Acil yoğun bakımda izlenen çoklu travmalı hastaların retrospektif incelenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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SÜMTF Acil yoğun bakım ünitesinde takip edilmiş çoklu travma hastalarında etyolojik nedenler, yapılan girişimler, GKSS, RTS, KYS, ISS, gelişen komplikasyonlar (SIRS, sepsis, MOF), mortalite ve morbidite ilişkileri ve klinik sonuçları geriye dönük olarak incelenmiştir. Materyal ve metod: Bu çalışma, SÜMTF acil yoğun bakım biriminde 01/01/2006 ? 01/01/2009 tarihleri arasında takip edilen tüm yaş gurubundan çoklu travmalı hastalar geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Çalışmaya sağlıklı dosya verileri elde edilebilen 138 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Travma sonrası ilk altı saat içinde eksitus olan hastalar, kronik böbrek yetmezliği, kronik karaciğer hastalığı, kronik kalp yetmezliği ve metastatik kanser hastaları çalışma dışı bırakılmıştır. MOF tanısında, 1985 yılında Knaus ve arkadaşlarının geliştirdiği kriterler, sepsis ve SIRS tanısında, 2008 ACCP/SCCM kararları esas alınmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular SPSS 15.0® Microsoft for Windows programına aktarılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin tanımlayıcı istatistikleri yapılmış ve Pearson korelasyon analizi kullanılarak istatiksel sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen hastaların yaşları ortalama 31.0547 ve %81.2'si (n:112) erkek hastalardan oluşmuştur. Çoklu travmada en fazla etkilenen bölgeler baş-boyun (115 hasta) ve ekstremiteler (105 hasta) olmuştur. 138 hastanın %26.8'i (n:37) eksitus olurken, %58'i (n:80) farklı kliniklere devredildi ve hastaların %15.2'si (n:21) acil yoğun bakımdan taburcu edilmiştir. Çalışmaya alınan hastalarda, yatış süreleri uzadıkça ve invaziv işlemler uygulanmasıyla MOF, SIRS ve sepsis gelişme riski artmaktadır. Tüm çalışma hastaları için MOF (%21.1), sepsis (%20.3) ve SIRS (%71.9) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Hastalarda RTS ve GKSS değerleri ile MOF ve sepsis ilişkili iken, ISS değerleri ile MOF (p <0.373) ve sepsis (p <0.408) arasında ilişki bulunamamıştır Sonuç: Travma skorlama sistemleri mortalite ve gelişebilecek komplikasyonları öngörmede oldukça etkili olmaktadır. Yoğun bakım gerektiren çoklu travma hastalarında uygulanan invaziv girişimler ve beslenme desteği hastalarda komplikasyon gelişme riskini arttırmaktadır. MOF, SIRS ve sepsis gibi komplikasyon gelişen hastalarda mortalite anlamlı olarak artmaktadır. Sonuç olarak yoğun bakım gerektiren çoklu travma hastalarının kliniğini birçok faktörün etkilediği ve bu faktörlerinde birbirini etkileyerek hastanın kliniğini değiştirebildikleri söylenebilir.
Retrospective evaluation of multiple trauma patients hospitalized in intensive care unit of emergency department of Selcuk University Meram Faculty of Medicine (SUMMF). Material and Methods: This retrospective study was performed between january 01,2006 and january 01,2009 with 146 patients in the emergency department of selcuk university of medicine. This study was conducted with permission of ethical committee of SUMMF. These patients who were die within 6 hours after trauma, chronic renal failure, chronic liver failure, chronic heart failure and metastatic cancers, were excluded to the study. The patients? data were performed from SUMMF archives. In this study, Knaus criteria that was developed by Knaus at all. in 1985, was used to diagnosis for MOF. In 2008 ACCP/SCCM decisions were used for diagnosis to SIRS and sepsis. The gathered data were evaluated statistically with using SPSS 15.0® Microsoft for Windows programs. Findings: Mean age of the patients were 31.0 ±21.82 (1 to 80) years. Of the patients 112 (%81.2) were men and 26 (%18.8) were women. Mean GCSS, RTS, length of stay at mechanical ventilation and length of stay in ICU values of all patients were determined 9.8 (3 to 15), 5.81 (0 to 7.841), 2.20 (0 to 30) and 5.398 (1 to 30) respectively. Mean GCSS, RTS, length of stay at mechanical ventilation and length of stay in ICU values of died patients were determined 5.16 (3 to 15), 3.971(0 to 7.108), 3.95 (0 to 30) and 4.62 (1 to 30) respectively. The most common etiologies of multitrauma in this study were; car occupants accidents (40.6), pedestrians accidents (%37), fallings (%9.4), incisory tools (%1.4), electrical injuries (%2.2), motorcyclists accidents (%5.8), firearm injuries (%3.6) respectively. We established that 56 (%43.5) patients were ventilated mechanically, other 82 were not, 34 (%26.4) patients were given nutritional support therapy, other 104 were not and 22 (%14.5) patients were given inotropic support therapy. Twenty seven of patients were diagnosed MOF, 26 of them sepsis, 98 of them SIRS. Results: We determined that there was not any corelation between mortality and nutritional support therapy, length of stay in ICU and ISS scoring sistems. We determined that there was very strong corelation between mortality and RTS, GKSS, MOF, sepsis, mortality and mechanical ventilation. As a result; it was concluded that there are a lot of kinds of factors which may effect the clinical outcome of the patients observed and treated because of multitrauma in ICU.
Retrospective evaluation of multiple trauma patients hospitalized in intensive care unit of emergency department of Selcuk University Meram Faculty of Medicine (SUMMF). Material and Methods: This retrospective study was performed between january 01,2006 and january 01,2009 with 146 patients in the emergency department of selcuk university of medicine. This study was conducted with permission of ethical committee of SUMMF. These patients who were die within 6 hours after trauma, chronic renal failure, chronic liver failure, chronic heart failure and metastatic cancers, were excluded to the study. The patients? data were performed from SUMMF archives. In this study, Knaus criteria that was developed by Knaus at all. in 1985, was used to diagnosis for MOF. In 2008 ACCP/SCCM decisions were used for diagnosis to SIRS and sepsis. The gathered data were evaluated statistically with using SPSS 15.0® Microsoft for Windows programs. Findings: Mean age of the patients were 31.0 ±21.82 (1 to 80) years. Of the patients 112 (%81.2) were men and 26 (%18.8) were women. Mean GCSS, RTS, length of stay at mechanical ventilation and length of stay in ICU values of all patients were determined 9.8 (3 to 15), 5.81 (0 to 7.841), 2.20 (0 to 30) and 5.398 (1 to 30) respectively. Mean GCSS, RTS, length of stay at mechanical ventilation and length of stay in ICU values of died patients were determined 5.16 (3 to 15), 3.971(0 to 7.108), 3.95 (0 to 30) and 4.62 (1 to 30) respectively. The most common etiologies of multitrauma in this study were; car occupants accidents (40.6), pedestrians accidents (%37), fallings (%9.4), incisory tools (%1.4), electrical injuries (%2.2), motorcyclists accidents (%5.8), firearm injuries (%3.6) respectively. We established that 56 (%43.5) patients were ventilated mechanically, other 82 were not, 34 (%26.4) patients were given nutritional support therapy, other 104 were not and 22 (%14.5) patients were given inotropic support therapy. Twenty seven of patients were diagnosed MOF, 26 of them sepsis, 98 of them SIRS. Results: We determined that there was not any corelation between mortality and nutritional support therapy, length of stay in ICU and ISS scoring sistems. We determined that there was very strong corelation between mortality and RTS, GKSS, MOF, sepsis, mortality and mechanical ventilation. As a result; it was concluded that there are a lot of kinds of factors which may effect the clinical outcome of the patients observed and treated because of multitrauma in ICU.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sepsis, Çoklu travma, Multitrauma
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Dur, A. (2009). Acil yoğun bakımda izlenen çoklu travmalı hastaların retrospektif incelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış tıpta uzmanlık tezi, Konya.