Adana İli Merkez İlçeleri Seracılık İşletmelerinin Yapısal Yönden Değerlendirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Dünya’da son yıllarda yaşanan Covid-19 pandemisi ile gıda arzının ne denli önemli olduğu bir
kez daha anlaşılmış tarımla birlikte her ortamda yetiştiriciliğe imkân sağlayan seraların ve seracılık
faaliyetlerinin artmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu nedenle, seracılık işletmelerinin incelenmesi ve seraların
yapısal yönden yeterliliklerinin değerlendirilmesi konusundaki çalışmalar önem kazanmıştır. Bu çalışma,
Türkiye’de seracılığın yoğun olarak yapıldığı Adana İl’i merkez ilçelerindeki seracılık işletmelerinin ve
işletmelerde bulunan seraların mevcut durumlarının belirlenmesi, yapısal yönden incelenmesi ve
sorunların tespit edilerek çözüm önerilerinin geliştirilmesi amacıyla 2019-2020 yılları arasında
yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada, Adana ili merkez ilçeleri Seyhan, Yüreğir, Sarıçam ve Çukurova’da bulunan
sürekli ve ticari olarak yetiştiricilik yapılan, yapı özellikleri, üretilen ürünler ve üretim şekli yönünden
birbirinden farklı, yöreyi temsil niteliğine sahip 27 adet seracılık işletmesi ve işletmelerde bulunan farklı
özelliklere sahip 61 adet sera amaçlı örnekleme metoduyla seçilerek incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın
yürütüldüğü seracılık işletmelerinin özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve seraların yapısal yönden detaylı
incelenmesi amacıyla yüz yüze anket çalışması, yerinde ölçümler ve fotoğraf çekimi gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Araştırma sonucunda, incelenen seracılık işletmelerinin %11’inin arazi varlığının 10 da ve altında,
%11’inin 11-20 da arasında, %49’unun 21-50 da arasında, %11’inin 51-100 da arasında, %11’inin 101-
150 da ve %7’sinin 150 da’dan büyük olduğu belirlenmiştir. İncelenen seracılık işletmelerinde; muz,
domates, çilek, üzümsü meyveler, hıyar, süs bitkileri ve ejder meyvesi yetiştirilmektedir. Araştırma
bölgesinde bulunan seraların %99’u plastik örtülü seralardan oluştuğu için, çalışmada incelenen seraların
tamamı plastik örtülü seralardır. Çalışmanın yürütüldüğü seraların %79’unda polietilen (PE-UV katkılı)
ve %21’inde ise Polikarbonat ve PE (PC-PE-UV katkılı) örtü malzemesinin birlikte kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın yürütüldüğü seraların %20’sinde konstrüksiyon malzemesi olarak çelik,
%18’inde galvanize demir boru profil-çelik, %31’inde çelik-galvanize saç, %9’unda galvanize saç ve
%22’sinde çelik-galvanize saç ve galvanize demir boru profil kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen
seraların %63’ünde kalorifer, %8’in soba ile ısıtma yapıldığı ve seraların %29’unda ısıtma yapılmadığı
tespit edilmiştir. Araştırmanın yürütüldüğü seraların %3’ünde doğal havalandırma sistemi, %97’sinde
yapay (zorunlu) havalandırma sisteminin kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, seracılık işletmelerinin
kurulacak bölgenin özelliklerine uygun olarak özel tasarlanmış seralarda yetiştiricilik yapması tavsiye
edilmektedir. Böylece, tarımsal üretimin miktar ve kalitesinin artırılması yanında Türkiye ve Bölge
ekonomisine önemli katkılar sağlanacaktır.
