Kafein alımının çift yönlü görev sırasında postural kontrole etkisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Bu çalışmanın amacı kafein ilavesinin çift yönlü görev sırasındaki postural kontrole etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Bu araştırma, rekreasyonel olarak aktif 18-24 yaş aralığında 15 erkek üzerinde gerçekleştirildi. Deneklerin yaş ortalamaları 20.50 ± 0.67 yıl, boy ortalamaları 177.00 ± 7.40 cm, vücut ağırlığı ortalamaları ise 65.91 ± 5.71 kg olarak belirlendi. Denekler postural kontrol (denge) testine rastgele yöntemle seçilerek 5'er kişilik gruplar halinde alındı. Testler öncesi denekler, her biri 30 saniye süren üç deneme testinden sonra, yine aynı şekilde her biri 30 saniye süren gözler açık ve kapalı olmak üzere sekiz kez denge testine (normal denge, mental görev sırasındaki denge, görsel görev sırasındaki denge ve sözel görev sırasındaki denge) alındı. Her test arasında 5 dk dinlenme periyodu verildi. Denekler 2 gün arayla diğer 2 uygulamayı (Kafein ve Plasebo ilaveli olarak) aynı şekilde gerçekleştirdi. Kafein ve plasebo ilavesinden 1 saat sonra denge testleri gerçekleştirildi. Gruplararası farklılıkların tespitinde "Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi" testi, grupların kendi içindeki ölçüm farklılıklarının tespitinde "Tekrarlı Ölçümlerde Varyans Analizi" testi kullanıldı. Deneklerin gruplar arası gözler açık denge skorları incelendiğinde, kafein grubunun denge skorları görsel görev sırasındaki denge hariç diğer iki gruptan önemli düzeyde düşüktü (P<0,05). Grup içi gözler açık denge skorları karşılaştırıldığında, kafein sadece normal denge skorunu diğer denge skorlarına göre önemli şekilde düşürdü (P<0.05). Kafein grubunda çift yönlü mental görev esnasındaki denge skoru kontrol grubuna göre önemli düzeyde düştü (P<0.05). Kontrol, plasebo ve kafein gruplarının grup içi gözler kapalı durumdaki yüksek normal denge skoru, çift yönlü mental, görsel ve sözel görev sırasındaki denge skorları kafein ve plasebo ilavesinden önemli şekilde etkilenmedi (P>0.05). Çalışmada sonuç olarak, akut olarak uygulanan 6 gr/kg kafein ilavesinin gözler açık normal denge, çift yönlü mental, görsel ve sözel görev sırasındaki denge skorlarını önemli ölçüde düşürdüğü, plasebo ilavesinin ise bütün denge skorları üzerine aynı önemli etkiyi göstermediği belirlendi. Kafein ilavesinin gözler açık normal denge skoru üzerine gösterdiği önemli etkiyi çift yönlü mental, görsel ve sözel görev sırasındaki denge skoru üzerine göstermediği tespit edildi. Çalışmada plasebo ve kafein ilavesi gözler kapalı normal denge, çift yönlü görsel ve sözel görev sırasındaki denge skorlarını önemli ölçüde etkilemezken, kafein ilavesi sadece çift yönlü mental görev sırasındaki dengeyi önemli şekilde etkilemiştir.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect caffeine intake on the postural control during dual task. This research was carried out on recreationally active 15 men in the 18-24-age range. The average age of the subjects 20.50 ± 0.67 years, an average height of 177.00 ± 7:40 cm, weight 65.91 ± 5.71 kg were determined. The subjects was randomly assigned in groups of five for the subjects ' postural control (balance) test. Prior to test, the subjects completed three trials after the test each taking 30 seconds; in the same way, one every the subjects completed eight times the balance test as eyes open and closed each taking 30 seconds (normal balance, balance during mental task, balance during visual task, and balance during verbal tasks ). A 5 min rest period was given between each test.Other two applications were completed 2 days apart by the subjects (caffeine and placebo addition) in the same manner. Balance test for caffeine and plasebo conditions were performed after 1 hour addition. In the detection of inter group differences " One-Way Analysis of Variance " test, and in the determination of their within group differences " Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance " test were used. When open eyes subjects' balance scores were examined between groups, the caffeine group's balance scores, excluding the balance of during the visual task scores,were significantly lower than the other two groups (P < 0.05). When Intra-group open eyes balance scores were compared, caffeine only significantly lowered normal balance scores compared to other balance scores (P < 0.05). Caffeine group' s balance scores during mental tasks scores declined significantly compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Control, placebo and caffeine groups' intra-group high balance score in eyes-closed state, bi-directional mental, visual and verbal tasks balance scores was not affected significantly (P> 0.05) by the addition of caffeine and placebo. As a result, acute administration of 6 g/kg of caffeine supplementation decreased significantly eyes open during, normal balance, dual mental, visual and verbal tasks balance scores and the placebo and caffeine addition did not show the same effect on the all other balance tests. It was determined that caffeine addition did not show significant effect on balance scores during dual mental, visual and verbal scores as it did open eyes normal balance scores. . In this study, while the addition of placebo and caffeine did not significantly affect normal balance with eyes closed, during dual visual and verbal scores significantly, it affected the balance during dual mental tasks significantly.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect caffeine intake on the postural control during dual task. This research was carried out on recreationally active 15 men in the 18-24-age range. The average age of the subjects 20.50 ± 0.67 years, an average height of 177.00 ± 7:40 cm, weight 65.91 ± 5.71 kg were determined. The subjects was randomly assigned in groups of five for the subjects ' postural control (balance) test. Prior to test, the subjects completed three trials after the test each taking 30 seconds; in the same way, one every the subjects completed eight times the balance test as eyes open and closed each taking 30 seconds (normal balance, balance during mental task, balance during visual task, and balance during verbal tasks ). A 5 min rest period was given between each test.Other two applications were completed 2 days apart by the subjects (caffeine and placebo addition) in the same manner. Balance test for caffeine and plasebo conditions were performed after 1 hour addition. In the detection of inter group differences " One-Way Analysis of Variance " test, and in the determination of their within group differences " Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance " test were used. When open eyes subjects' balance scores were examined between groups, the caffeine group's balance scores, excluding the balance of during the visual task scores,were significantly lower than the other two groups (P < 0.05). When Intra-group open eyes balance scores were compared, caffeine only significantly lowered normal balance scores compared to other balance scores (P < 0.05). Caffeine group' s balance scores during mental tasks scores declined significantly compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Control, placebo and caffeine groups' intra-group high balance score in eyes-closed state, bi-directional mental, visual and verbal tasks balance scores was not affected significantly (P> 0.05) by the addition of caffeine and placebo. As a result, acute administration of 6 g/kg of caffeine supplementation decreased significantly eyes open during, normal balance, dual mental, visual and verbal tasks balance scores and the placebo and caffeine addition did not show the same effect on the all other balance tests. It was determined that caffeine addition did not show significant effect on balance scores during dual mental, visual and verbal scores as it did open eyes normal balance scores. . In this study, while the addition of placebo and caffeine did not significantly affect normal balance with eyes closed, during dual visual and verbal scores significantly, it affected the balance during dual mental tasks significantly.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çift yönlü görev, Kafein, Postural kontrol, Dual task, Caffeine, Postural control
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kara, M. (2014). Kafein alımının çift yönlü görev sırasında postural kontrole etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.