Muhammet b. Mesleme hayatı ve şahsiyeti
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Muhammed b. Mesleme Hz. Peygamber'in yakın ashabındandır. Mus'ab b. Umeyr vasıtasıyla Müslüman olmuştur. Hz. Peygamber'in Medine'ye hicretinden sonra İslâm'a büyük hizmetlerde bulunmuş, Hz. Peygamber'le birlikte hemen hemen bütün savaşlara katılmıştır. Savaşlarda gösterdiği başarılardan dolayı ?Rasûlullâh'ın Süvarisi? lakabını almıştır. İslâm'a ve Müslümanlara en fazla kin besleyen ve düşmanlık gösteren Ka'b b. el-Eşref'i öldürebilme başarısını göstermiştir. Bundan dolayı Rasûlullâh'ın hayır duasını almış ve onun iltifatlarına mahzar olmuştur. Hayber Yahûdîleri'nin en güçlü savaşçısı olan Merhab'ı da öldürdüğüne dair rivayetler bulunmaktadır. Bu açıdan Muhammed b. Mesleme'nin hayatının incelenmesi ile o dönemin bir özeti çıkarılmış olacaktır. Muhammed b. Mesleme sadece Rasûlullâh döneminde değil Dört Halife Döneminde de devlet adına icraatlarda bulunarak İslâm'a hizmet etmeye devam etmiştir. Özellikle Hz. Ömer döneminde hakkında halkın şikayette bulunduğu valileri denetleme görevi dikkat çekicidir. Muhammed b. Mesleme'nin şikayet konusu olan valilere karşı takındığı tavrı ve hükmü uygulamadaki kararlılığı ile onun adaletinin ne kadar güvenilir olduğunu anlayabiliriz. Bundan dolayı hem halkın hem de valinin iltifatlarına mazhar olmuştur. Muhammed b. Mesleme'nin Hz. Ömer dönemindeki bu görevleri incelendiğinde, o devir adlî ve idarî işlerin ne kadar kusursuz yürütüldüğüne dair ipuçları elde edilmiş olacaktır. Hz. Osman döneminde de benzer bir görevi yapmakla birlikte, Hz. Osman döneminin sonlarında isyancılarla olan diyalogları dikkat çekicidir. Hz. Osman döneminde Medine'yi muhasara altına alan isyancılarla, onların sorunlarının çözümüne yönelik konuşarak barışı sağlamaya çalışmıştır. Hz. Ali halife olunca, Hz. Ali'ye bey'at etmemiştir. Bu döneme kadar yürüttüğü devlet işlerinden de uzak durmuştur. Müslümanlar arasında çıkan Cemel Sıffîn olaylarına katılmamıştır. Muâviye b. Ebû Süfyân'ın hilafetinin ilk yıllarında da vefat etmiştir.
Mohammed b. Mesleme is one of the close friends of our Prophet. He became Moslem through Mus?ab b. Umeyr. He provided great services, after the immigration (Hejira) of Prophet to Medina. He almost went to all the wars together with Prophet. He was given the name ?Cavalry of Prophet? due to his achievement in wars. He showed the success of killing Ka?b b. El-Esref who had a grudge and hostility against Islam and Moslems at most. Therefore, he could have benediction of Prophet and obtained his favours. There are also some rumours that he killed Merhab who was the strongest warrior of the Jewish. From this point, with the examination of Mohammed b. Mesleme, that period will be summarised. Mohammed b. Mesleme provided services for the state of that period, not only in the period of the Prophet, but also in the period of four caliphs, and he continued to serve for Islam. Especially, his duty to inspect governors who were complained by people during the Period of Hz. Umar is remarkable. We can understand how his justice was reliable because of his attitute striked governors reported and because of his determination in applying a judgement. Therefore, he obtained the attention of both people and the governor. When duties of Mohammed b. Mesleme are examined during Hz. Umar, some cues will be obtained onhow perfectly judicial and administrative affairs of that period were executed. He did similar duties in the period of Hz Uthman and his dialogues with rebels at the end of the period of Hz Uthman are remarkable. He tried to make peace by talking to the rebels who surrounded Medina, for the solution of their questions. When Hz Ali became a caliph, he did not solemn promise to remain royal to him. He stayed away his duties which he performed until that time. He did not participate in ?Cemel Sıffin? event? emerged among Moslems. Hi died in the first years of the caliphate of Muaviye b. Ebu Sufyan.
Mohammed b. Mesleme is one of the close friends of our Prophet. He became Moslem through Mus?ab b. Umeyr. He provided great services, after the immigration (Hejira) of Prophet to Medina. He almost went to all the wars together with Prophet. He was given the name ?Cavalry of Prophet? due to his achievement in wars. He showed the success of killing Ka?b b. El-Esref who had a grudge and hostility against Islam and Moslems at most. Therefore, he could have benediction of Prophet and obtained his favours. There are also some rumours that he killed Merhab who was the strongest warrior of the Jewish. From this point, with the examination of Mohammed b. Mesleme, that period will be summarised. Mohammed b. Mesleme provided services for the state of that period, not only in the period of the Prophet, but also in the period of four caliphs, and he continued to serve for Islam. Especially, his duty to inspect governors who were complained by people during the Period of Hz. Umar is remarkable. We can understand how his justice was reliable because of his attitute striked governors reported and because of his determination in applying a judgement. Therefore, he obtained the attention of both people and the governor. When duties of Mohammed b. Mesleme are examined during Hz. Umar, some cues will be obtained onhow perfectly judicial and administrative affairs of that period were executed. He did similar duties in the period of Hz Uthman and his dialogues with rebels at the end of the period of Hz Uthman are remarkable. He tried to make peace by talking to the rebels who surrounded Medina, for the solution of their questions. When Hz Ali became a caliph, he did not solemn promise to remain royal to him. He stayed away his duties which he performed until that time. He did not participate in ?Cemel Sıffin? event? emerged among Moslems. Hi died in the first years of the caliphate of Muaviye b. Ebu Sufyan.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Muhammet b. Mesleme, Biyografi, Biography
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kurnaz, Y. (2008). Muhammet b. Mesleme hayatı ve şahsiyeti. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.