Stylistic analyses of Khalili`s `Assembly of Moth'and Wordsworth`s `Lyrical Ballads

dc.contributor.advisorOnur, Ayşe Gülbün
dc.contributor.authorAnsari, Farida
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İngiliz Dili ve Edebiyatı Ana Bilim Dalıen_US
dc.description.abstractBu çalışma ingilizce'nin eşsiz dil kullanım çeşitliliğini göz önünde bulundurarak Khalilullah Khalili ve William Wordsworth'un şiirlerindeki dili incelemektedir.Bu çalışmada kelime çeşitleri dilbilgisi ulamaları mecaz anlam nesnellik paralellik dil içindeki değişimler ve anlam bütünlüğü gibi üslup çalışmaları ve şiirlerin eleştirel incelemeleri detaylı bir şekilde yer almaktadır.Kahlilullah Khalili'nin "Assembly of Moth" ve William Wordsworth'un "Lyrical Ballads" adlı toplu şiirlerinde var olan ruh daha iyi bir hayata özlem duymaktadır. Şairler özgürlük ve geçmiş yaşantıları hakkında duygularını ifade ederken benzer bir yaklaşıma sahiptirler.İki şairde şiirlerinde hayatın gerçeklerini açıklama konusunda aynı bakış açısını paylaşırlar.Bu doğrultuda okuyucuların şiirleri doğru anlamalarını sağlamak amacıyla üslup açısından incelemeler yapılmıştır.Örneğin Wordsworth'un Lyrical Ballads eserinde özlem geçmiş yaşam ve özgürlük imgeleri ana unsurlardır. Şair bu imgelere dayanarak konumunu yaşantılarıyla ilişkilendirerek anlatmaktadır.Bu durum Khalili'nin Assembly of Moth adlı toplu şiirleriyle de benzerlik göstermektedir.Hem Kahlili'nin hemde Wordsworth'un şiirleri özgürlük ve doğa özlemini içermektedir. Bir başka deyişle doğanın pastoral bir işlevi bulunmaz.Üstelik dili kullanışlarıda oldukça sade ve anlamlıdır. Her birinin eserlerinde yer alan hatyat ve insana ilişkin arzular arasındaki ilişki bu şairlerin şiirlerini incelemedeki temel nedenidir.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study examines the language of a collection of poems from the two poets Khalilullah Khalili and William Wordsworth considering the unique varieties of English language usage. Their creative use of language includes an escape from banality. In this work, stylistic devices such as their lexical processes, grammatical categories, figures of speech, cohesion, foregrounding, subjectivity, parallelism, deviation, and a critical analyses are studied in detail. Khalilullah Khalili?s collection of poems ?Assembly of Moth? and William Wordsworth?s ?Lyrical Ballads? almost have the same spirit in expressing their longing for a better life. These poets have a similar approach in expressing their feelings about freedom and their respective past. Since the poems of these two poets share a common point of view in revealing the truth about life, they have been analyzed from a stylistic point of view to enable others to have a deeper appreciation for their poetry. For instance, in Wordsworth?s ?Lyrical Ballads?, images of longing, memory, and freedom are major elements. He forcefully expresses the state of man in relation to his experience with such images and this is also similar to Khalili?s collection of poems ?Assembly of Moth?. In both Khalili?s and Wordsworth?s poetry, there are effective functions of longing for freedom and nature as well as a powerful source which refers to the soul. In other words, nature does not exist for pastoral taste. Its function is to create a spirit in the poems of these two poets. Moreover, their language use is very plain and meaningful. In each of them there has been found a relation between life and human desire which served as the main concern in studying and analyzing their poetry. The aim of this study is to explore how the style of the two poets Khalilullah Khalili and William Wordswoth are different in their use of language, but this study can also express similar thoughts in their own creative way by almost uttering the same feelings in the selected poems. Furthermore, another aim of this study is to provide a brief history of Afghan and English poetry. The thesis will consist of five chapters apart from the introduction and conclusion. The first chapter is about poetry as a major form of literature and a brief outline on Afghan and English poetry. In the second chapter, Khalili?s biography and a general view on the ?An Assembly of Moths? are both studied. The third chapter includes an introduction to the stylistic analyses of Khalili?s Poems. In the fourth chapter, William Wordsworth?s biography and a general view on the ?Lyrical Ballads? are the main concern whereas in the fifth chapter, selections of Wordsworth?s ?Lyrical Ballads? are analyzed stylistically. Finally, in the conclusion section, I have reached a synthesis that although the two poets are from different countries and come from different cultures, their major concerns are the same. They point to a similar sense of longing, freedom, illusion and disillusionment. I hope the methods and analysis that I have used in this thesis will help the learners of poetry to appreciate and enjoy the structural approach to poetry analysis in their classes. In short, Khalili?s ?Assembly of Moth? and William Wordsworth?s ?Lyrical Ballads? are collections of poems which can be interlinked by their humanistic values about life. The study therefore, covers a stylistic analysis of the two collections of selected poems by using a structural approach. At the same time, the interpretation of the poems is made via a social criticism. As figurative or metaphorical language has been one of the main objectives of poetry language, the study offers all the aspects of imagery considering how poetry both disturbs and re ? forms the patterns of routine language. Though each poem with its unique title seems to stand alone, there is a common ground which holds the poems together with its critical value. Some poems are tightly or loosely linked to one another. The main argument of the thesis is that there exists in both poets? collections a sense of devotion to that that is lost and what might exist for a better life. Thus, structural analysis asserted throughout the study provides a useful perspective in comprehending the collection of poems.en_US
dc.identifier.citationAnsari, F. (2010). Stylistic analyses of Khalili`s `Assembly of Moth'and Wordsworth`s `Lyrical Ballads. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.en_US
dc.publisherSelçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsüen_US
dc.subjectDil özelliklerien_US
dc.subjectLanguage featuresen_US
dc.subjectİngiliz edebiyatıen_US
dc.subjectEnglish literatureen_US
dc.subjectİngiliz şairlerien_US
dc.subjectBritish poetsen_US
dc.titleStylistic analyses of Khalili`s `Assembly of Moth'and Wordsworth`s `Lyrical Balladsen_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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