Postmodern sanatta eklektik nesneler
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü
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Çalışmanın başlığını oluşturan Postmodern Sanatta Eklektik Nesneler konusunun asıl amacı günümüz sanatının etkilendiği belli başlı dinamiklere ışık tutmaktadır. Postmodernizm kavramının kullanıldığı 60'lı yıllardan günümüze, güzel sanatlar içerisine giren resim, heykel, grafik, mimarlık, felsefe alanlarında kendisini gösteren bu tanım ifadesini sanat ve nesneleri üzerinde bulmuştur. Geçmişten günümüze sanat anlayışlarının birbirini takip ettiği, güncel sanatın bir önceki dönemi yadsıdığı bilinen bir gerçektir. Postmodern sanat, devamı niteliğindeki modern sanattan farklı kimliklere bürünmüş, sanat hayatına yeni kavram ve bakış açıları getirmiştir. Tepki göstermesine rağmen içerisinde modernizmin yapısal özelliğini de barındıran postmodernizm, çoğu zaman gelişmiş modernizm olarak adlandırılmıştır. Postmodernist sanatın temel özelliklerini barındıran kolaj, asamblaj, pastiş ve ironi gibi kavramlar ele alınmış ve eklektik değer içerisinde sunulmuştur. Postmodern sanat eselerinin oluşumunda önemli bir yere sahip olan eklektik nesnelerin (sanat formlarının) araştırılması, içinde yaşadığımız sanat kültürünü özümsememiz açısından önemlidir. Modernizmin sanat anlayışı ve postmodern sanata etkileri araştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Tanımlar ve kavramların içerisinde bulunduğu çalışmada, sanat hayatına yeni kazandırılan teknik ve üslupların, postmodern sanat tavrına etkileri incelenmiştir. Sanat hayatını etkileyen ve farklı kültür özelliği taşıyan sanatsal formların postmodern sanata etkilerini araştırmak günümüz sanatını anlamak açısından önem taşımaktadır. Batı Sanatı Tarihi içerisinde eklektik sanat yapıtlarının ortaya konması postmodern sanatla ilişkileri araştırılmış; Türk sanatında meydana gelen benzer nitelikler açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada özellikle postmodern anlayış, düşünüş ve sanatsal ifadelerin bulunduğu akımlar ele alınmış; bu akımların önemli temsilcilerinin altları çizilerek sanatsal görüşleri ve bu görüşlerin eserlerine ne derecede yansıdığı vurgulanmıştır. Modernizmle biyolojik bir bağ oluşturan postmodernizmin hangi felsefelerden yola çıktığını, hangi sanatsal anlayışlara karşı olduğu, yazar ve eleştirmenlerin görüşleriyle ortaya konmuştur. Postmodern sanat nesnesinin (sanat eserinin) oluşum süreci içerisinde eklektik etkileri araştırılmaya çalışılmış; eser üretiminde sanatçının kavramsal ve yorumsal çerçevede yaptığı açıklamalara yer verilmiştir.
The main purpose of the topic ?Eclectic Objects in Post-Modern Art, which makes up the title of the study, is to shed light on the dynamics which have an influence on the modern art. Since the 60s, when the Post Modernism concept was used, this term, which has shown itself in the fine arts which include (art) painting, sculpture, architecture, philosophy has found its expression on the arts and objects. It is a well-known fact that perceptions of art succeeds one another and actual art denies the art of the previous period. Post-modern art has taken on different identities from the modern art which it essentially follows, brought new concepts and points of view to the life of art. Though it reacts, post modernism, which accomodates in itself the structural features of modernism, is often referred to as advanced modernism. The concepts such as collage, pastiche and irony, which hold the basic features of post-modernism are dealt with and presented in eclectic values. The investigation of eclectic objects, which have an important place in the formation of post-modern art objects, is important for us to to digest the culture of art in which we live. The artistic understanding of modernism and its effects on art are studied. In the work where there are the definitions and concepts, the effects of the tecniques and styles which are newly introduced into the life of art on the attitude of postmodern art are studied. Studying the effects of artistic forms which influnce the life of art and carry different cultural features is essential in terms of understanding the present day art. The introduction of eclectic works of art into the The History of Western Art, the association of them with postmodern art are investigated; the similar qualities which came into being in Turkish Art are tried to be explained. In the study, mainly the postmodern understanding, thinking and the movements that have artistic expressions are dealt with, their view of art and how much they are reflected in their arts are stressed through underlying their main representatives. From which philosophies postmodernism, which forms a biological bond with modernism, originated, to which artistic understandings it is opposed are put forth through the opinions of the writers and the critics. The eclectic effects in the formation process of postmodern art objects are attempted to be examined; the artists?s explanations in the conceptual and interpretive framework in the creation process are included.
The main purpose of the topic ?Eclectic Objects in Post-Modern Art, which makes up the title of the study, is to shed light on the dynamics which have an influence on the modern art. Since the 60s, when the Post Modernism concept was used, this term, which has shown itself in the fine arts which include (art) painting, sculpture, architecture, philosophy has found its expression on the arts and objects. It is a well-known fact that perceptions of art succeeds one another and actual art denies the art of the previous period. Post-modern art has taken on different identities from the modern art which it essentially follows, brought new concepts and points of view to the life of art. Though it reacts, post modernism, which accomodates in itself the structural features of modernism, is often referred to as advanced modernism. The concepts such as collage, pastiche and irony, which hold the basic features of post-modernism are dealt with and presented in eclectic values. The investigation of eclectic objects, which have an important place in the formation of post-modern art objects, is important for us to to digest the culture of art in which we live. The artistic understanding of modernism and its effects on art are studied. In the work where there are the definitions and concepts, the effects of the tecniques and styles which are newly introduced into the life of art on the attitude of postmodern art are studied. Studying the effects of artistic forms which influnce the life of art and carry different cultural features is essential in terms of understanding the present day art. The introduction of eclectic works of art into the The History of Western Art, the association of them with postmodern art are investigated; the similar qualities which came into being in Turkish Art are tried to be explained. In the study, mainly the postmodern understanding, thinking and the movements that have artistic expressions are dealt with, their view of art and how much they are reflected in their arts are stressed through underlying their main representatives. From which philosophies postmodernism, which forms a biological bond with modernism, originated, to which artistic understandings it is opposed are put forth through the opinions of the writers and the critics. The eclectic effects in the formation process of postmodern art objects are attempted to be examined; the artists?s explanations in the conceptual and interpretive framework in the creation process are included.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Postmodern, Sanat, Eklektik sanat, Postmodern, Art, Eclectic arts
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Şahin, H. (2011). Postmodern sanatta eklektik nesneler. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.