Konjenital pes ekinovarusta derioymacığı bulguları
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Araştırmanın materyalini S.Ü. Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Anabilim dalına başvuran 33 erkek, 17 kız toplam 50 P.E.V.'lu vaka oluşturmuştur. Kontrol gruplarını 250 erkek ve 250 kız toplam 500, 196 erkek ve 197 kız toplam 393, 1859 erkek ve 1674 kız toplam 3533 çocuk oluşturmuştur. Bu kontrol grupları Atasu ve Polat'ın kontrol gruplarıdır. P.E.V.'lu hastaların parmak uçları, el ve ayaklarının volar yüze yindeki dermatoglifik örnekler mürekkepli metod ile kâğıt üzerine tes- bit edilmiştir. El parmak uçlarındaki örnek tipleri, bireysel parmaklardaki çizgi sayılan, toplam çizgi sayısı, avuç içlerindeki örnekler, palmar a-b, b-c ve c-d çizgi sayılan, simian ve Sidney çizgileri ve bunların varyantlan, ayağın plantanndaki örnekler değerlendirilmiştir. Değerlendirmede stereoskopik mikroskop kullanılmıştır. P.E.V.'lu Erkek ve kız hastalann el parmak uçlannda ulnar ilmek tiplerinin az, düğüm tiplerinin fazla, erkek hastalann bireysel II. parmak uçlannda radial ilmek yüzdesinin çok az, erkek ve kız hastalarda palmar IV ilmeğinin az, plantar IV ilmeği ve p triradiusunun fazla, er keklerde Tip II fleksiyon çizgisinin fazla, palmar a-b ve b-c çizgi sayısının az oluşu önemli bulgulardandır. Hastalann soy ağacı çalışmasında akrabalık insidansı % 10 bulunmuş olup, kontrol populasyonundakine göre azdır, ancak beş ailede iki kardeşde birden deformite görüldüğünden bu anomalinin etiyoloji- sinde genetik faktörlerin rolü vardır.
The material consisted of 33 male and 17 female total 50 patients with pes equinovarus were admitted to the Orthopedics Department of Medical Faculty of Selçuk University. The control groups separately consisted of 250 male and 250 female (total 500) children, 196 male and 197 female (total 393) children and 1859 male and 1674 female (total 3533) children. The control groups were groups studied by Atasu and Polat. The finger-tip, palm and sole prints of the patients with P.E.V. were taken by ink method. The pattern types on the finger-tips, the ridge counts on the indi vidual fingers, total finger ridge counts, palmar patterns, palmar a-b, b-c and c-d ridge counts, the simian and Sydney flexion creases and their variants, plantar patterns were studied. The characters mentioned above were examined under stereo- scophic microscope. The most important dermatoglyhic findings observed in the pa tients with P.E.V. were the decreased frequency of ulnar loops, the in creased frequency of whorls in both male and female patients, the in creased frequency of radial loops on the second digits in males and the increased frequency of the palmar loops rV, the increased frequency of the plantar loops rV and triradii p in both males and females, the in creased frequency of Type II flexion creases, the lower means of palmar a-b and b-c ridge counts. The pedigree analyses show that the incidance of consanquinity was 10 % and was less than that of control population. However, the deformity was observed in two sibs in five families. This finding showed that there was a role of genetic factors in the etiology of the condition as well as the dermatoglyphic findings observed in P.E.V.
The material consisted of 33 male and 17 female total 50 patients with pes equinovarus were admitted to the Orthopedics Department of Medical Faculty of Selçuk University. The control groups separately consisted of 250 male and 250 female (total 500) children, 196 male and 197 female (total 393) children and 1859 male and 1674 female (total 3533) children. The control groups were groups studied by Atasu and Polat. The finger-tip, palm and sole prints of the patients with P.E.V. were taken by ink method. The pattern types on the finger-tips, the ridge counts on the indi vidual fingers, total finger ridge counts, palmar patterns, palmar a-b, b-c and c-d ridge counts, the simian and Sydney flexion creases and their variants, plantar patterns were studied. The characters mentioned above were examined under stereo- scophic microscope. The most important dermatoglyhic findings observed in the pa tients with P.E.V. were the decreased frequency of ulnar loops, the in creased frequency of whorls in both male and female patients, the in creased frequency of radial loops on the second digits in males and the increased frequency of the palmar loops rV, the increased frequency of the plantar loops rV and triradii p in both males and females, the in creased frequency of Type II flexion creases, the lower means of palmar a-b and b-c ridge counts. The pedigree analyses show that the incidance of consanquinity was 10 % and was less than that of control population. However, the deformity was observed in two sibs in five families. This finding showed that there was a role of genetic factors in the etiology of the condition as well as the dermatoglyphic findings observed in P.E.V.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parmak izi, Fingerprint, Yumru ayak, Clubfoot
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Turhan, A. B. (1992). Konjenital pes ekinovarusta derioymacığı bulguları. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.