el-Kâfiye, Molla Câmî (el-Fevâ’idu’d-Diyâ’iyye), Muğni’l-Lebîb, Kavâ’idu’l-İ‘râb, Elfiyyetu İbn Mâlik, el-Misbâhfî’n-Nahv, el-Mufassal fî Sinâ‘ati’l-İ‘râb, elUnmûzec fî’n-Nahv, Şuzûru’z-Zeheb, el-‘İsâm, el-Lubâb fî ‘İlmi’l-İ‘râb, Lubbu’l-Elbâb, İmtihânu’l-Ezkiyâ’, Mukaddimetu’l-Âcurûmiyye fî ‘İlmi’l‘Arabiyye, Katru’n-Nedâ, Dav’u’l-Misbâh, Netâ’icu’l-Efkâr, Hadâ’ik, Durretu’l-Elfiyye. The works related to belâgat (rhetoric) are; Miftâhu’l-‘Ulûm, Telhîsu’l-Miftâh, el-Mutavvel, el-Muhtasar, Îzâhu’lMe‘ânî, el-Misbâh, Hâşiye ‘ale’l-Mutavvel, Elfiyyetu Halebî, Hevâdî, Risâletu’l-İsti‘âre, Risâle fi’l-İsti‘âre, Risâle fi’l-Kinâyeve’t-Ta‘rîz. The works related to lugât are; es-Sıhâh, Ta‘rîf-i Seyyid, Kâmûsu’l-Muhît, İbnu’l-Ferişte, Ahterî, Vânkûlî, Lugat-i Yûsuf. The works related to ‘arûz are; el-Endelûsî, el-Kâfî, el-Hazreciyye. The work related to kavâfîis; Nâbulîsî. The work related to vad’ is; Şerh-i ‘Adûd. It is observed that in terms of Arabic language teaching, the concept of writing textbooks is based upon the characteristics of sequence and specialization. The first example of this circumstance valid for almost all lessons emerges in the textbooks of sarf (morphology) and nahiv (syntax) within the category of compulsory courses. For instance, directly linked to the science of sarf (morphology) and applied on particular levels, the books, namely el-Emsile, el-Binâ, el-Maksûd, el-‘İzzî and Merâhu’l-Ervâh, basically consist of the same subjects varying from general to specific and simple to complex. Similarly, it is possibly asserted that closely connected to the science of nahiv (syntax), the books of el-‘Avâmil, el-İzhâr, el-Kâfiye, Molla Câmî, Muğni’l-Lebîb and el-Elfiyye form gradual repetitions of themselves with respect to their contexts. Exemplified in the books by applying the deductive method, the Arabic grammar subjects are instructed by following the sequence of general to specific, basic to particular and simple to complex. Through this evaluation, it is expressed that the same subject is primarily discussed in its outline in the first book; then, it is explained in the second and third books; and respectively, it is detailed in the further ones. It is also noticed that with regard to instructing the books of sarfand nahiv, the inductive or part method is additionally applied as teaching method. It is concluded that provided mentioning word analysis in the science of sarf considered as the first discipline instructed regarding the Arabic grammar; and afterwards, sentence analysis in the science of nahiv is taken into account, the concept of figuring out the whole from the parts, in other words, the application of inductive method could be observed. One of the most significant characteristics of Ottoman education system is instructing specific books for every courses in a hierarchical manner in terms of applying books in teaching. According to this feature, it is seen that the books in the curriculum of Ottoman madrasahs are categorized under three main levels, namely iktisâr (beginner), iktisâd (intermediate) and istiksâ (advanced). In addition, all these three levels are divided into three sub-categories of beginner (lower level), intermediate (middle level) and advanced (higher level). Concerning the Arabic language, the sciences of sarf, nahiv and me‘ânî are instructed through this educational hierarchy. As a result, thanks to this progressive education system consisting of various literary works applied in all levels, the student proceeds through the next steps in the educational route. The education in the madrasahs is carried out within the scope of the programme developed by the sequence of simple to complex, general to specific and concrete to abstract. The fact that primarily, the courses of tartib (sequence) regarding the natural sciences comprised of concrete contents in the lower level madrasahs; then, the ones of ihtisas (specialization) concerning the sciences of religion formed by abstract themes in the higher level madrasahs are instructed; and that the subjects vary from general to specific and concrete to abstract, reflect the main educational approach aiming to support personal achievements and abilities in the madrasahs.
