Farklı olgunlaşma düzeyindeki mısır atığı kompostunun toprak kalite özellikleri ile bitki gelişimine etkileri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Toprağa ilave edilecek organik materyaller toprakların fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik özeliklerini iyileştirerek bir taraftan toprak bozulmasına karşı dirençlini artırırken, aynı zamanda verimlilik güçlerini de iyileştirmektedir. Bu etki kullanılacak organik materyalim bileşimine ve olgunlaşma düzeyine bağlı olarak önemli değişkenlikler gösterebilmektedir. Planlanan bu çalışmada; farklı olgunlaşma seviyesine sahip mısır anızı kompostunun Konya-Çumra bölgesinden alınan, düşük agregat stabilitesine sahip bir toprağın fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri üzerindeki iyileştirici etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda dört farklı olgunlaşma seviyesindeki mısır anızı kompostu ve öğütülmüş mısır anızının ağırlık esasına göre %0, %0.5, %1, %2 dozlarının uygulandığı inkübasyon ve saksı denemesi yürütülmüştür. İnkübasyon denemesinde her bir saksıya tarla kapasitesinin %80'i ağırlık esasına göre su ilave edilerek laboratuvar şartlarında 120 gün süre ile inkübasyona bırakılmıştır. İnkübasyon sonrası saksılara mısır ekimi yapılarak 60 gün boyunca mısır bitkisi gelişimi incelenmiştir. İnkübasyona bırakılan deneme topraklarından 30., 60., 90. ve 120. gün alt örnek alınmıştır. İnkübasyon çalışmasında yapılan uygulamaların toprağın fizikseli kimyasal ve biyolojik özelliklerine, saksı denemesinde ise mısır bitkisinin gelişim özelliklerine etkileri belirlenmiştir. Buna göre; topraklara ilave edilen organik materyallerin toprak fiziksel özelliklerinden Agregat Stabilitesi (AS) ve Ortalama Ağırlıklı Çap (OAÇ) üzerine etkileri daha etkili olmuştur. Agregat Stabilitesi değeri kontrolde %13.50 iken KO452 uygulaması ile %22.74 oranında bir artış sağlamış ve %16.57 değeri ölçülmüştür. Ortalama Ağırlıklı Çap değeri ise A2 uygulaması ile kontrole göre %66.67 oranında bir artış sağlamış ve 0.08 mm çıkmıştır. Tarla Kapasitesi (TK) ve Solma Noktası (SN) değerleri de uygulamalar ve dozlardan etkilenmiş, olumlu yönde gelişim göstermiştir. Toprak kimyasal özellikleri de uygulamalar ile farklılık göstermiş en dikkat çekici sonuçları ise Organik Karbon (OC) içeriğinde artışlar görülürmüştür. KO602 uygulaması ile OC kontrole göre %293.55 oranında artış sağlamış ve %1.22 seviyelerine ulaşmıştır. Kompost ve anız uygulamaları ile mineral azot formları 30-60-90-120 günlük inkübasyon dönemleri boyunca sürekli değişkenlik göstermiş bu da azotun topraktaki döngüsel hareketliliği ile açıklanmıştır. Fosfor (P) içeriği kompost uygulamaları ile farklılık göstermiş en önemli artışları ise %2 dozları ile sağlamıştır. Toprak biyolojik özelliklerinden olan Aktif Karbon (AC), Toprak Solunumu (TS) ve Potansiyel Mineralize Olabilir Azot (PMN) içerikleri de kompost ve anız uygulamaları ile önemli seviyelerde artış göstermiştir. Saksı denemesinde mısır bitkisinin biyokütle özellikleri ile Ca ve N içeriği ve üzerinde KO602 uygulaması daha etkili olurken, K, P, Zn ve Mn içeriği üzerinde A2 uygulaması daha etkili olmuştur. Sonuç olarak topraklara ilave edilen kompost ve anız uygulamaları toprakların kalite özellikleri üzerine olumlu yönde etki sağlamış, ancak mısır anızının doğrudan kullanımında bitki gelişiminde gözlemlenen gerilemeler ve anızın yapısında bulunan bazı bileşenler sebebi ile doğrudan kullanımından ziyade kompostlanarak kullanılmasının daha etkili olduğu değerlendirilmiştir.
