Türkiye Selçuklu Devleti’nin temel iç ve dış politikaları ve Sultan I. Gıyâseddin Keyhüsrev (1192-1196, 1205-1211)
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Selçuklu Araştırmaları Merkezi
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Türklerin Malazgirt zaferinden itibaren 15-20 yıl içinde Anadolu’yu fethetmeleri ve burada kendi devletlerini kurmalarından sonra Batı dünyası ile Bizans’ın başlıca gayesi, Türkiye Selçuklu Devletini yıkmak ve Türkleri Anadolu’dan geldikleri yere atmak veya bu ülkede imha etmek olmuştur. Bunlar karşılık Türkiye Selçuklu hükümdarları da Türk tarihinin en ağır ve en çetin vatan savunması yapmışlardır. Onlar bununla da kalmamışlar, II Haçlı serleri sonucunda (1147-1148) Batı dünyasının, Miryokefalon zaferi sonucunda da (1176) Bizans’ın emellerine tamamen son vererek, Anadolu’yu istikrara kavuşturmuşlardır. Bundan sonra Türkiye Selçuklu hükümdarlarından Sultan I. Gıyâseddîn Keyhüsrev (1205-1211), devletlerini maddeten ve manen geliştirmek için bazı temel iç ve dış politikalar uygulamışlardır. Bu politikalardan biri, devleti sarılmış bir kara devleti olmaktan kurtarıp doğal sınırlarına ulaştırmak, diğeri de Selçuklu ekonomisini dış dünyaya açmak ve onunla bütünleştirmektir. Sultan Keyhüsrev’in temelini attığı bu politikalar, oğulları İzzeddîn Keykâvus (1211-1220) ve Alâeddîn Keykubâd (1220-1237) tarafından devam edilerek, gerçek hedefine ulaştırılmıştır. Böylece Anadolu, tarihinin hiçbir devrinde görülmemiş şekilde iktisadî ve medenî bakımdan büyük bir gelişmeye sahne olmuştur. Bu küçük araştırmanın gayesi, Sultan I. Gıyâseddîn Keyhüsrev’in, özelliği ve önemi henüz tam olarak ortaya konamamış olan bu iki temel politikasını ve diğer faaliyetlerini ortaya koyarak, bu başarılı sultanın tarihte oynadığı rolü belirtmektir.
Following the conquest of Anatolia by the Turks within 15-20 years after the victory of Manzikert and the Turks establishing their own states in this land, the primary purpose of the Western World and Byzantium was to destroy the Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate and expel the Turks out of Anatolia back to where they came from, or destroy them in this country. In return, Anatolian Seljuk rulers had to conduct the gravest and most difficult homeland defense in Turkic history. Not being contented with this, they also brought stability to Anatolia by completely putting an end to the desires of the Western World at the end of the Second Crusade (1147-1148) and those of Byzantium as a result of the victory of Myriokephalon (1176). Afterwards, the Anatolian Seljuk ruler Sultan Giyath ad-Din Kaykhusraw I (1205-1211) started carrying out some fundamental domestic and foreign policies in order to physically and spiritually improve his sultanate. One of these policies was to free the sultanate from being a landlocked country and expand it towards its natural borders, while the other policy was to open up and incorporate Seljuk economy to the outside world. These policies established by Sultan Kaykhusraw were continued by his sons ‘Izz ad-Din Kaykawus (1211-1220) and ‘Ala ad-Din Kayqubad (1220-1237), who successfully reached these policies to their real goals. Thus, Anatolia witnessed a great economic and civilized improvement not seen throughout its entire history. The aim of this small research is to reveal these two fundamental policies, whose characteristics and importance have not been asserted yet, of Sultan Giyath ad-Din Kaykhusraw I and his other activities, and to emphasize the role played by this successful sultan in history.
Following the conquest of Anatolia by the Turks within 15-20 years after the victory of Manzikert and the Turks establishing their own states in this land, the primary purpose of the Western World and Byzantium was to destroy the Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate and expel the Turks out of Anatolia back to where they came from, or destroy them in this country. In return, Anatolian Seljuk rulers had to conduct the gravest and most difficult homeland defense in Turkic history. Not being contented with this, they also brought stability to Anatolia by completely putting an end to the desires of the Western World at the end of the Second Crusade (1147-1148) and those of Byzantium as a result of the victory of Myriokephalon (1176). Afterwards, the Anatolian Seljuk ruler Sultan Giyath ad-Din Kaykhusraw I (1205-1211) started carrying out some fundamental domestic and foreign policies in order to physically and spiritually improve his sultanate. One of these policies was to free the sultanate from being a landlocked country and expand it towards its natural borders, while the other policy was to open up and incorporate Seljuk economy to the outside world. These policies established by Sultan Kaykhusraw were continued by his sons ‘Izz ad-Din Kaykawus (1211-1220) and ‘Ala ad-Din Kayqubad (1220-1237), who successfully reached these policies to their real goals. Thus, Anatolia witnessed a great economic and civilized improvement not seen throughout its entire history. The aim of this small research is to reveal these two fundamental policies, whose characteristics and importance have not been asserted yet, of Sultan Giyath ad-Din Kaykhusraw I and his other activities, and to emphasize the role played by this successful sultan in history.
Url: http://usad.selcuk.edu.tr/usad/article/view/66
Anahtar Kelimeler
Veliaht tayini, Sultan I. Gıyâseddîn Keyhüsrev, Selçuklular, Seljuks, Sultan Giyath ad-Din Kaykhusraw I, Determination of the crown
Selçuklu Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Koca, S. (2016). Türkiye Selçuklu Devleti’nin temel iç ve dış politikaları ve Sultan I. Gıyâseddin Keyhüsrev (1192-1196, 1205-1211). Selçuklu Araştırmaları Dergisi, (5), 25-67.