Öğrenmeyi Öğrenme Stratejilerinin Öğrencilerin Dördüncü Sınıf “Yaşadığımız Yer” Ünitesini Öğrenmelerine ve Kalıcılığa Etkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Sosyal Bilgiler öğretiminde öğrencilere hazır bilgiyi aktarmaktan ziyade, var olan bilgilerden yeni bilgilere nasıl ulaşacaklarını kavratmak önemlidir. Öğrenmeyi öğrenme, kişinin mevcut bilgileri kullanarak, yeni durumlar için gerekli bilgiyi üretmesidir (Özden, 2002). Öğrencilere yeni bilgiler kazandırmak için önceki bilgilerle nasıl ilişki kurması gerektiğini öğretmek, bilgiyi nasıl sistematik hale getirip örgütleyebileceği, çok yönlü, soyut, eleştirel, yaratıcı, yapıcı, bağımsız, mantıklı ve analitik düşüncenin kazandırılması, onlara bilgi aktarmaktan daha önemlidir (Ormrod, 1990). Bu araştırmada, sosyal bilgiler dersi coğrafya ünitelerinin işlenişinde öğrenmeyi öğrenme stratejilerine dayalı olarak gerçekleştirilen öğretimin öğrencilerin başarıları üzerindeki etkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç çerçevesinde aşağıdaki sorulara cevap aranmıştır. 1.Öğrenmeyi öğrenme stratejilerine dayalı olarak öğretim yapılan deney grubuyla, geleneksel öğretim yöntemleriyle öğretimin uygulandığı kontrol grubunun başarıları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık var mıdır? 2.Deney ve kontrol gruplarının ilk ve son test başarı durumları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık var mıdır? 3.Deney ve kontrol gruplarının toplam kalıcılık puanları arasında anlamlı bir farklılık var mıdır? Bu çalışmada “ön test-son test” kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Yarı deneysel desen kullanıldığından dolayı evren ve örneklem seçimine gidilmemiş, bunun yerine çalışma grubu alınmış ve grupların eşitliği üzerinde durulmuştur. Hazırlanan ve geliştirilen başarı testi deney ve kontrol gurubundaki öğrencilere ön test, son test ve kalıcılık testi olarak uygulanmıştır. Öğrenmeyi öğrenme stratejilerine dayalı olarak öğretim yapılan deney grubunun başarı ortalaması ve kalıcılık puanlarıyla, geleneksel öğretim yöntemleriyle öğretim yapılan kontrol rubunun başarı ortalaması ve kalıcılık puanlarında deney grubu lehine anlamlı fark bulunmuştur.
The main feature of today's world, the pace of change is growing. However, individuals learn beyond the boundaries of the school, outside school and school learning is making also extremely important. Therefore education should be a process that serves three purposes. 1. Education is helps student's current and future educational needs to realize 2. Students' own physical and mental capabilities, limitations and learning profiles to help discover. 3. Educational needs will be needed to determine the knowledge, skills and attitudes for behavior, learning profile to help get the appropriate ways These three goals should be noted that based on "Learning to learn", but isn't "information spadework". Learning is a very personal matter. There isn't one study/learning skill or strategy that works for every person in every situation. Therefore, learning to learn strategies are about learning what you know, learning what you don't know, and learning what to do about it. To learn how to learn can be done? It is possible to be listed as follows: Access to information from various sources, Information problem solving, decision making and blue-print for the purpose of use, Information in daily life use, The computer as a tool to be able to access information to provide, etc. In teaching Social Studies, rather than giving the ready-to-use knowledge, making the students comprehend how to reach new information from the present one is important. “Learning to learn” is the person’s producing the new information for new situations using the present information (Özden, 2002). To make the students gain new information; teaching them how to make links with the previous information; how to make the information systematic and organized, making them gain versatile, abstract, critical, creative, constructive, independent, logical and analytic thinking are more important then giving them the information (Ormrod, 1990). In this research, it is aimed to search the effect of teaching Social Sciences Geography Units through Learning to Learn Strategy on students’ success. From this aspect, the answers to these questions are sought: 1. Is there a meaningful difference between the success of experiment group taught through learning to learn strategy and the control group taught through traditional teaching methods? 2. Is there a meaningful difference between the first and the last test success states of experiment and control groups? 3. Is there a meaningful difference between the total permanence points of experiment and control groups? The study carried out in the first semester of 2004-2005 academic year in the city of Konya. In the study the 4th grade students of a primary school were involved. In order to decide on control and experimental groups a pre-test employed on five different classes, and two classes which had closest results in points were selected and randomly chosen as experimental and control groups. According to this class 4E is named as experimental, and class 4C is named as control group. In this study, half experiment pattern with pre-last test control group in used. As half experimental pattern in used, the choice of universe & example isn’t needed, rather than that, study group is used and the equality of groups is emphasized. Prepared and developed success test is applied to students in experiment and control groups as pre-test, last-test and success test. The data obtained from pupils are analised by using SPSS for Windows package programme. From the data analysis the following results obtained: 1. 1.When the pre-tests for both groups the results indicate that there is a no significant difference in favour of experimental group. 2. 2.When the post-tests for both groups the results indicate that there is a significant difference in favour of experimental group. Theis means that in the post test students in experiemental group are more successful than students in control group. 3. 3-Experiment and control group pretest-posttest score differences both groups compared the results between the end of the test results there is no significant difference in favor of the experimental group. Theis means that in the post test students in experiemental group are more successful than students in control group. 4. 4-.The comparison of pre-test and post-test results on experiemental group indicate that there is a significant difference in favour of post-test of experimental group. 5. 5.The comparison of pre-test and post-test results on control group indicate that there is a significant difference in favour of post-test of control group. 6. 6.When control group’s post-test and long-lasting learning test compared there is a meaningful difference in favour of the post-test of control group. As a result of the findings from research that can be put forward suggestions are: According to the research results to learn about learning strategies and practices where we live, our unit in the natural environment on the success of students thought to make a positive impact, the other courses and learning issues for the use of learning strategies are needed to. ? School students where they not only learn, but also effective thinking, learning skills they should be places ? Textbooks and teacher manuals in learning about learning strategies could be effective should include. ? Learning to learn about strategies and different learning strategies books, periodicals and magazines sent to schools should be provided ? Learning strategies and learning about learning in-service training courses and seminars should be held more frequently. ? For students and teachers with learning strategies should be followed periodicals, brochures should be prepared to complement deficiencies. ? Learning strategies at all levels of education and training should be given to the importance, especially in schools of teacher candidates to work as teachers trained in this area should be provided to begin. ? Exams to students and academic success as well as development, research-scientific attitudes, life-long learning habits, effective interpersonal relationships, effective thinking, learning skills, such as the purpose of the features must be won.