Having the knowledge of literature regarding both modern sources and classical ones currently applied in order to teach Arabic as a foreign language by taking into consideration the growing interest in Arabic in recent years brings about an undoubtedly more productive language teaching. In accordance with this purpose, this study examines the books used in teaching Arabic language in the Ottoman madrasahs; and in this context, the position of Arabic in the curriculum of these madrasahs. Along with the fact that the madrasahs in the Ottomans are considered as significant educational institutions, teaching Arabic language providing access to the sciences applied in these madrasahs is also crucial. Playing a key role in being the medium of the instructions and textbooks regarding tafsir, hadith, fiqh, kalam, logic and philosophy applied in the Ottoman madrasahs, Arabic language constitutes the first step to comprehend the mentioned lessons. This study analyzes the textbooks of Ottoman madrasahs on the sciences including sarf (morphology), nahiv (syntax), belâgat (rhetoric) and lexicography associated with the Arabic language. Based on the method of scanning literature, also known as written sources, this study aims to give detailed information regarding the textbooks and lessons applied in the curriculum of Ottoman madrasahs by classifying the studies related to Arabic language in the mentioned curriculum through the instrumentality of the referred literary works. Consequently, applying current modern language teaching methods, this study also scrutinizes the classical Arabic grammar books put forward by the Ottoman scholars Along with the fact that the madrasahs in the Ottomans are considered as significant educational institutions, teaching Arabic language providing access to the sciences applied in these madrasahs is also crucial. Playing a key role in being the medium of the instructions and textbooks regarding tafsir, hadith, fiqh, kalam, logic and philosophy applied in the Ottoman madrasahs, Arabic language constitutes the first step to comprehend the mentioned lessons. This study analyzes the textbooks of Ottoman madrasahs on the sciences including sarf (morphology), nahiv (syntax), belâgat (rhetoric) and lexicography associated with the Arabic language. The works regarding Arabic language applied in the madrasahs focused through our analysis are as follows. The works related to sarf (morphology) are; el-Emsile, el-Binâ, el-Maksûd, el-‘İzzî, Merâhu’l-Ervâh, eş-Şâfiye, elÇârperd, es-Seyyid, es-Sâfiye, Harûniyyefi’t-Tasrîf, ‘Ukûdu’l-Cevâhir fî ‘İlmi’t-Tasrîf, Nuzhetu’t-Tarf fî ‘İlmi’s-Sarf, Esâsu’t-Tasrîf el-‘Avâmilu’l-Mi’e, el-‘Avâmilu’l-Cedîd, İzhâru’l-Esrâr, el-Kâfiye, Molla Câmî (el-Fevâ’idu’d-Diyâ’iyye), Muğni’l-Lebîb, Kavâ’idu’l-İ‘râb, Elfiyyetu İbn Mâlik, el-Misbâhfî’n-Nahv, el-Mufassal fî Sinâ‘ati’l-İ‘râb, elUnmûzec fî’n-Nahv, Şuzûru’z-Zeheb, el-‘İsâm, el-Lubâb fî ‘İlmi’l-İ‘râb, Lubbu’l-Elbâb, İmtihânu’l-Ezkiyâ’, Mukaddimetu’l-Âcurûmiyye fî ‘İlmi’l‘Arabiyye, Katru’n-Nedâ, Dav’u’l-Misbâh, Netâ’icu’l-Efkâr, Hadâ’ik, Durretu’l-Elfiyye. The works related to belâgat (rhetoric) are; Miftâhu’l-‘Ulûm, Telhîsu’l-Miftâh, el-Mutavvel, el-Muhtasar, Îzâhu’lMe‘ânî, el-Misbâh, Hâşiye ‘ale’l-Mutavvel, Elfiyyetu Halebî, Hevâdî, Risâletu’l-İsti‘âre, Risâle fi’l-İsti‘âre, Risâle fi’l-Kinâyeve’t-Ta‘rîz. The works related to lugât are; es-Sıhâh, Ta‘rîf-i Seyyid, Kâmûsu’l-Muhît, İbnu’l-Ferişte, Ahterî, Vânkûlî, Lugat-i Yûsuf. The works related to ‘arûz are; el-Endelûsî, el-Kâfî, el-Hazreciyye. The work related to kavâfîis; Nâbulîsî. The work related to vad’ is; Şerh-i ‘Adûd. It is observed