İnsan ticareti kapsamında cinsel sömürüye maruz bırakılan kadınların mağduriyet süreçleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
İnsan ticareti, bireyin araştırılıp bulunmasıyla başlayan ve sömürülmesiyle devam eden bir süreç olup, insanların temel haklarının ve özgürlüklerinin ihlal edildiği ve insanlık onuruyla bağdaşmayan muamelelerle karşılaştıkları bir olgudur. İnsan ticareti bütün dünya ülkelerini ilgilendiren sosyal bir sorun olup bu özelliğiyle sosyal hizmet mesleğini doğrudan ilgilendirir Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de insan ticaretine maruz bırakılan kadınların sorunlarını anlamak, bu kadınların ve ailelerinin özelliklerini belirlemek, insan ticareti sürecinde yaşadıkları sorunları ve insan ticaretine ilişkin göstergeleri tespit etmek, risk faktörlerini ve güvenlik ihtiyaçlarını ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu çalışmanın alandaki diğer çalışmalardan ayırılan temel özelliği, doğrudan insan ticareti mağdurlarıyla ilgili olmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, nitel araştırma tasarımlarından gömülü teorinin yapılandırmacı deseni kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak, Aile Danışmanları Derneği'nin hizmet verdiği, başka ülkelerden Antalya'ya getirilerek cinsel sömürüye maruz bırakılan insan ticareti mağduru kadınlara ilişkin arşiv kayıtları ile bu mağdurlara doğrudan hizmet sağlayanlarla yapılmış olan görüşmelerin kayıtları kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada genel olarak ulaşılan sonuçlar; mağdurların eğitim ve gelir düzeylerinin yetersiz olduğu, küçük yaşta şiddete ve cinsel istismara maruz kaldıkları, sorunlu evliliklerinin olduğu, ailedeki erkeklerin sorumluluk almadıkları, bunlara bağlı olarak mağdurların sorunlarının ve sorumluluklarının arttığıdır. İnsan ticaretiyle ilgili olarak, tüm alanlarda bilgi ve farkındalık eksikliği olduğu, bu nedenle mağdurlarının yeterince tespit edilemediği, başlangıç ve yer değiştirme aşamasında mağdurların sömürüleceklerinden haberdar olmadıkları, ancak hedef ülkeye ulaştıktan hemen sonra özgürlüklerini kaybettikleri, aklın ve mantığın kabul etmediği sömürüye maruz kaldıkları belirlenmiştir. İnsan ticareti mağdurlarının diğer şiddet mağdurlarından daha ağır travmaya maruz kaldıkları, dolayısıyla kendileriyle ilgili sağlıklı kararlar alabilmeleri için güvenli bir ortamda dinlenmeye ve iyileşmeye ihtiyaç duyabildikleri anlaşılmıştır. İnsan ticaretinin tüm süreçlerinde risklerin ve güvenlik ihtiyacının olduğu saptanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, çoğunluğu sömürü aşamasında kullanılan, ancak diğer çalışmalarda rastlanmayan açık veya örtük 18 yeni gösterge belirlenmiştir.
Human trafficking is a process that starts with research and recruitment and continues with exploitation of an individual. Human trafficking is also a phenomenon in which the individuals' basic rights and freedoms are violated and in which individuals face behaviours that are against human dignity. Human trafficking is a social problem which concerns all the countries of the world and with that feature, it directly concerns the social service proffesion. The purposes of this study are to understand the problems of trafficked women in Turkey, to identify the characteristics of these women and their families, to determine the problems they face during the process of trafficking, to detect the indicators of human trafficking, and to reveal the risk factors and security neeeds. This study differs from the other studies in this field is that it is directly related to the victims of human trafficking. In this study, as one of the qualitative research designs, a configurative pattern of grounded theory was used. For research sampling, Family Consultant Association's records of sexually-exploited trafficked women that were recruited from other countries to Antalya and interview recordings of the service providers who directly helped the trafficked individuals were used. The general conclusions of the study are; inadequate levels of education and income in trafficked individuals, exposure to domestic violence and sexual abuse in childhood, the presence of problematic marriages, irresponsible men in families and in relation to that, the increase in problems and responsibilities of the trafficked individuals. There is lack of knowledge and awareness about human trafficking and for that reason, the trafficked individuals could not be identified properly. For the same reason, the individuals were not aware that they would be exploited during the phases of recruitment and translocation. It is also identified that the individuals lost their freedom right after their arrival to the destination country and they were exposed to exploitation that was beyond human mind and logic. It is also understood that the victims of human trafficking were exposed to trauma that was heavier than those of victims of other types of violence, so that they might need to rest and recover in a safe environment in order to make the right decisions about themselves. There are risks and security needs in all phases of trafficking. In this study; 18 new indicators, which were explicit or implicit, were identified. These indicators were mostly used at the exploitation phase and were not present in other studies.
Human trafficking is a process that starts with research and recruitment and continues with exploitation of an individual. Human trafficking is also a phenomenon in which the individuals' basic rights and freedoms are violated and in which individuals face behaviours that are against human dignity. Human trafficking is a social problem which concerns all the countries of the world and with that feature, it directly concerns the social service proffesion. The purposes of this study are to understand the problems of trafficked women in Turkey, to identify the characteristics of these women and their families, to determine the problems they face during the process of trafficking, to detect the indicators of human trafficking, and to reveal the risk factors and security neeeds. This study differs from the other studies in this field is that it is directly related to the victims of human trafficking. In this study, as one of the qualitative research designs, a configurative pattern of grounded theory was used. For research sampling, Family Consultant Association's records of sexually-exploited trafficked women that were recruited from other countries to Antalya and interview recordings of the service providers who directly helped the trafficked individuals were used. The general conclusions of the study are; inadequate levels of education and income in trafficked individuals, exposure to domestic violence and sexual abuse in childhood, the presence of problematic marriages, irresponsible men in families and in relation to that, the increase in problems and responsibilities of the trafficked individuals. There is lack of knowledge and awareness about human trafficking and for that reason, the trafficked individuals could not be identified properly. For the same reason, the individuals were not aware that they would be exploited during the phases of recruitment and translocation. It is also identified that the individuals lost their freedom right after their arrival to the destination country and they were exposed to exploitation that was beyond human mind and logic. It is also understood that the victims of human trafficking were exposed to trauma that was heavier than those of victims of other types of violence, so that they might need to rest and recover in a safe environment in order to make the right decisions about themselves. There are risks and security needs in all phases of trafficking. In this study; 18 new indicators, which were explicit or implicit, were identified. These indicators were mostly used at the exploitation phase and were not present in other studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İnsan ticareti, Cinsel sömürü, Gömülü teor, İnsan ticareti, Sosyal hizmet, Grounded theory, Human trafficking, Sexual exploitation, Social work
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çabuk, G. (2021). İnsan ticareti kapsamında cinsel sömürüye maruz bırakılan kadınların mağduriyet süreçleri. (Doktora Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Konya.