Konya‘da nadir görülen zoonotik infeksiyon; babesiozis olgu sunumu
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Babesyoz, Babesia adlı bir mikroorganizmanın etken olduğu eritrosit içi kene kaynaklı zoonotik bir infeksiyondur. Ülkemizde sporadik
olarak görülmekle birlikte insan babesyozisi konusunda yayınlanmış çok fazla olgu bulunmamaktadır. Bu olguda ateş ve pansitopeni nedeniyle araştırılan, kene teması olmadığı halde periferik kan yaymasında eritrosit içi parazite ait yapılar görülerek, Babesyoz tanısı ile kinin ve klindamisin ile tedavi edilmiş ve tedavinin ikinci gününde ateşi düşüp tam kan sayımı düzelen bir olgu sunulmaktadır.
Babesiosis is tick-borne zoonotic infection caused by Babesia microorganism that settles into erythrocytes. Although it is seen as sporadic in our country, there are not so many cases published on in this subject. In this case, we present a case which was investigated for fever and pancytophenia, and in case of not having tick contact, intra-erythrocythe parasites were seen on the peripheral blood smear and Babesiozis pre-diagnosis and quinine and clindamycin upon Babesiozis prediagnosis, as a result of which the patients’s fever decreased and the complete blood count improved on the second day of the treatment.
Babesiosis is tick-borne zoonotic infection caused by Babesia microorganism that settles into erythrocytes. Although it is seen as sporadic in our country, there are not so many cases published on in this subject. In this case, we present a case which was investigated for fever and pancytophenia, and in case of not having tick contact, intra-erythrocythe parasites were seen on the peripheral blood smear and Babesiozis pre-diagnosis and quinine and clindamycin upon Babesiozis prediagnosis, as a result of which the patients’s fever decreased and the complete blood count improved on the second day of the treatment.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İnsan, Human, Babesyoz, Babesiosis, Olgu, Case
Selçuk Genel Tıp Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kepenek K., E., Kandemir, B., Handemir, E., Bitirgen, M., (2021) Konya‘da nadir görülen zoonotik infeksiyon; babesiozis olgu sunumu. Genel Tıp Dergisi. 31 (2), 182-184.