Kronik Hastalığa Sahip Kişilere Bakım Verenlerin Stres Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi
2023 Aralık
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Çalışmada Bakım Veren Stres Ölçeğinin beşli likert haline getirilip ölçeğin geçerlilik ve güvenirlik analizleri yapıldıktan sonra kronik hastalığa sahip kişilere bakım verenlerin yaşadıkları stres düzeyini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışma nicel araştırma yöntemlerinden tanımlayıcı tipte yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Niğde il merkezinde yaşayan kronik hastalığa sahip kişilere bakım verenler oluşturmuştur. Verileri toplamak için çevrimiçi anket formu (Google Form) hazırlanmış ve katılımcılara, WhatsApp, e-posta aracılığı ile ulaşılmıştır. Bulgular: Ölçeğin yapı geçerliği kapsamında açımlayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizi yapılmıştır. Güvenirlik analizinde ise Cronbach's Alpha değeri 0,89 bulunmuştur. Bakım alanların, %64’ü kadın, %48.2’si 51 yaş ve üzeri, %35’i yükseköğretim mezunu ve %28.4’ü ev hanımıdır. Bakım verenlerin ise, %63.8’i kadın, %41.3’ü 18-28 yaş grubunda, %47.5’i lisans ve üzeri, %33.5’i memur, %17.9’u ailesi ile birlikte yaşamaktadır. Bakım verenlerin %44.4’ü genel olarak sağlık durumunu iyi olarak değerlendirmektedir, %65.8’inin kronik hastalığı yoktur ve bakım verme işi %75.5’inde yorucu bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Hastaların tanıtıcı özellikleri ile bakım vericilerin stres ölçeği puan ortalamaları karşılaştırıldığında, hastaların yaşının, medeni durumunun, eğitim durumunun ve sosyal güvence varlığının istatistiksel olarak bakım vericilerin stres düzeyini etkilemediği tespit edilmiştir.
Aim: In the study, it was aimed to determine the level of stress experienced by caregivers of people with chronic diseases after the Caregiver Stress Scale was transformed into a fivepoint Likert scale and the validity and reliability analyzes of the scale were performed. Method: The study was conducted in descriptive type from quantitative research methods. The population of the study consisted of caregivers of people with chronic diseases living in Niğde city center. An online survey form (Google Form) was prepared to collect the data and the participants were contacted via WhatsApp and e-mail. Findings: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted for the construct validity of the scale. In the reliability analysis, Cronbach's Alpha value was found to be 0.89. Of the care recipients, 64% were female, 48.2% were 51 years of age or older, 35% had higher education degrees and 28.4% were housewives. Among caregivers, 63.8% were female, 41.3% were in the 18-28 age group, 47.5% had a bachelor's degree or higher, 33.5% were civil servants, and 17.9% lived with their families. Overall, 44.4% of caregivers rated their health status as good, 65.8% did not have chronic diseases and 75.5% found caregiving work tiring. Results: When the descriptive characteristics of the patients and the stress scale mean scores of the caregivers were compared; It was determined that the age, marital status, educational status and social security of the patients did not statistically affect the stress level of the caregivers.
Aim: In the study, it was aimed to determine the level of stress experienced by caregivers of people with chronic diseases after the Caregiver Stress Scale was transformed into a fivepoint Likert scale and the validity and reliability analyzes of the scale were performed. Method: The study was conducted in descriptive type from quantitative research methods. The population of the study consisted of caregivers of people with chronic diseases living in Niğde city center. An online survey form (Google Form) was prepared to collect the data and the participants were contacted via WhatsApp and e-mail. Findings: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted for the construct validity of the scale. In the reliability analysis, Cronbach's Alpha value was found to be 0.89. Of the care recipients, 64% were female, 48.2% were 51 years of age or older, 35% had higher education degrees and 28.4% were housewives. Among caregivers, 63.8% were female, 41.3% were in the 18-28 age group, 47.5% had a bachelor's degree or higher, 33.5% were civil servants, and 17.9% lived with their families. Overall, 44.4% of caregivers rated their health status as good, 65.8% did not have chronic diseases and 75.5% found caregiving work tiring. Results: When the descriptive characteristics of the patients and the stress scale mean scores of the caregivers were compared; It was determined that the age, marital status, educational status and social security of the patients did not statistically affect the stress level of the caregivers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hasta bakımı, Kronik hastalık, Stres, Chronic disease, Patient care, Stress
Selçuk Sağlık Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Erdoğan, N., Talhaoğlu, D., Bektaş, O., (2023). Kronik Hastalığa Sahip Kişilere Bakım Verenlerin Stres Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. Selçuk Sağlık Dergisi, 4(3), 469-486.