Dicle yengeci ekstraktının over kistadenokarsinom hücre hattındaki etkileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Over kanseri dünya çapında en yaygın yedinci kanserdir ve en yaygın şekli olan epitelyal over kanseri, kötü huylu tümörlerin %90'ından fazlasını oluşturmaktadır. Over kanserinin tedavisi, yaygın olarak kemoterapötik ilaç ve cerrahinin kombinasyonudur. Kanser tedavisi için onaylanan ilaçların yaklaşık %60'ı doğal kaynaklardan elde edilmektedir. Tam yengeç külü, Orta Doğu'daki katı tümörleri tedavi etmek için kullanılan eski bir halk ilacı olarak bilinmektedir (özellikle Irak ve çevresi). Genel olarak yengeçler, içerdikleri esansiyel amino asitler, proteinler, doymamış yağ asitleri, karbonhidrat, yağ ve mineraller sayesinde oldukça besleyicidir ve insan sağlığı üzerine olumlu etkileri vardır. Yengeç kabuğunun antibakteriyel, antifungal, antiviral ve antitümör etkileri olan kitin ve türevleri, kitosan, kitin ve kitosan oligosakkaritler, karotenoidler ve selenyum gibi bir dizi doğal maddeye sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Son zamanlarda yapılan bazı çalışmalar, kabuk veya hemolenften türetilen yengeç bileşiklerinin in vitro antikanser etkilere sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Yaptığımız bu tez çalışmasında, Dicle yengeci ekstraktının insan over kistadenokarsinom kanser NIH:OVCAR-3 hücre hattı hücrelerinde, proliferasyonu ve apoptoz hücre üzerine etkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Hücre proliferasyon testi MTT yöntemi ile, apoptoz analizi Annexin V yöntemi ile Muse flow sitometre cihazında çalışılmıştır. Dicle yengecinin ayrı ayrı metanol- saf su ekstraktları elde edilip NIH:OVCAR-3 ve HEK-293 hücrelerine farklı dozlarda uygulanmıştır 72. saatte elde edilen IC50 doz koşullandırılmış metanol ve saf su ekstraktı sırasıyla NIH:OVCAR-3 hücre hattında kontrol grubuna göre hücrelerin canlılığı %52,14; %38,13 ve HEK-293 hücre hattında %78,63; %84,53 düşürerek proliferasyonu inhibe etmiştir. Apoptoz analizi sonucunda 48. saatte (1×10^5) hücre için kontrol grubunun total apoptoz miktarı %26,20 iken 2000 doz konsantrasyonunda olan metanol ekstraktı total apoptoz miktarı %30,00 gözlenmiştir ve 3000 doz konsantrasyonunda olan saf su ekstraktı için %39,60 bulunmuş ve % 20,90 geç apoptoza gitmiştir. HEK-293 hücrelerinin apoptoza gitmediği gözlenmiştir. Yengeç kabuğu ile yapılan diğer çalışmalarda çoğunlukla yengeç kabuğu ekstraktı hücre proliferasyonunu inhibe etmiş ve hücreleri apoptoza götürmüştür. Elde ettiğimiz bu sonuçlara göre Dicle yengeci takviye tedavi olarak kullanılabilir ve ileri moleküler araştırmalarla etki mekanizmasının aydınlatılmasının yapılacak olan diğer çalışmalara yol gösterici nitelikte olacağını düşünmekteyiz.
Ovarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer worldwide and the most common form, epithelial ovarian cancer accounts for more than 90% of malignant tumors. Treatment of ovarian cancer is commonly a combination of chemotherapeutic medication and surgery. About 60% of drugs approved for cancer treatment come from natural sources. Whole crab ash is known as an ancient folk remedy used to treat solid tumors in the Middle East (especially in Iraq and its surroundings). In general, crabs are highly nutritious and have positive effects on human health, they contain the essential amino acids, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. It is known that crab shell has a number of natural substances such as chitin and its derivatives, chitosan, chitin and chitosan oligosaccharides, carotenoids and selenium, which have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antitumor effects. Some recent studies have shown that crab compounds derived from shell or hemolymph have anticancer effects in vitro. In this thesis, we aimed to investigate the effect of Tigris crab extract on proliferation and in human ovarian cystadenocarcinoma cancer NIH:OVCAR-3 cell line cells. Cell proliferation test was performed with MTT method and apoptosis analysis was performed with Annexin V method in Muse flow cytometer device. Separately, methanol-pure water extracts of Tigris crab were obtained and applied to NIH:OVCAR-3 and HEK-293 cells at different doses. At the 72th hour IC50 dose conditioned of methanol and pure water extract the viability of cells in the NIH:OVCAR-3 cell line compared to the control group, respectively 52.14%; 38.13% and in HEK-293 cell line; 78.63%; %84,53, it inhibited proliferation by reducing. As a result of the apoptosis analysis, at the 48th hour (1×10^5) for the cell the total apoptosis amount of the control group was 26.20%, while the total apoptosis amount of the methanol extract at 2000 dose concentration was 30.00% and for the pure water extract at 3000 dose concentration, it was found to be 39.60% and it was found to be 39.60% and 20.90% went to late apoptosis. It was observed that HEK-293 cells did not undergo apoptosis. In other studies with crab shell, mostly crab shell extract inhibited cell proliferation and led the cells to apoptosis. According to these results we have obtained, Tigris crab can be used as a supplemental treatment and we think that elucidating the mechanism of action with advanced molecular studies will guide other studies to be carried out.
Ovarian cancer is the seventh most common cancer worldwide and the most common form, epithelial ovarian cancer accounts for more than 90% of malignant tumors. Treatment of ovarian cancer is commonly a combination of chemotherapeutic medication and surgery. About 60% of drugs approved for cancer treatment come from natural sources. Whole crab ash is known as an ancient folk remedy used to treat solid tumors in the Middle East (especially in Iraq and its surroundings). In general, crabs are highly nutritious and have positive effects on human health, they contain the essential amino acids, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. It is known that crab shell has a number of natural substances such as chitin and its derivatives, chitosan, chitin and chitosan oligosaccharides, carotenoids and selenium, which have antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antitumor effects. Some recent studies have shown that crab compounds derived from shell or hemolymph have anticancer effects in vitro. In this thesis, we aimed to investigate the effect of Tigris crab extract on proliferation and in human ovarian cystadenocarcinoma cancer NIH:OVCAR-3 cell line cells. Cell proliferation test was performed with MTT method and apoptosis analysis was performed with Annexin V method in Muse flow cytometer device. Separately, methanol-pure water extracts of Tigris crab were obtained and applied to NIH:OVCAR-3 and HEK-293 cells at different doses. At the 72th hour IC50 dose conditioned of methanol and pure water extract the viability of cells in the NIH:OVCAR-3 cell line compared to the control group, respectively 52.14%; 38.13% and in HEK-293 cell line; 78.63%; %84,53, it inhibited proliferation by reducing. As a result of the apoptosis analysis, at the 48th hour (1×10^5) for the cell the total apoptosis amount of the control group was 26.20%, while the total apoptosis amount of the methanol extract at 2000 dose concentration was 30.00% and for the pure water extract at 3000 dose concentration, it was found to be 39.60% and it was found to be 39.60% and 20.90% went to late apoptosis. It was observed that HEK-293 cells did not undergo apoptosis. In other studies with crab shell, mostly crab shell extract inhibited cell proliferation and led the cells to apoptosis. According to these results we have obtained, Tigris crab can be used as a supplemental treatment and we think that elucidating the mechanism of action with advanced molecular studies will guide other studies to be carried out.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Apoptoz, Dicle yengeci, Apoptosis, Tigris crab, Epitelyal Over kanseri, Over kanseri, Proliferasyon, Epithelial Ovarian cancer, Ovarian cancer, Proliferation
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Alabbas, E. A. K. (2021). Dicle yengeci ekstraktının over kistadenokarsinom hücre hattındaki etkileri. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.