The necessity of food supply has been recognized once again with the global Covid-19 pandemic in recent years, leading to an increase in greenhouses and greenhouse enterprises that allow cultivation in any environment alongside agriculture. As a result, studies on investigating greenhouse enterprises and examining greenhouse structural adequacy have become increasingly important. The purpose of this study, which was conducted between the 2019 and 2020, was to assess the status of greenhouse enterprises and greenhouses in the central districts of Adana Province, where greenhouse farming is prevalent in Turkey, to identify current situations and problems, to examine structural factors, and to provide recommendations. 27 greenhouse holdings in Adana province's central districts, Seyhan, Yüreğir, Çukurova, and Sarıçam, which are constantly farmed, high capacity, and different from each other in terms of structure features, agricultural products and agricultural practices, representing the region, and 61 greenhouses with different characteristics in the enterprises, were selected and investigated for the study. A survey study, on-site measurements, and photography were conducted to determine the characteristics and structural details of the greenhouse enterprises where the survey was undertaken. Face-to-face interviews with greenhouse owners revealed the general characteristics of the greenhouses in the research area, the characteristics of greenhouse enterprises, and the structural adequacy of the greenhouses. Since 99% of the greenhouses in the research area are covered with plastic, the study focused on the enterprises that cultivate in plastic-covered greenhouses. According to the findings, 11% of the greenhouse firms studied had agriculture lands of 10 decares of area (da) or less, 11% have agriculture lands of 11-20 da, 49% have agriculture lands of 21-50 da, and 11% have agriculture lands of 51-100 da. It was found that 11% of them had a land area of 101-150 da and 7% had a land area of more than 150 da. Bananas, tomatoes, strawberries, berry fruits, cucumbers, decorative plants, and dragon fruit are cultivated in the greenhouses examined. Polyethylene (PE-UV added) was found to be used in 79% of the greenhouses examined, whereas Polycarbon and PE (PC-PE-UV added) cover material were used together in 21% of the greenhouses. Steel was used in 20% of the greenhouses, pipe profile steel in 18%, iron-galvanized sheet in 31%, galvanized sheet in 9%, and iron-galvanized sheet with pipe profile in 22% as construction material. It was revealed that 63 % of greenhouses had a heater, 8% had a stove for heating, and 29% of greenhouses did not have a heating source. Natural ventilation was found to be used in just 3% of the greenhouses where the research was conducted, whereas mechanical ventilation was found to be used in 97%. Improving greenhouse structural properties is critical to promoting the quantity and quality of agricultural production. As a result, greenhouses constructed in accordance with the design guidelines will make significant contributions to the country and region's economies.
The necessity of food supply has been recognized once again with the global Covid-19 pandemic in recent years, leading to an increase in greenhouses and greenhouse enterprises that allow cultivation in any environment alongside agriculture. As a result, studies on investigating greenhouse enterprises and examining greenhouse structural adequacy have become increasingly important. The purpose of this study, which was conducted between the 2019 and 2020, was to assess the status of greenhouse enterprises and greenhouses in the central districts of Adana Province, where greenhouse farming is prevalent in Turkey, to identify current situations and problems, to examine structural factors, and to provide recommendations. 27 greenhouse holdings in Adana province's central districts, Seyhan, Yüreğir, Çukurova, and Sarıçam, which are constantly farmed, high capacity, and different from each other in terms of structure features, agricultural products and agricultural practices, representing the region, and 61 greenhouses with different characteristics in the enterprises, were selected and investigated for the study. A survey study, on-site measurements, and photography were conducted to determine the characteristics and structural details of the greenhouse enterprises where the survey was undertaken. Face-to-face interviews with greenhouse owners revealed the general characteristics of the greenhouses in the research area, the characteristics of greenhouse enterprises, and the structural adequacy of the greenhouses. Since 99% of the greenhouses in the research area are covered with plastic, the study focused on the enterprises that cultivate in plastic-covered greenhouses. According to the findings, 11% of the greenhouse firms studied had agriculture lands of 10 decares of area (da) or less, 11% have agriculture lands of 11-20 da, 49% have agriculture lands of 21-50 da, and 11% have agriculture lands of 51-100 da. It was found that 11% of them had a land area of 101-150 da and 7% had a land area of more than 150 da. Bananas, tomatoes, strawberries, berry fruits, cucumbers, decorative plants, and dragon fruit are cultivated in the greenhouses examined. Polyethylene (PE-UV added) was found to be used in 79% of the greenhouses examined, whereas Polycarbon and PE (PC-PE-UV added) cover material were used together in 21% of the greenhouses. Steel was used in 20% of the greenhouses, pipe profile steel in 18%, iron-galvanized sheet in 31%, galvanized sheet in 9%, and iron-galvanized sheet with pipe profile in 22% as construction material. It was revealed that 63 % of greenhouses had a heater, 8% had a stove for heating, and 29% of greenhouses did not have a heating source. Natural ventilation was found to be used in just 3% of the greenhouses where the research was conducted, whereas mechanical ventilation was found to be used in 97%. Improving greenhouse structural properties is critical to promoting the quantity and quality of agricultural production. As a result, greenhouses constructed in accordance with the design guidelines will make significant contributions to the country and region's economies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Adana, plastik sera, sera, yapısal analiz, plastic greenhouse, greenhouse, structural analysis
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Balı, E., (2021). Adana İli Merkez İlçeleri Seracılık İşletmelerinin Yapısal Yönden Değerlendirilmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.