Abbasilerin ilk döneminde Zındıklık hareketi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada Abbasilerin ilk döneminde zındıklık konusu ele alınmıştır. Zındıklık konusu İslam Tarihi içerisinde ciddi bir problem olarak bu dönemde öne çıkmıştır. Özellikle üçüncü halife Mehdi zamanında bu meselenin üzerine ciddi olarak gidilmiştir. Zındık olarak nitelenen şahıslar takibata uğramışlar ve bir kısmı da cezalandırılmışlardır. Zındıklık suçlaması şahıslar açısından farklılık arz etmektedir. Senevi bir anlayışta olmak başlıca zındıklık sebebi sayılırken, ibahi bir hayat tarzı süren kişiler de zındık olarak suçlanmıştır. Bazen de şahsi çıkarlar için kişiler zındıklık ile itham edilmişlerdir. Ayrıca çalışmamda zındıklıkla ilişkilendirilen isyan ve ayaklanmalar da incelenmiştir. Bu isyanların çıkış nedeni genel olarak siyasi ve ekonomik nedenlerdir. Bu ayaklanmaların yeni Müslüman olan bölgelerde meydana gelmesi zındıklıkla suçlanmalarına sebep olmuştur.
In this study, the topic of ?zindikness? in the early period of Abbasid?s has been studied on. The topic of ?zindikness? had appeared prominently in the history of Islam in the era mentioned as a serious problem. Particularly during the period of Mehdi, the third caliph,this subject matter was seriously dwelled on.The persons who had been qualified as zindiks were inquired and some of them were punished. The accusation of zindikness presented diversity with regard of the people accused. Having an understanding of gnosticism had been considered the prominent reason of zindikness while those who had had an ?ibahi? life style also were accused of being zindiks. The persons, occasionally,were accused of being zindiks due to some personal interests of others. Also, the riots and uprisings having been concerned with zindikness has been studied on in my study. The reasons of emergence of those riots, generally, were of political and economical. Owing to the fact that those riots had taken place in the regions whose people had newly been Muslims, they were accused of being zindiks.
In this study, the topic of ?zindikness? in the early period of Abbasid?s has been studied on. The topic of ?zindikness? had appeared prominently in the history of Islam in the era mentioned as a serious problem. Particularly during the period of Mehdi, the third caliph,this subject matter was seriously dwelled on.The persons who had been qualified as zindiks were inquired and some of them were punished. The accusation of zindikness presented diversity with regard of the people accused. Having an understanding of gnosticism had been considered the prominent reason of zindikness while those who had had an ?ibahi? life style also were accused of being zindiks. The persons, occasionally,were accused of being zindiks due to some personal interests of others. Also, the riots and uprisings having been concerned with zindikness has been studied on in my study. The reasons of emergence of those riots, generally, were of political and economical. Owing to the fact that those riots had taken place in the regions whose people had newly been Muslims, they were accused of being zindiks.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Abbasiler, Abbasids, Zındıklık, Zındıklar, Atheists, Ayaklanmalar, Rebellions
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Numanoğlu, İ. (2011). Abbasilerin ilk döneminde Zındıklık hareketi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.