Sivas ili koyunculuk işletmelerinin yapısal özellikleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışma Sivas ilindeki koyunculuk işletmelerinin yapısal özelliklerini belirlemek amacı ile merkez ve 16 ilçeden (4 alt bölge) toplam 330 adet koyunculuk işletmesinde anket yoluyla toplanan bilgilerin değerlendirilmesiyle yürütülmüştür. İşletme başına koyun sayısı ortalama 186.44 baş olup, bu sayı alt bölgelerde 116.18 ile 270.36 adet arasında değişim göstermiştir. İşletmelerdeki koyunların yaklaşık % 90'dan fazlası Akkaraman, kalanının ise melez tiplerden oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir. Sivas genelinde yaylacılığın yaygın olduğu, yetiştiricilerin köylerden hariç yaylada da ağıllarının bulunduğu gözlenmiştir. Kuzuların doğum ağırlıkları tekiz doğan erkeklerde ortalama 4.10 kg, ikiz erkeklerde 2.39 kg, tekiz dişilerde 3.22 kg, ikiz dişilerde 2.44 kg olarak belirlenmiştir. Kuzuların sütten kesim yaşı alt bölgelerde ortalama 3.79 ay olarak hesaplanmış, sütten kesim ağırlıkları ise 23.00 kg ile 32.85 kg arasında değişim göstermiştir. Koyunların baharla birlikte meraya çıkarıldıkları ve kar yağıncaya kadar merada otlatıldıkları, kışın ise ağıllara alınarak elde mevcut kesif yemlerle ek yemleme yapıldığı gözlenmiştir. İl genelinde ortalama yavru atan koyunların oranı % 5.25, doğuran koyun başına kuzu sayısı ise 1.02 adet olarak bulunmuştur. İşletmelerde damızlık seçiminde dayanıklılık, morfolojik yapı ve ırk özelliklerine bakıldığı tespit edilmiştir. İlk defa damızlıkta kullanma yaşı erkeklerde 20.38 ay, dişilerde 17.09 ay olarak hesaplanmıştır. Damızlıkta kalma süresi ise erkeklerde 3.20 yıl, dişilerde ise 6.03 yıl olarak bulunmuştur. İşletmelerin hayvancılıkla ilgili her konuda teknik bilgi aldıkları ve sağlık koruma şartlarına uydukları belirlenmiştir.
This study was carried out to determine the structural properties of sheep farms in the province of Sivas by evaluating a total of 330 questionnaire forms these collected from sheep breeding enterprises at the center and 16 districts ( in 4 sub regions ). The mean number of sheep per farm was 184.46 heads and it was changed from 116.18 to 270.36 by the sub regions. It had been identified that more than 90 % of sheep enterprises raised Akkaraman, the rest was composed of hybrid types. Transhumance was common in Sivas and the breeders also had another shelter in highlands except for the village shelters. The average birth weights were determined as 4.10 kg and 2.39 kg for single and twin born male lambs, 3.22 kg and 2.44 kg for single and twin born female lambs respectively. The mean age at weaning was calculated as 3.79 months and the weaning weight of lambs varied between 23.00 kg and 32.85 kg. It was observed that sheep were grazed until the snowfall started and they were kept in the shelters in winter by feeding with additional concentrated feed obtained from the own farms of the enterprises. Aborted ewes ratio was 5.25 % and the overall mean for litter size was estimated to be 1.02 lambs per ewe lambing in the province?s general. It had been identified that firmness, morphological features and breed characteristics were used as selection criteria. Average first service age was calculated as 20.38 months for males and 17.09 months for females. Stud usage durations were found as 3.20 and 6.03 years for rams and ewes respectively. It was seen that the enterprises received technical information about all subjects related to livestock breeding and they complied with health protection requirements.
This study was carried out to determine the structural properties of sheep farms in the province of Sivas by evaluating a total of 330 questionnaire forms these collected from sheep breeding enterprises at the center and 16 districts ( in 4 sub regions ). The mean number of sheep per farm was 184.46 heads and it was changed from 116.18 to 270.36 by the sub regions. It had been identified that more than 90 % of sheep enterprises raised Akkaraman, the rest was composed of hybrid types. Transhumance was common in Sivas and the breeders also had another shelter in highlands except for the village shelters. The average birth weights were determined as 4.10 kg and 2.39 kg for single and twin born male lambs, 3.22 kg and 2.44 kg for single and twin born female lambs respectively. The mean age at weaning was calculated as 3.79 months and the weaning weight of lambs varied between 23.00 kg and 32.85 kg. It was observed that sheep were grazed until the snowfall started and they were kept in the shelters in winter by feeding with additional concentrated feed obtained from the own farms of the enterprises. Aborted ewes ratio was 5.25 % and the overall mean for litter size was estimated to be 1.02 lambs per ewe lambing in the province?s general. It had been identified that firmness, morphological features and breed characteristics were used as selection criteria. Average first service age was calculated as 20.38 months for males and 17.09 months for females. Stud usage durations were found as 3.20 and 6.03 years for rams and ewes respectively. It was seen that the enterprises received technical information about all subjects related to livestock breeding and they complied with health protection requirements.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sivas, Koyunculuk işletmeleri, Sheep farms, Yapısal özellikler, Yemleme, Structural characteristics, Feeding
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Gezer, O. N. (2010). Sivas ili koyunculuk işletmelerinin yapısal özellikleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.