Yugoslavya’dan Türkiye’ye Göçlerin Nedenleri(1950-1958)
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
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Osmanlı döneminde “Müslümanlar”ın, Cumhuriyet döneminde ise “Türk soyundan olan veya Türk kültürüne bağlı bulunanların”, Türkiye’ye Balkanlar’dan zorunlu göçlerinin başlıca benimsenen nedenleri; soykırımlar, saldırılar, harpler, yağmalar, baskı ve ayrımlar, sürgünler ve zorla asimilasyonlar, açıkçası cana, mala, namusa, dinî veya millî kimliğe saldırılardır. Yukarıdaki amiller dolayısıyla göç hareketlerine sahne olunan bölgelerden biri de Balkanlar’daki “Yugoslavya-Makedonya” topraklarıdır. Yugoslavya’nın kendi içinde ve bu ülkenin diğer Balkan toprakları arasında, kısmen de Anadolu yönünde ilk göç hareketi, “93 Harbi” adı verilen 1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus savaşıyla başlamıştır. 1912-1913 Balkan Savaşı’yla devam etmiş, 1923- 1951 döneminde fert ve aile düzeyinde, 1952-1967 yılları arasında kitlesel, 1968-1996 arasında da yine fert ve aile düzeyinde Anadolu toprakları yönünde gerçekleşmiştir. Yugoslavya’dan Türkiye’ye göçün artması, aslında Yugoslav idarecilerinin gönülden arzuladıkları bir gelişmeydi. Özellikle Türk asıllıların çoğunlukta olan Makedonya bölgesinden göçlerinin hızlandırılması, bu bölgeden Türklerin temizlenmesi amacını taşımaktaydı. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulmasının (1923) hemen arkasından buraya göçler devam etmiş; Yugoslavya’dan göç olayı 1990’lı yıllara kadar sürmüştür. 1950-1958 yılları arasındaki göçlerde “serbest göçmen statüsünde gelen muhacirlere misafirperver Türk insanı, tüm maddi sıkıntılarına rağmen kucak açmış; onların normal hayata geçmeleri için yardım etmişlerdir. Yugoslavya’da çok sıkıntı çeken Müslümanlar, 1950-1958 döneminde Türkiye’ye geldiklerinde uyum problemi yaşamışlar; özellikle yiyecek içecek ile örf, âdet ve dil konusunda bir süre farklı şekillerde hareket etmişlerdir. Zaman içinde intibak eden Yugoslav muhacirleri, bugün yerli halkın imkânlarından fazlasına sahip oldukları için müreffeh bir hayat yaşamaktadırlar.
The main reasons for the forced migration of the Balkans to Turkey for "Muslims" during the Ottoman period and "those belonging to the Turkish lineage or affiliated to Turkish culture" during the Republican period were genocides, attacks, harps, looting, oppression and discrimination, exile and forced assimilation, obviously attacks against innocent lives, property, honor, religious or national identity. One of the regions affected by the above aggressive movements is the territory of Yugoslavia-Macedonia in the Balkans. The first migration of Yugoslavia in and of this country to other Balkan lands, partly in the direction of Anatolia, started with the Ottoman-Russian war of 1877-1878 called "93 Harbi", continued with the Balkan War of 1912-1913, at the individual and family level, between 1952 and 1967, and between 1968-1996 at the individual and family level in the direction of Anatolian lands. The increase in immigration from Yugoslavia to Turkey was in fact a development that the Yugoslav rulers sincerely sought. Especially the acceleration of the migration from the Macedonian region, which is the majority of Turkish descent, was aimed at clearing Turks from this region. Immediately after the establishment of the Republic of Turkey (1923) immigration continued here; Migration from Yugoslavia lasted until the 1990s. In the migrations between 1950 and 1958, the "hospitable Turkish people to immigrants who came to the status of free immigrants embraced the refugee brothers from the Balkans despite all the financial difficulties; they helped them to pass the normal life. Muslims who suffered much in Yugoslavia experienced the problem of adaptation when they came to Turkey in the period of 1950-1958; especially with food and beverages, menstruation and language in a different way for a while they have moved. Yugoslav refugees who adjust in time live a prosperous life today because they have more than the possibilities of the indigenous people.
The main reasons for the forced migration of the Balkans to Turkey for "Muslims" during the Ottoman period and "those belonging to the Turkish lineage or affiliated to Turkish culture" during the Republican period were genocides, attacks, harps, looting, oppression and discrimination, exile and forced assimilation, obviously attacks against innocent lives, property, honor, religious or national identity. One of the regions affected by the above aggressive movements is the territory of Yugoslavia-Macedonia in the Balkans. The first migration of Yugoslavia in and of this country to other Balkan lands, partly in the direction of Anatolia, started with the Ottoman-Russian war of 1877-1878 called "93 Harbi", continued with the Balkan War of 1912-1913, at the individual and family level, between 1952 and 1967, and between 1968-1996 at the individual and family level in the direction of Anatolian lands. The increase in immigration from Yugoslavia to Turkey was in fact a development that the Yugoslav rulers sincerely sought. Especially the acceleration of the migration from the Macedonian region, which is the majority of Turkish descent, was aimed at clearing Turks from this region. Immediately after the establishment of the Republic of Turkey (1923) immigration continued here; Migration from Yugoslavia lasted until the 1990s. In the migrations between 1950 and 1958, the "hospitable Turkish people to immigrants who came to the status of free immigrants embraced the refugee brothers from the Balkans despite all the financial difficulties; they helped them to pass the normal life. Muslims who suffered much in Yugoslavia experienced the problem of adaptation when they came to Turkey in the period of 1950-1958; especially with food and beverages, menstruation and language in a different way for a while they have moved. Yugoslav refugees who adjust in time live a prosperous life today because they have more than the possibilities of the indigenous people.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Balkanlar, Yugoslavya, Osmanlı Devleti, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Yugoslav Muhacirleri, Balkans, Yugoslavia, Ottoman State, Turkish Republic, Yugoslavian Migrants
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Tekin, C., (2018). Yugoslavya’dan Türkiye’ye Göçlerin Nedenleri(1950-1958). Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 39, 249-261.