Köpeklerde Deneysel Oluşturulan Eti?len Gli?kol Nefrozi?si?nde Renal Ultrasonografi?k Bulgular
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Sunulan çalışmada 2 ml/gün/kg CA dozunda ve üç gün süreyle peros ticari antifriz (%95 etilen glikol içeren) verilen alti köpekte renal ultrasonografik bulgular değerlendirildi. Çalışma süresince; antifriz verilmeden bir saat önce ve verildikten sonra 12., 36., 60. ve 84. saatlerde, toplam beş ömekleme yapıldı. Sonografik muayeneye paralel olarak kan ve idrar ömekleri alındı. Ultrason muayenesinde iki köpekte 12., dört köpekte ise 36. saatte başlamak üzere haf ve orta derecelerde renal kortikal ekojenite artışı tespit edildi. 60. saatte bir, 84. saatte ise yapılan ultrasonografik kontrolde dört köpekte sentral medullar bölge ve kortikomedullar bağlantı bölgesinin belirgin sonolucent yapıda (hiperekoik) olduğu (Halo işareti) gözlemlendi. Kliniklaboratuvar bulgu olarak ilk 12 saatlik dönemda gastrointestinal sistern irritasyonu ve iki kpekte yoğun kalsiyum okzalat kristalüri belirlenirken, 36. saat sonrası oligüri ve tüm köpeklerde yoğun kristalüri tespit edildi. Klinik-laboratuvar analiz sonuçlanı ultrasonografik çıktı üzerinde konulan tanıyı destekler nitelikteydi. Ultrasonografik bulgular etile, glikol nefrozisi için patognomik olmamakla birlikte, 12. saatte gözlenen kortikal ekojenite artışı okzalat nefrozisi için kabul edilebilir ilk değişiklik olarak kaydedildi.
In this study renal ultrasonographic changes were evaluated in six dogs administered commercial antifreeze (95% ethylene glycol) 2 ml/day/kg of BW, PO, during 3 days. Prior an hour and after antifreeze was applied in 12.,36,60, and 84 hours totally five times studies were made. Blood and urine samples were collected from dogs besides ultrasonographic examinations. It was evaluated ultrosonographically that within twelfth hours after ethylene glycol administration in 2 dogs and within thirtysixth hours in 4 dogs renal cortical echogenicity increased from mild to middle degrees. On the other hand within sixtieth hours in one dog and within eightyfourth hours in a total of four dogs central medullar regions and corticomedullary junction were sonolucent (Halo sign). While gastrointestinal system irritation and severe calcium oxalate crystaluria for two dogs were observed within 12. hours, oliguria and severe crystaluria for all dogs were determined after 36 hours. Most cl nicolaboratory values were support to ultrasonographic diagnosis. Ultrasonographic findings were not considered pat hognomonic of ethylene glycol nephrosis however, increase of cortical echogenicity within 12 hours can be assessed as pri mary alteration for oxalate nephrosis.
In this study renal ultrasonographic changes were evaluated in six dogs administered commercial antifreeze (95% ethylene glycol) 2 ml/day/kg of BW, PO, during 3 days. Prior an hour and after antifreeze was applied in 12.,36,60, and 84 hours totally five times studies were made. Blood and urine samples were collected from dogs besides ultrasonographic examinations. It was evaluated ultrosonographically that within twelfth hours after ethylene glycol administration in 2 dogs and within thirtysixth hours in 4 dogs renal cortical echogenicity increased from mild to middle degrees. On the other hand within sixtieth hours in one dog and within eightyfourth hours in a total of four dogs central medullar regions and corticomedullary junction were sonolucent (Halo sign). While gastrointestinal system irritation and severe calcium oxalate crystaluria for two dogs were observed within 12. hours, oliguria and severe crystaluria for all dogs were determined after 36 hours. Most cl nicolaboratory values were support to ultrasonographic diagnosis. Ultrasonographic findings were not considered pat hognomonic of ethylene glycol nephrosis however, increase of cortical echogenicity within 12 hours can be assessed as pri mary alteration for oxalate nephrosis.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Köpek, etilen glikol, böbrek, ultrason, nefrozis, Dog, ethylene glycol, kidney, ultrasonography, nephrosis
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Civelek, T., Birdane, F. M., Elitok, B., (2007). Köpeklerde Deneysel Oluşturulan Eti̇len Gli̇kol Nefrozi̇si̇nde Renal Ultrasonografi̇k Bulgular. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 22(1-2), 21-26.