Yapay Zeka Teknikleri ile Manyetik Rezonans Görüntülerinden Multipl Skleroz Hastalığının Teşhisi ve Gelecekteki Aktivitesinin Tahmini
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Multipl Skleroz (MS) sinir hücrelerinin miyelin kılıflarında demiyelinizasyona sebep olan,
sıklıkla genç erişkinlerde görülen, nörodejeneratif, kronik ve inflamatuar bir nörolojik hastalıktır. MS
tekrarlayan, genellikle nörolojik ataklarla seyreden ve potansiyel sakatlayıcı bir süreç izler. Bu sebeple
MS’in erken, doğru teşhisi ve hastalığın seyrinin takibi tedavi şekillerine yön vererek; kişiselleştirilmiş
planlar sayesinde MS’in doğal seyrinin değişmesi, atakları olabildiğince indirgeme ve muhtemel
sakatlayıcılığı yavaşlatmak için önemlidir. MS’in en belirgin biyobelirteci Manyetik Rezonans
Görüntüleme (MRG) ile izlenebilen, beynin beyaz madde dokusunda yer alan lezyonlardır. Lezyonlar
hastalığın teşhisinde ve gelecekteki aktivitesinin seyrini izlemede kullanılmaktadır. Son yıllarda yapay
zeka yöntemleri tıbbi görüntüleme alanında gösterdiği başarılar sayesinde hastalığın tanısı, prognoz
süreçleri, tedavi yöntemlerinin hastalık seyri üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi gibi çeşitli uygulamalarda
kullanılmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında beyin MRG taramaları üzerinden MS’in tespiti ve gelecek
aktivitesinin tahmini üzerine bir çalışma yürütülmüştür. Birçok MRG kesitinin incelenmesi lezyonların
uzaysal dağılımı ve değişkenlik gösteren sayıları sebebiyle zahmetli ve zaman alıcı bir iştir. Aynı
zamanda insan uzmanlar tarafından gerçekleştirilen analiz işlemleri potansiyel yorgunluklar sebebiyle
hataya eğilimlidirler. İlk uygulama olarak MS’in teşhisinde derin öğrenme yöntemlerinden olan
Konvolüsyonel Sinir Ağı (KSA) modeli sunulmuştur. Önerilen modelin MS lezyonlarının karakteristiğini
en iyi şekilde temsil edebilecek kadar verimli çalışması, kolay uygulanabilir ve düşük eğitilebilir
parametre sayısına sahip olması hedeflenmiştir. Önerilen KSA modeli MRG kesit bazlı ve birey bazlı
olmak üzere iki farklı veri bölme yöntemine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca aynı veri seti kullanılarak
geleneksel makine öğrenmesi algoritmalarından ve transfer öğrenme tekniği ile önceden eğitilmiş derin
öğrenme modellerinden sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Önerilen KSA modeli kesit bazlı bölme yönteminde
%98,0 doğruluk, %97,9 duyarlılık, %98,3 özgüllük, %98,2 kesinlik ve 0,9609 kappa katsayısı değerleri
ile diğer sınıflandırma yöntemlerinden daha iyi performans göstermiştir. Birey bazlı veri bölme yöntemi
ile elde edilen sonuçlarda ise doğruluk %90,3, duyarlılık %90,5, özgüllük %90,1, kesinlik %91,1 ve
kappa katsayısı 0,8012 olarak ölçülmüş, önerilen KSA modeli en yüksek başarıya sahip model olmuştur.
Diğer uygulama ise MS’in gelecekteki aktivite tahmini üzerinedir. MS ilerleyebildiği ve potansiyel
sakatlayıcı olduğu için gelecekteki aktivitesinin öngörülmesi hastalığın progresyonunu geciktirebilecek
bir bilgidir. Tez çalışmasında MS’in gelecekteki aktivitesinin tahmini için ayrık dalgacık dönüşümü
yönteminin üç boyutlu MRG verilerinden özniteliklerin çıkarılması için kullanılması önerilmiştir. On
farklı dalgacık ailesi (SYM2, SYM4, SYM6, SYM8, DB2, DB4, DB6, Haar, COIF2 ve COIF3)
kullanılarak öznitelik çıkarma işlemi yapılmış ve bu öznitelikler altı farklı geleneksel makine öğrenmesi
algoritması kullanılarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Sonuçlara göre Destek Vektör Makineleri kullanıldığında
SYM4, SYM8 ve Haar dalgacık aileleri F1-skor, doğruluk, duyarlılık metriklerinde %95,0 ve kappa
katsayısında 0,8746, DB6 dalgacık ailesi kesinlik metriğinde %95,3 ve kappa katsayısında 0,8671 başarı
elde etmiştir.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative, chronic, and inflammatory neurological disease, often seen in young adults, causing demyelination of the myelin sheaths of nerve cells. MS follows a recurrent, potentially disabling process, often with neurological attacks. Therefore, early and accurate identification of MS and monitoring of the course of the disease are important in changing the natural course of MS, reducing the attacks as much as possible and slowing down possible disability, owing to personalized plans by directing the treatment modalities. The most prominent biomarker of MS is lesions located in the white matter tissue of the brain, which can be observed with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The lesions are used to identification the disease and to monitor the course of its future activity. In recent years, artificial intelligence methods have been used in various applications such as identification of the disease, prognosis processes, examining the effects of treatment methods on the course of the disease, owing to their success in the field of medical imaging. In this thesis, a study has been handled on the identification of MS and the prediction of the future activity of the disease through brain MRI scans. Examination of many MRI slices is a laborious and time-consuming task due to the spatial distribution of lesions and their varying numbers. At the same time, analysis processes performed by human experts are prone to error due to potential fatigue. As the first application, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model, which is one of the deep learning methods, is presented for identification of MS. It is aimed that the proposed model should work efficiently enough to best represent the characteristics of MS lesions, be easily applicable and have a low number of trainable parameters. The proposed CNN model has been evaluated according to two different data splitting