Türk ailesinde karakter ve otorite: Bir toplumsal tip olarak kaynana ve kaynanalık rolü üzerine bir araştırma
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmanın konusu, Türk ailesinde karakter ve otorite: bir toplumsal tip olarak kaynana ve kaynanalık rolü üzerine genel değerlendirmedir. Aile kurumunun Türk toplumunda ayrı bir yeri ve önemi vardır. Türk aile yapısının çoğu batılı ülkelerden farklı olarak evlilik kurumu üzerine inşa edilmiş olması gerçeği, toplumu ve aile kurumunu sosyal açıdan daha sağlıklı ve güçlü hale getirmiştir. Evlilik, her toplum ve kültürde bulunan kutsal bir beraberliktir. Evlilik insanlara yeni bir hayat, yeni bir yaşam tarzı ve yeni akrabaları da beraberinde getirir. Evlilik sadece karı koca arasında olmayıp kayınvalide, görümce, kayın ve kayınbaba da evlilik süreçlerine dâhil olabilmektedirler. Yeni akrabalarla olan ilişkiler kültürlere göre değişiklik göstermektedir. Bu akrabalık kavramları içinde kaynana önemli bir toplumsal tiptir. Türk ailesinde karakter ve otorite: bir toplumsal tip olarak kaynana ve kaynanalık rolü üzerine yapılmış olan bu çalışma teorik ve uygulamalı olmak üzere iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümünde teorik olarak, aile, aile yapısı, evlilik, akrabalık, aile modelleri, aile değerleri, yaşlılık, sosyal ilişkiler ve tip kavramları açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın uygulama bölümünde ise Konya'da yaşayan katılımcılarla Türk ailesinde karakter ve otorite: bir toplumsal tip olarak kaynana ve kaynanalık rolü algısını ölçmeye yönelik bir mülakat çalışması yapılmıştır. 20 kişiyle yapılan mülakat tekniğinde derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılarak elde edilen veriler yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmada Türk ailesinde karakter ve otorite: bir toplumsal tip olarak kaynana ve kaynanalık rolüne ilişkin bulgular elde edilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları toplumsal tip olarak kaynana rolünün Türk toplumunda önemini göstermektedir.
This study will focus on the character and authority of the Turkish family: provides an overall evaluation of the research on the role of mother-in-law and as social types. There is a separate role and importance of the family institution in Turkish society. The fact that Turkish families built on the institution of marriage Unlike most Western countries, the structure of society and the family institution has become more socially healthy and strong. Marriage is a sacred tie in every society and culture. a new life marriage people, brings a new lifestyle and new relatives. Marriage is not only between husband and wife-in-law, sister-in-law, beech and father in law programs can also include marriage. relations with the new family varies according to culture. This concept of kinship in-law is an important social types. Turkish family character and authority: a mother-in-law and role as a social type made on this study consists of two parts, namely theoretical and practical. theoretically the first part of the study, family, family structure, marriage, relationships, family patterns, family values, old age, has tried to explain the types of social relationships and concepts. In the practical part of the study participants with the character of the Turkish family living in Konya and authorities: a social type role as mother-in-law and efforts to measure the perception of an interview it was conducted. The data obtained by in-depth interviews conducted with 20 people on interview techniques are reviewed. family character of the Turkish Research and authority: the findings were obtained for the mother-in-law role as a social type. The research findings indicate the importance of the role of the Turkish community in-law as a social type.
This study will focus on the character and authority of the Turkish family: provides an overall evaluation of the research on the role of mother-in-law and as social types. There is a separate role and importance of the family institution in Turkish society. The fact that Turkish families built on the institution of marriage Unlike most Western countries, the structure of society and the family institution has become more socially healthy and strong. Marriage is a sacred tie in every society and culture. a new life marriage people, brings a new lifestyle and new relatives. Marriage is not only between husband and wife-in-law, sister-in-law, beech and father in law programs can also include marriage. relations with the new family varies according to culture. This concept of kinship in-law is an important social types. Turkish family character and authority: a mother-in-law and role as a social type made on this study consists of two parts, namely theoretical and practical. theoretically the first part of the study, family, family structure, marriage, relationships, family patterns, family values, old age, has tried to explain the types of social relationships and concepts. In the practical part of the study participants with the character of the Turkish family living in Konya and authorities: a social type role as mother-in-law and efforts to measure the perception of an interview it was conducted. The data obtained by in-depth interviews conducted with 20 people on interview techniques are reviewed. family character of the Turkish Research and authority: the findings were obtained for the mother-in-law role as a social type. The research findings indicate the importance of the role of the Turkish community in-law as a social type.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Aile içi roller, Family roles, Türk toplumu, Turkish society
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kuru, A. G. (2016). Türk ailesinde karakter ve otorite: Bir toplumsal tip olarak kaynana ve kaynanalık rolü üzerine bir araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.