Karaman - Başyayla konutlarının mimari özelliklerinin incelenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmanın genel amacı, kırsal mimarinin tarihsel özelliklerinden çok onun mimari özelliklerini ele almaktadır. Bir bakıma, mevcut olan bu tür yapıların köklerine inmeye çalışmak yerine, onların varlığının mimarlığa katkılarını güncellemektir. Tez çalışması, kırsal mimari gelenekleri açıklayıcı bir kavramsal çerçeve içermektedir. Bu çerçeve, Türkiye'nin güneyinde yer alan Karaman - Başyayla ilçe yerleşimi bağlamında sunulacaktır. Araştırmanın temel kabulü, geleneksel kırsal kültürde, çevresel tutarlılığın varlığıdır. Araştırma sonucu oluşan bilgiler, kırsal mimari hakkında, daha önce başka araştırmacılar tarafından üzerinde durulan hususlar bünyesinde, literal inceleme ile temellendirilmiştir. Kırsal mimariye yönelik bakış açısını genişletmek ve tartışma ortamına sunmak, minimum bir nitelikte de olsa, konu açısından önem arz etmektedir. Çünkü günümüzde fotoğraf ve rölövelerin konusu olan bu evlerin pek çoğu artık yoktur. Yeni kırsal oluşumlar, kültürel kırsal aktarımın dışındadır. Bu açıdan bu tür çalışmalar ayrıca bir belge niteliği taşımaktadır. Giderek globalleşen dünyada ülkeler, geçmişten bugüne, günümüzden de geleceğe kendi değerlerini aktarmaya çalışmaktadır. Bu değerlerden biri olan mimari, kültürel kimlik ve süreklilik konusunda, toplumun yaşadığı süreci, yaşam biçimini, kültürünü ve değer yargılarını yansıtan bir olgudur. Bu araştırmada, bu olgulardan biri olan, Başyayla ilçe yerleşim dokusunun içerisinde yer alan kırsal konutlar ele alınmıştır. Evlerin genel yerleşim özellikleri, plan ve cephe düzeni incelenmiş ve elde edilen sonuçlar sunulmuştur. Sonuçlar, kırsal Başyayla evlerinin çevreye, iklime, çevredeki yapı malzemesine, ayrıca ilçenin sosyo - kültürel yapısına ne kadar duyarlı olduğu ve evrensel doğrulara ne kadar uygun olarak kurgulandıklarını göstermektedir.
The general objective of this study was to discuss the architectural properties of rural architecture instead of its historical properties. In a sense, the goal of the study was to update the contributions of their presence to architecture instead of studying the roots of these structures. This thesis study is composed of a conceptual frame describing the rural architectural traditions. The frame will be presented in the context of Karaman-Başyayla District settlement lying at the south region of Turkey that the basic assumption of the study was the existence of environmental consistency in the traditional rural culture. The information obtained as a result of this study was fixed by making literal investigation on the particular subjects of rural architecture which have been taken into consideration by the former researchers. Extending the viewpoint towards the rural architecture and presenting rural architecture into the discussion medium have great importance in terms of the aforementioned subject, because most of these houses have been the subjects of photographs and reliefs but not existing today. Since new rural formations are out of the cultural rural quotations, this type of studies also carries the characteristic of being a document extending to the past. The countries of the globalizing world endeavor to transfer their own values from past to present and present to future. Being one of these values, the architecture is a tool reflecting the life style, life period, culture and value judgments of a society in terms of cultural identity and continuity. In this research, the rural houses lying inside the residential texture of Başyayla District were taken into consideration, and the general layout properties, plans and facade arrangements of the houses were investigated. The results of the investigation showed that Başyayla rural houses were established in accordance to the universal truths and found to be so much sensitive for the environment, climate, surrounding construction materials and also for the socio-cultural structure of the district.
The general objective of this study was to discuss the architectural properties of rural architecture instead of its historical properties. In a sense, the goal of the study was to update the contributions of their presence to architecture instead of studying the roots of these structures. This thesis study is composed of a conceptual frame describing the rural architectural traditions. The frame will be presented in the context of Karaman-Başyayla District settlement lying at the south region of Turkey that the basic assumption of the study was the existence of environmental consistency in the traditional rural culture. The information obtained as a result of this study was fixed by making literal investigation on the particular subjects of rural architecture which have been taken into consideration by the former researchers. Extending the viewpoint towards the rural architecture and presenting rural architecture into the discussion medium have great importance in terms of the aforementioned subject, because most of these houses have been the subjects of photographs and reliefs but not existing today. Since new rural formations are out of the cultural rural quotations, this type of studies also carries the characteristic of being a document extending to the past. The countries of the globalizing world endeavor to transfer their own values from past to present and present to future. Being one of these values, the architecture is a tool reflecting the life style, life period, culture and value judgments of a society in terms of cultural identity and continuity. In this research, the rural houses lying inside the residential texture of Başyayla District were taken into consideration, and the general layout properties, plans and facade arrangements of the houses were investigated. The results of the investigation showed that Başyayla rural houses were established in accordance to the universal truths and found to be so much sensitive for the environment, climate, surrounding construction materials and also for the socio-cultural structure of the district.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mimari, Architecture, Karaman, Başyayla, Kırsal mimari, Rural architecture, Mimari yapılar, Architectural structures, Konut, House
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Selvi, F. (2011). Karaman - Başyayla konutlarının mimari özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.