that in terms of Arabic language teaching, the concept of writing textbooks is based upon the characteristics of sequence and specialization. The first example of this circumstance valid for almost all lessons emerges in the textbooks of sarf (morphology) and nahiv (syntax) within the category of compulsory courses. For instance, directly linked to the science of sarf (morphology) and applied on particular levels, the books, namely el-Emsile, el-Binâ, el-Maksûd, el-‘İzzî and Merâhu’l-Ervâh, basically consist of the same subjects varying from general to specific and simple to complex. Similarly, it is possibly asserted that closely connected to the science of nahiv (syntax), the books of el-‘Avâmil, el-İzhâr, el-Kâfiye, Molla Câmî, Muğni’l-Lebîb and el-Elfiyye form gradual repetitions of themselves with respect to their contexts. Exemplified in the books by applying the deductive method, the Arabic grammar subjects are instructed by following the sequence of general to specific, basic to particular and simple to complex. Through this evaluation, it is expressed that the same subject is primarily discussed in its outline in the first book; then, it is explained in the second and third books; and respectively, it is detailed in the further ones. It is also noticed that with regard to instructing the books of sarfand nahiv, the inductive or part method is additionally applied as teaching method. It is concluded that provided mentioning word analysis in the science of sarf considered as the first discipline instructed regarding the Arabic grammar; and afterwards, sentence analysis in the science of nahiv is taken into account, the concept of figuring out the whole from the parts, in other words, the application of inductive method could be observed. One of the most significant characteristics of Ottoman education system is instructing specific books for every courses in a hierarchical manner in terms of applying books in teaching. According to this feature, it is seen that the books in the curriculum of Ottoman madrasahs are categorized under three main levels, namely iktisâr (beginner), iktisâd (intermediate) and istiksâ (advanced). In addition, all these three levels are divided into three sub-categories of beginner (lower level), intermediate (middle level) and advanced (higher level). Concerning the Arabic language, the sciences of sarf, nahiv and me‘ânî are instructed through this educational hierarchy. As a result, thanks to this progressive education system consisting of various literary works applied in all levels, the student proceeds through the next steps in the educational route. The education in the madrasahs is carried out within the scope of the programme developed by the sequence of simple to complex, general to specific and concrete to abstract. The fact that primarily, the courses of tartib (sequence) regarding the natural sciences comprised of concrete contents in the lower level madrasahs; then, the ones of ihtisas (specialization) concerning the sciences of religion formed by abstract themes in the higher level madrasahs are instructed; and that the subjects vary from general to specific and concrete to abstract, reflect the main educational approach aiming to support personal achievements and abilities in the madrasahs.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Osmanlı Eğitim Sistemi, Ottoman Education System,, Arap Dili Eğitimi, Arabic Language Education,
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Can, B. (2017). Osmanlı Medreselerinde Arapça Öğretiminde Kullanılan Kitaplar. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 12(34), 487-499.