Dilsel İfadelerin Mantıksal Örgüsü
2023 Aralık
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Dilsel ifadeler üzerine mantıksal bir çözümleme çabası olan bu yazıda dil bir iletişim dizgesi olarak ele alınmış, iletişim amaçlı üretilen deyimler olarak sözceler bileşenlerine ayrılmıştır. Edim ve önerme olmak üzere iki anlamsal bileşenden oluşan sözcelerin, önermesel anlamına odaklanılmıştır. Önermeleri oluşturan terimlerin birbirleriyle ve şeylerle kurduğu ilişkilerin mantıksal örgüsünün önermenin sözdizimine olan etkisi ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Yasaları tanımlayan genel önermeler ile şeyleri betimleyen tekil önermeler olmak üzere iki temel başlıkta ele alınan önermeler tümevarım mantığıyla çözümlenmiştir. Önermeyi oluşturan ögeler olarak terimlerin şeylerle kurduğu uygulama ve adlandırma bağlantıları örnekler üzerinden gösterilmiş ve şeylere yapılan gönderimin koşulları tartışılmıştır. Tekil önermelerin cümle dışında farklı sözdizimleriyle ifade edilebildiğinin kanıtlanmaya çalışıldığı bu yazıda sözdizimsel kuruluşları aynı olan dilsel ifadelerin farklı mantık örgülerine sahip olabildiği gösterilmiştir. Sözdizimi ile mantıksal örgü arasındaki ilişki tamlamalar üzerinden tespit edilmeye çalışılırken yer yer ortaya çıkan aykırılıklara da dikkat çekilmiştir. Aynı önermesel anlama sahip farklı sözdizimlerindeki tekil önermeler için bir çözümleme yöntemi önerilmiş, kullanılan örnekler standart Türkçeden seçilmiştir.
This article aims at a logical analysis of linguistic expressions, language is accepted as a communication system. The utterances, which are the expressions produced for communication purposes, are divided into their components. The meaning of the utterance has two aspects, propositional and actual. This article further focuses on the propositional meaning of the utterance. The main argument of this article is on the logical construction of the relations between premises that make up the proposition and things. The propositions that are handled under two main headings, namely general propositions describing general laws and singular propositions describing things, have been mostly analysed in line with inductive logic. As the propositional elements, the application connections and naming connections of premises with things have been shown through examples, and the conditions of reference to things are discussed. In this article, which tries to prove that singular propositions can be expressed with different syntactic forms other than sentence form, it is shown that linguistic expressions with the same syntactic structures can have different logical patterns. While trying to determine the relationship between syntax and logical weave through phrases, attention was drawn to the occasional contradictions. An analysis method was proposed for singular propositions with different syntactic forms with the same propositional meaning, and the examples used were selected from standard Turkish.
This article aims at a logical analysis of linguistic expressions, language is accepted as a communication system. The utterances, which are the expressions produced for communication purposes, are divided into their components. The meaning of the utterance has two aspects, propositional and actual. This article further focuses on the propositional meaning of the utterance. The main argument of this article is on the logical construction of the relations between premises that make up the proposition and things. The propositions that are handled under two main headings, namely general propositions describing general laws and singular propositions describing things, have been mostly analysed in line with inductive logic. As the propositional elements, the application connections and naming connections of premises with things have been shown through examples, and the conditions of reference to things are discussed. In this article, which tries to prove that singular propositions can be expressed with different syntactic forms other than sentence form, it is shown that linguistic expressions with the same syntactic structures can have different logical patterns. While trying to determine the relationship between syntax and logical weave through phrases, attention was drawn to the occasional contradictions. An analysis method was proposed for singular propositions with different syntactic forms with the same propositional meaning, and the examples used were selected from standard Turkish.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mantık, önerme, gönderim, tanımlama, betimleme, Logic, proposition, reference, identification, description
Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yılmaz, Ç., (2023). Dilsel İfadelerin Mantıksal Örgüsü. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (50), 1-26.
DOI: 10.21497/sefad.1407697