Organic materials added to the soil improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil, increasing its resistance to degradation and also improving its productivity. This effect may vary significantly depending on the composition and maturity level of the organic material to be used. In this planned study; the improving effect of corn stubble compost with different maturity levels on the physical and chemical properties of a soil with low aggregate stability taken from the Konya-Çumra region was investigated. In this context, incubation and potting experiments were conducted in which 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2% doses were applied based on the weight of corn stubble compost and ground corn stubble at four different maturation levels. In the incubation experiment, 80% of the field capacity was applied to each pot on a weight basis and incubated under laboratory conditions for 120 days. After incubation, corn was planted in pots and corn plant development was examined for 60 days. Subsamples were taken from the experimental soils left for incubation on the 30th, 60th, 90th and 120th days. The effects of the applications made in the incubation study on the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and the developmental characteristics of the corn plant in the pot experiment were determined. Accordingly; the effects of the organic materials added to the soil on the Aggregate Stability (AS) and Average Weighted Diameter (AW) were more effective than the soil physical properties. While the Aggregate Stability value was 13.50% in the control, it increased by 22.74% with KO452 application and the value was measured as 16.57%. The Average Weighted Diameter value increased by 66.67% with A2 application compared to the control and was 0.08 mm. Field Capacity (TK) and Wilting Point (SN) values were also affected by the applications and doses and showed positive development. The soil chemical properties also differed with the applications and the most striking results were the increases in Organic Carbon (OC) content. With KO602 application, OC increased by 293.55% compared to the control and reached 1.22% levels. With compost and stubble applications, mineral nitrogen forms showed continuous variation during the 30-60-90-120 day incubation periods, which was explained by the cyclic mobility of nitrogen in the soil. Phosphorus (P) content showed differences with compost applications and the most significant increases were provided with 2% doses. Activated Carbon (AC), Soil Respiration (TS) and Potential Mineralizable Nitrogen (PMN) contents, which are soil biological properties, also showed significant increases with compost and stubble applications. In the pot experiment, KO602 application was more effective on biomass properties of corn plants and Ca and N content, while A2 application was more effective on K, P, Zn and Mn content. As a result, compost and stubble applications added to the soils had a positive effect on the quality properties of the soils, but it was evaluated that using corn stubble as compost was more effective than using it directly due to the observed retardations in plant development and some components in the structure of the stubble.
Organic materials added to the soil improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil, increasing its resistance to degradation and also improving its productivity. This effect may vary significantly depending on the composition and maturity level of the organic material to be used. In this planned study; the improving effect of corn stubble compost with different maturity levels on the physical and chemical properties of a soil with low aggregate stability taken from the Konya-Çumra region was investigated. In this context, incubation and potting experiments were conducted in which 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2% doses were applied based on the weight of corn stubble compost and ground corn stubble at four different maturation levels. In the incubation experiment, 80% of the field capacity was applied to each pot on a weight basis and incubated under laboratory conditions for 120 days. After incubation, corn was planted in pots and corn plant development was examined for 60 days. Subsamples were taken from the experimental soils left for incubation on the 30th, 60th, 90th and 120th days. The effects of the applications made in the incubation study on the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil and the developmental characteristics of the corn plant in the pot experiment were determined. Accordingly; the effects of the organic materials added to the soil on the Aggregate Stability (AS) and Average Weighted Diameter (AW) were more effective than the soil physical properties. While the Aggregate Stability value was 13.50% in the control, it increased by 22.74% with KO452 application and the value was measured as 16.57%. The Average Weighted Diameter value increased by 66.67% with A2 application compared to the control and was 0.08 mm. Field Capacity (TK) and Wilting Point (SN) values were also affected by the applications and doses and showed positive development. The soil chemical properties also differed with the applications and the most striking results were the increases in Organic Carbon (OC) content. With KO602 application, OC increased by 293.55% compared to the control and reached 1.22% levels. With compost and stubble applications, mineral nitrogen forms showed continuous variation during the 30-60-90-120 day incubation periods, which was explained by the cyclic mobility of nitrogen in the soil. Phosphorus (P) content showed differences with compost applications and the most significant increases were provided with 2% doses. Activated Carbon (AC), Soil Respiration (TS) and Potential Mineralizable Nitrogen (PMN) contents, which are soil biological properties, also showed significant increases with compost and stubble applications. In the pot experiment, KO602 application was more effective on biomass properties of corn plants and Ca and N content, while A2 application was more effective on K, P, Zn and Mn content. As a result, compost and stubble applications added to the soils had a positive effect on the quality properties of the soils, but it was evaluated that using corn stubble as compost was more effective than using it directly due to the observed retardations in plant development and some components in the structure of the stubble.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kompost Olgunlaşma Seviyesi, Mısır Anızı, Mısır Anızı Kompostu, Toprak Kalitesi, Toprak Verimliliği, Compost Maturity Level, Maize Straw, Maize Straw Compost, Soil Fertility, Soil Quality
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Koçkesen, R. (2024). Farklı olgunlaşma düzeyindeki mısır atığı kompostunun toprak kalite özellikleri ile bitki gelişimine etkileri. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.