Mükellefin devlet ve toplumla etkileşimi, bireysel normlar ve vergi ahlakı
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Vergi uyumu tüm ülke idareleri için önemli bir sorun olmanın yanında araştırmacılar için de çözülmeyi bekleyen önemli bir bilimsel problemdir. Mükelleflerin uyum/uyumsuzluk davranışlarını açıklamak üzere yapılan çalışmalar, özellikle son dönemde davranışsal ve deneysel iktisattaki gelişmelerle sosyalpsikolojik faktörlerin, vergi ahlakının önemine yoğunlaşmıştır. Bu çalışma, oldukça farklı disiplinlerden istifade eden bu geniş literatürü sosyal, psikolojik ve politik faktörler etrafında bir araya getirmeye girişmektedir. Devlet-birey, toplum-birey etkileşimi ve bireyin kişisel değer ve içselleştirilmiş normları, uyum davranışını açıklamak için vazgeçilmez önemdedir. Bu çalışma, bu etkileşimleri teorik olarak tartıştıktan sonra World Values Survey Türkiye verilerini varyans analizine (ANOVA) tabi tutarak bu teorik beklentileri incelemektedir. Ampirik uygulama sonuçları sosyal ve politik çevrenin ve mükellefin bireysel değer ve normlarının vergi uyumunu açıklamakta önemli olduğunu göstermiştir.
Tax compliance of taxpayers is one of most important problem in public finances of all countries. This issue is also still a puzzle that researches are trying to solve it. A significant body of researches which related to other scientific disciplines as well as economics has been accumulated concerning tax compliance and factors shape it. It is understood from evidences that deterrence via punishments and audits cannot fully explain compliance behavior. Recently researches engage in importance of social and psychological factors and citizens attitudes toward paying taxes, defined tax morale under influence of developments in behavioral and psychological economics. This paper tries to bring together social, politic and psychological explanations into a general interactional relationship. It accepts that complex interaction between government society and taxpayer is especially important to explain individuals decisions and behaviors. Socio-politic context and internalized norms, identities of taxpayer should include any analysis to exactly explain tax compliance behavior. The study uses variance analysis (ANOVA) to examine these predictions using Turkey data from World Values Survey. Results present empirical support for these predictions.
Tax compliance of taxpayers is one of most important problem in public finances of all countries. This issue is also still a puzzle that researches are trying to solve it. A significant body of researches which related to other scientific disciplines as well as economics has been accumulated concerning tax compliance and factors shape it. It is understood from evidences that deterrence via punishments and audits cannot fully explain compliance behavior. Recently researches engage in importance of social and psychological factors and citizens attitudes toward paying taxes, defined tax morale under influence of developments in behavioral and psychological economics. This paper tries to bring together social, politic and psychological explanations into a general interactional relationship. It accepts that complex interaction between government society and taxpayer is especially important to explain individuals decisions and behaviors. Socio-politic context and internalized norms, identities of taxpayer should include any analysis to exactly explain tax compliance behavior. The study uses variance analysis (ANOVA) to examine these predictions using Turkey data from World Values Survey. Results present empirical support for these predictions.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İktisat, İşletme
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