The main feature of today's world, the pace of change is growing. However, individuals learn beyond the boundaries of the school, outside school and school learning is making also extremely important. Therefore education should be a process that serves three purposes. 1. Education is helps student's current and future educational needs to realize 2. Students' own physical and mental capabilities, limitations and learning profiles to help discover. 3. Educational needs will be needed to determine the knowledge, skills and attitudes for behavior, learning profile to help get the appropriate ways These three goals should be noted that based on "Learning to learn", but isn't "information spadework". Learning is a very personal matter. There isn't one study/learning skill or strategy that works for every person in every situation. Therefore, learning to learn strategies are about learning what you know, learning what you don't know, and learning what to do about it. To learn how to learn can be done? It is possible to be listed as follows: Access to information from various sources, Information problem solving, decision making and blue-print for the purpose of use, Information in daily life use, The computer as a tool to be able to access information to provide, etc. In teaching Social Studies, rather than giving the ready-to-use knowledge, making the students comprehend how to reach new information from the present one is important. “Learning to learn” is the person’s producing the new information for new situations using the present information (Özden, 2002). To make the students gain new information; teaching them how to make links with the previous information; how to make the information systematic and organized, making them gain versatile, abstract, critical, creative, constructive, independent, logical and analytic thinking are more important then giving them the information (Ormrod, 1990). In this research, it is aimed to search the effect of teaching Social Sciences Geography Units through Learning to Learn Strategy on students’ success. From this aspect, the answers to these questions are sought: 1. Is there a meaningful difference between the success of experiment group taught through learning to learn strategy and the control group taught through traditional teaching methods? 2. Is there a meaningful difference between the first and the last test success states of experiment and control groups? 3. Is there a meaningful difference between the total permanence points of experiment and control groups? The study carried out in the first semester of 2004-2005 academic year in the city of Konya. In the study the 4th grade students of a primary school were involved. In order to decide on control and experimental groups a pre-test employed on five different classes, and two classes which had closest results in points were selected and randomly chosen as experimental and control groups. According to this class 4E is named as experimental, and class 4C is named as control group. In this study, half experiment pattern with pre-last test control group in used. As half experimental pattern in used, the choice of universe & example isn’t needed, rather than that, study group is used and the equality of groups is emphasized. Prepared and developed success test is applied to students in experiment and control groups as pre-test, last-test and success test. The data obtained from pupils are analised by using SPSS for Windows package programme. From the data analysis the following results obtained: 1. 1.When the pre-tests for both groups the results indicate that there is a no significant difference in favour of experimental group. 2. 2.When the post-tests for both groups the results indicate that there is a significant difference in favour of experimental group. Theis means that in the post test students in experiemental group are more successful than students in control group. 3. 3-Experiment and control group pretest-posttest score differences both groups compared the results between the end of the test results there is no significant difference in favor of the experimental group. Theis means that in the post test students in experiemental group are more successful than students in control group. 4. 4-.The comparison of pre-test and post-test results on experiemental group indicate that there is a significant difference in favour of post-test of experimental group. 5. 5.The comparison of pre-test and post-test results on control group indicate that there is a significant difference in favour of post-test of control group. 6. 6.When control group’s post-test and long-lasting learning test compared there is a meaningful difference in favour of the post-test of control group. As a result of the findings from research that can be put forward suggestions are: According to the research results to learn about learning strategies and practices where we live, our unit in the natural environment on the success of students thought to make a positive impact, the other courses and learning issues for the use of learning strategies are needed to. ? School students where they not only learn, but also effective thinking, learning skills they should be places ? Textbooks and teacher manuals in learning about learning strategies could be effective should include. ? Learning to learn about strategies and different learning strategies books, periodicals and magazines sent to schools should be provided ? Learning strategies and learning about learning in-service training courses and seminars should be held more frequently. ? For students and teachers with learning strategies should be followed periodicals, brochures should be prepared to complement deficiencies. ? Learning strategies at all levels of education and training should be given to the importance, especially in schools of teacher candidates to work as teachers trained in this area should be provided to begin. ? Exams to students and academic success as well as development, research-scientific attitudes, life-long learning habits, effective interpersonal relationships, effective thinking, learning skills, such as the purpose of the features must be won.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Öğrenmeyi Öğrenme, Geleneksel Öğrenme Yöntemleri, Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretimi, Learning to learn, Traditional learning methods, teaching social studies, geographical units
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Meydan, A., (2010). Öğrenmeyi Öğrenme Stratejilerinin Öğrencilerin Dördüncü Sınıf “Yaşadığımız Yer” Ünitesini Öğrenmelerine ve Kalıcılığa Etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 23, 149-157.