Seleksiyon ıslahıyla belirlenen bir iğde (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) tipinin yeşil uç çeliklerinin köklenmesi üzerine farklı hormon ve nem seviyeleri etkisinin araştırılması
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Bu çalısmada, selekte edilmiş bir iğde (Eleagnus angustifolia L.) tipinden erken Haziranda, alınan yeşil uç çeliklerinin, “Sisleme Sisteminde” iki farklı hava nispi nem ortamı (% 85-90 ve % 95- 100), Indol-3-Butirik Asit’in (IBA) uygulanan 5 farklı konsantrasyonu (0, 500, 1500, 2500ppm ve 3500ppm) ve perlit köklendirme ortamının köklenmeleri üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Araştırmada, dikilen çeliklerin tümünün canlı kaldığı ve yüzde yüze varan oranda köklendigi belirlenmistir. Çeliklerde kalluslanma, en yüksek % 95-100 nem seviyesindeki 500 ppm doz uygulamasından (% 12.50) elde edilmistir. Köklenme oranı kontrol grubu dahil tüm uygulamalarda % 75.00’in üzerinde gerçeklesmis olup, en yüksek köklenme % 85-90 nem seviyesindeki ortamda kontrol, 500 ppm ve 1500 ppm doz uygulamalarından (% 100) elde edilmistir. IBA dozu ve nem artıslarının köklenmeyi artırmadıgı gözlenmistir. Çeliklerde köklenme yüzey uzunlugu, en fazla % 85-90 nem seviyesinde 500 ppm doz uygulamasında (2.563cm) belirlenmistir. Kök sayısı bakımından, en yüksek deger % 85-90 nem seviyesinde, 500 ppm doz uygulamasından (18.75 adet/çelik) elde edilmistir. Çeliklerde en uzun kök % 85-90 nem seviyesindeki kontrol grubundan (6.083cm), en kısa kök ise, % 95-100 nem seviyesindeki kontrol grubundan (0.323) elde edilmistir. Kök dallanması en yüksek % 85-90 nem seviyesindeki 500 ppm doz uygulamasında (8.083 adet/çelik) bulunmustur. İncelenen köklenme özellikleri dikkate alındıgında, igde yesil uç çeliklerinin kolay köklendigi belirlenmis olup, % 85-90 nispi nem seviyesindeki, kontrol grubu (% 100), 500 ppm (% 100) ve 1500 ppm IBA doz uygulamalarından en iyi köklenme özellikleri elde edilmiştir.
In this research, softwood top cuttings were taken from one of the selected russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) type in early June. The softwood cuttings of the russian olive’s were rooted in pumice medium under misting system after treating with 0 (control), 500, 1500, 2500 ppm and 3500 ppm Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) under 2 different humidity of 85-90 % and 95-100 %. In the research, all the cutting getting alive and rooted about 100 %. The highest ratio of cutting callus formation was found 500 ppm IBA dose (% 12.50) in % 95-100 humidity level. Rooting ratio was found up to 75.00 % including control group, the highest rooting was found from control, 500 ppm and 1500 ppm hormone doses to be 100 % in 85-90 % relative humudity. Rising of IBA dose and humidity level does not increase the rooting. The highest rooting area lenght was found 500 ppm hormone dose (2.563cm) in 85-90 %. In point of root number, the highest number was found from 500 ppm hormone level aplication (18.75 number/cutting) in % 85-90 humidity level. The longest root determined from control group (6.083cm) in 85-90 % humidity level, the shortest one determined from control group (0.323 cm) in 95-100 % humidity level. The highest root branching was found 500 ppm hormone dose (8.083 number/cutting) in 85-90 % humidity level. Taken into consideration when viewing the properties of the rooting, russion olive softwood top cutting is easy to be rooting determined, and relative humidity level of 85-90%, in the control group (100%), 500 ppm (100%) and 1500 ppm IBA doses have been obtained best practices to cutting properties.
In this research, softwood top cuttings were taken from one of the selected russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia L.) type in early June. The softwood cuttings of the russian olive’s were rooted in pumice medium under misting system after treating with 0 (control), 500, 1500, 2500 ppm and 3500 ppm Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) under 2 different humidity of 85-90 % and 95-100 %. In the research, all the cutting getting alive and rooted about 100 %. The highest ratio of cutting callus formation was found 500 ppm IBA dose (% 12.50) in % 95-100 humidity level. Rooting ratio was found up to 75.00 % including control group, the highest rooting was found from control, 500 ppm and 1500 ppm hormone doses to be 100 % in 85-90 % relative humudity. Rising of IBA dose and humidity level does not increase the rooting. The highest rooting area lenght was found 500 ppm hormone dose (2.563cm) in 85-90 %. In point of root number, the highest number was found from 500 ppm hormone level aplication (18.75 number/cutting) in % 85-90 humidity level. The longest root determined from control group (6.083cm) in 85-90 % humidity level, the shortest one determined from control group (0.323 cm) in 95-100 % humidity level. The highest root branching was found 500 ppm hormone dose (8.083 number/cutting) in 85-90 % humidity level. Taken into consideration when viewing the properties of the rooting, russion olive softwood top cutting is easy to be rooting determined, and relative humidity level of 85-90%, in the control group (100%), 500 ppm (100%) and 1500 ppm IBA doses have been obtained best practices to cutting properties.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat Mühendisliği
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri