Elazığ'da Tüketi̇me Sunulan Kaymaklı (Sade) Dondurmaların Mi̇krobi̇yoloji̇k ve Ki̇myasal Kali̇tesi̇
2004 Ocak
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu araştırmada, Elazığ'da tüketime sunulan kaymaklı dondurmaların mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal kalitesi saptandı. Bu amaçla 50 adet kaymaklı dondurma ömeği incelendi. Ömeklerde ortalama olarak toplam mezofilik aerob mikroorganizmanın Log10 sayısı 4,51 kob/g, koliform 2,85 kob/g. Staphylococcus - Micrococcus 2.36 kob/g, psikrofil 4,17 kob/g ve maya - küf sayılan ise 2,43 kob/g değerlerinde bulundu. Ömeklerin 19 tanesinin (% 38) Escherichia coli - 1 mikroorganizmalarını, 22 tanesinin de (%44) Staphylococcus aureus içerdiği gözlemlendi. Incelenen örneklerdeki ortalama pH değeri 6,68, asidite (1.a. cinsinden) % 0,09, aw değeri 0,83, yağ % 9,22, kuru madde % 34,73, kuru madde de yağ % 26,65, invert şeker % 18,51, sakaroz % 8,97, toplam şeker ise % 27,40 seviyelerinde bulundu. Dondurma ömeklerindeki maya küf sayıları ile pH değerleri arasında negatif yönde zayıf (r: - 0,33), kuru madde ile pozitif yönde orta derecede (r: 0,48) bir korelasyonun mevcut olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak, incelenen kaymaklı dondurma ömeklerinin mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin düşük olduğu, dolayısıyla ürünün yapımında hijyenik şartlara yeterince özen gösterilmediği ve halk sağlığı açısından potansiyel bir tehlike arz edebileceği kanaatine varıldı. Ancak, elde edilen kimyasal değerlere bakıldığında, örneklerin tamamının mevcut standartlara uygun olduğu görüldü.
In this study microbiological and chemical quality of ice-cream marketed in Elazığ were determined. For this purpose, 50 samples of ice-cream were analyzed. Mean Logic numbers of total mesophile aerobes bacteria in samples was 4.51 cfu/g. total coliform was 2.85 cfu/g. Staphylococcus - Micrococcus was 2.36 cfu/g. Mean numbers of psycrophiles and yeast and mold were 4.18 cfu/g and 2.43 cfu/g respectively. Escherichia coli biotype I and Staphylococcus aureus were detected in 19 (38 %) and 22 (44 %) out of 50 samples. Mean values of selected chemical parameters were found as pH 6.68, titratable acidity (as l.a) 0.09 %, aw 0.81 %, fat 9.22 %, dry substances 34.73 %, fat in dry substances 26.65%, invert sugar 18.51 %, saccarose 8.97 %, total sugars 27.40%. A weak negative correlation (r:- 0,33) was found between yeast and mold numbers and pH values of the samples, whereas a mild positive correlation (r: 0,48) was found. between dry substance and mold and yeast numbers of the samples. In conclusion, results showed that microbiological quality of the ice-cream samples was poor indicating insufficient hygiene practices and these product may exhibit a potential risk for public health. Chemical parameters, however, was in compliance with current standards.
In this study microbiological and chemical quality of ice-cream marketed in Elazığ were determined. For this purpose, 50 samples of ice-cream were analyzed. Mean Logic numbers of total mesophile aerobes bacteria in samples was 4.51 cfu/g. total coliform was 2.85 cfu/g. Staphylococcus - Micrococcus was 2.36 cfu/g. Mean numbers of psycrophiles and yeast and mold were 4.18 cfu/g and 2.43 cfu/g respectively. Escherichia coli biotype I and Staphylococcus aureus were detected in 19 (38 %) and 22 (44 %) out of 50 samples. Mean values of selected chemical parameters were found as pH 6.68, titratable acidity (as l.a) 0.09 %, aw 0.81 %, fat 9.22 %, dry substances 34.73 %, fat in dry substances 26.65%, invert sugar 18.51 %, saccarose 8.97 %, total sugars 27.40%. A weak negative correlation (r:- 0,33) was found between yeast and mold numbers and pH values of the samples, whereas a mild positive correlation (r: 0,48) was found. between dry substance and mold and yeast numbers of the samples. In conclusion, results showed that microbiological quality of the ice-cream samples was poor indicating insufficient hygiene practices and these product may exhibit a potential risk for public health. Chemical parameters, however, was in compliance with current standards.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dondurma, Mikrobiyolojik, Kimyasal, Kalite, ice-cream, Microbiological, Chemical, Quality
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Patır, B., Öksüztepe, G., İlhak, İ., Bozkurt, P., (2004). Elazığ'da Tüketi̇me Sunulan Kaymaklı (Sade) Dondurmaların Mi̇krobi̇yoloji̇k ve Ki̇myasal Kali̇tesi̇. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 20(1), 23-28.