Nigella sativa'nın (Çörek otu) karaciğerde karbontetraklorür hepatotoksisitesi üzerine apoptotik etkilerinin moleküler olarak araştırılması
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılan ilaçların pek çok yan etkisinin olması, doğal bitkilere olan ilgiyi arttırmıştır. Bu tür bitkilerin ilaç olarak kullanılması, insanlık tarihi kadar eskidir. Bu tez çalışmasında Ortadoğu ve Uzakdoğu ülkelerinde 2000 yılı aşkın süredir birçok hastalığın tedavisinde kullanılan şifalı bir bitki olarak tanımlanan Ranunculaceae (Düğünçiçeğigiller) familyasından Nigella sativa (Çörek otu) bitkisinin rat karaciğerne karbontetraklorür hepatotoksisitesi üzerine apoptotik etkilerinin moleküler belirteçlerle araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla kontrol, CCl4, CCl4 + çörek otu yağı ve sadece çörek otu yağı olmak üzere 4 deney grubu oluşturulmuştur. Ratlardan alınarak disekte edilen karaciğer dokuları morfolojik olarak değerlendirdiğinde karbontetraklorür uygulanan karaciğer dokusunda belirgin bir yağlanma oluştuğu gözlenmiştir. CCl4 ve çörek otu yağını birlikte uyguladığımız deney grubuna ait karaciğer dokusunda morfolojik olarak yağlanmanın azaldığı görülmüştür. İzole edilen DNA'lar (%0,7) agaroz jele yüklenerek fragmantasyon analizi yapılmış, izole edilen RNA'lardan cDNA sentezi ve sırasıyla GAPDH, BCL-2, BAX gen bölgelerinin amplifikasyonları yapılmıştır bunun yanı sıra kaspaz 3 enzim aktivitesi ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Gen ekspresyon düzeyleri Image J programı kullanılarak ölçülmüştür. Sonuçlar bu gen bölgelerinin ifade seviyeleri ile ilişkilendirilmiştir. Moleküler sonuçlarımız CCl4 uygulanan grupta karaciğer hücrelerinin tümörleşmeye doğru gittiğini ve bu etkinin CCl4 ve çörek otunun birlikte kullanıldığı grupta azaldığını göstermiştir. Moleküler sonuçlar ve morfolojik gözlemler çörek otu yağının karbontetraklorür hepatoksisitesi üzerinde geri dönüştürücü ve koruyucu etkisi olduğu saptanmıştır.
Interest to natural plant has increased because many of the drugs used in the treatment have side effects. Using these types of plants as medicine, is as old as human history. In this thesis, it is aim to identify effects of Nigella sativa that is a member of Ranunculacea carbontetrachloride hepatotoxicity on the apoptotic of molecular markers in the liver and it has been used for over 2,000 years to cure many diseases in the Middle East and Far East countries .For this purpose, four experimental groups were formed that consisted CCl4, CCl4 + black cumin oil and black cumin oil . It was observed that a remarkable anointment was observed in liver tissue when carbontetrachloride was applied. When it was evaluated morphologically, the tissue taken from rat liver tissue dissected When CCl4 and black cumin oil and together were applied together in the liver tissue, a morphological decrease was observed in experimental group. Isolated DNA(0.7%) by loading agarose was analyzed , isolated RNA cDNA synthesis and respectively GAPDH, BCL-2, BAX gene regions of amplification were performed, as well as caspase 3 enzyme activity were measured. Gene expression levels were measured using Image J program. The results of the gene expression levels have been associated with the region.Our results in the group molecular CCl4 liver cells was going towards become tumours and this effect reduced in group that was used CCl4 and black cumin combination.The results of molecular and morphological observations , it was observed that black cumin oil has recycler and protective effect on carbontetrachloride hepatotoxicity.
Interest to natural plant has increased because many of the drugs used in the treatment have side effects. Using these types of plants as medicine, is as old as human history. In this thesis, it is aim to identify effects of Nigella sativa that is a member of Ranunculacea carbontetrachloride hepatotoxicity on the apoptotic of molecular markers in the liver and it has been used for over 2,000 years to cure many diseases in the Middle East and Far East countries .For this purpose, four experimental groups were formed that consisted CCl4, CCl4 + black cumin oil and black cumin oil . It was observed that a remarkable anointment was observed in liver tissue when carbontetrachloride was applied. When it was evaluated morphologically, the tissue taken from rat liver tissue dissected When CCl4 and black cumin oil and together were applied together in the liver tissue, a morphological decrease was observed in experimental group. Isolated DNA(0.7%) by loading agarose was analyzed , isolated RNA cDNA synthesis and respectively GAPDH, BCL-2, BAX gene regions of amplification were performed, as well as caspase 3 enzyme activity were measured. Gene expression levels were measured using Image J program. The results of the gene expression levels have been associated with the region.Our results in the group molecular CCl4 liver cells was going towards become tumours and this effect reduced in group that was used CCl4 and black cumin combination.The results of molecular and morphological observations , it was observed that black cumin oil has recycler and protective effect on carbontetrachloride hepatotoxicity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çörek otu, Apoptoz, Kaspaz-3, Karaciğer, Black cumin, Apoptosis, Caspase-3, Liver
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uğurtan, M. H. (2014). Nigella sativa'nın (Çörek otu) karaciğerde karbontetraklorür hepatotoksisitesi üzerine apoptotik etkilerinin moleküler olarak araştırılması. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.