methods, MRI slice-based and patient-based. In addition, using the same data set, the results are obtained from traditional machine learning algorithms and pre-trained deep learning models used transfer learning technique. The proposed CNN model has an accuracy of 98.0%, a sensitivity of 97.9%, a specificity of 98.3%, a precision of 98.2% and kappa coefficient of 0.9609 outperforms other classification methods. In the results obtained by the patientbased data splitting method, the proposed CNN model with 90.3% accuracy, 90.5% sensitivity, 90.1% specificity, 91.0% precision and 0.8012 kappa coefficient are the model with the highest success. The other application is on future activity prediction of MS. Since MS can progress and is potentially disabling, prediction of its future activity is information that can delay disease progression. In the thesis vii study, it is proposed to use the discrete wavelet transform method for the prediction of the future activity of MS to extract features from three-dimensional MRI data. The feature extraction is performed using ten different wavelet families (SYM2, SYM4, SYM6, SYM8, DB2, DB4, DB6, Haar, COIF2 ve COIF3) and these features are classified using six different traditional machine learning algorithms. According to the results, when Support Vector Machines are used, SYM4, SYM8 and Haar wavelet families have achieved classification success with 95.0% F1-score, accuracy, sensitivity metrics and 0.8746 kappa coefficient, and DB6 wavelet family has achieved classification success with 95.3% precision, and 0.8671 kappa coefficient.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative, chronic, and inflammatory neurological disease, often seen in young adults, causing demyelination of the myelin sheaths of nerve cells. MS follows a recurrent, potentially disabling process, often with neurological attacks. Therefore, early and accurate identification of MS and monitoring of the course of the disease are important in changing the natural course of MS, reducing the attacks as much as possible and slowing down possible disability, owing to personalized plans by directing the treatment modalities. The most prominent biomarker of MS is lesions located in the white matter tissue of the brain, which can be observed with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The lesions are used to identification the disease and to monitor the course of its future activity. In recent years, artificial intelligence methods have been used in various applications such as identification of the disease, prognosis processes, examining the effects of treatment methods on the course of the disease, owing to their success in the field of medical imaging. In this thesis, a study has been handled on the identification of MS and the prediction of the future activity of the disease through brain MRI scans. Examination of many MRI slices is a laborious and time-consuming task due to the spatial distribution of lesions and their varying numbers. At the same time, analysis processes performed by human experts are prone to error due to potential fatigue. As the first application, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model, which is one of the deep learning methods, is presented for identification of MS. It is aimed that the proposed model should work efficiently enough to best represent the characteristics of MS lesions, be easily applicable and have a low number of trainable parameters. The proposed CNN model has been evaluated according to two different data splitting methods, MRI slice-based and patient-based. In addition, using the same data set, the results are obtained from traditional machine learning algorithms and pre-trained deep learning models used transfer learning technique. The proposed CNN model has an accuracy of 98.0%, a sensitivity of 97.9%, a specificity of 98.3%, a precision of 98.2% and kappa coefficient of 0.9609 outperforms other classification methods. In the results obtained by the patientbased data splitting method, the proposed CNN model with 90.3% accuracy, 90.5% sensitivity, 90.1% specificity, 91.0% precision and 0.8012 kappa coefficient are the model with the highest success. The other application is on future activity prediction of MS. Since MS can progress and is potentially disabling, prediction of its future activity is information that can delay disease progression. In the thesis vii study, it is proposed to use the discrete wavelet transform method for the prediction of the future activity of MS to extract features from three-dimensional MRI data. The feature extraction is performed using ten different wavelet families (SYM2, SYM4, SYM6, SYM8, DB2, DB4, DB6, Haar, COIF2 ve COIF3) and these features are classified using six different traditional machine learning algorithms. According to the results, when Support Vector Machines are used, SYM4, SYM8 and Haar wavelet families have achieved classification success with 95.0% F1-score, accuracy, sensitivity metrics and 0.8746 kappa coefficient, and DB6 wavelet family has achieved classification success with 95.3% precision, and 0.8671 kappa coefficient.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Derin Öğrenme, Gelecek Hastalık Aktivitesi, Geleneksel Makine Öğrenmesi, Multipl Skleroz, Yapay Zeka, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Future Disease Activity, Traditional Machine Learning, Multiple Sclerosis
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yılmaz Acar, Z., (2022). Yapay Zeka Teknikleri ile Manyetik Rezonans Görüntülerinden Multipl Skleroz Hastalığının Teşhisi ve Gelecekteki Aktivitesinin Tahmini. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.