Denizli kentinin planlama deneyimi
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Bu araştırmanın amacı: Denizli kentinin mekânsal ve işlevsel gelişim sürecini yönlendiren yaşanmış ya da yaşanmakta olan planlama deneyimlerinin, "kırılma noktaları" ve "gelişme dinamikleri" olarak tanımlanan faktörler eşliğinde ayrıntıda irdelenmesidir. Bu irdelemeler sonunda; 1960'lı yıllarda başlayan Nazım Plan çalışmalarının ilk gelişme dinamiği olduğu, ilk kırılma noktasının ise 1976 depremi olduğu belirlenmiştir. Özellikle 1980lerden 1990'lara dek uzanan süreçte ise hızlı sanayileşmeye koşut hızlı göç ve kentleşme olguları ile mücavir alan tartışmaları eşliğinde mevzii imar planlarının kentsel gelişmeleri yönlendirdiği bir deneyim yaşandığı belirlenmiştir. 2006 yılında yakın çevre belde belediyelerinin Denizli Belediyesine bağlanmasına ilişkin olarak çıkarılan yasal düzenlemenin ise kentin geleceğe dönük kentsel gelişme süreci ve planlama deneyimleri açısından önemli bir planlama aracı olacağı düşünülmektedir.
The aim of this study is to examine factors called "development dynamics" and "break-points" affecting the developing of the city of Denizli in detailed that they include development plans and studies which direct spatial-functional development process and also effect on urban planning past and present experiences in Denizli city. As a result of this examination, it was stated that Development Plan dated 1960 was the first development dynamic, afterwards, the second factor as a break-point directly effecting on planning experiences was 1976 earthquake. The third factor was industrialization parallel to rapid migration and urbanization with debates on adjacent area of Denizli city after 1980's. In this period extending from 1976 to 1990's, it is determined that the spatial—functional development and planning process of Denizli city were directed by piecemeal plans. In 2006, it was issued a new legal arrangement named Municipality Law of 2006 numbered 5393. Within this context of arrangement, Local Municipalities in adjacent of Denizli Municipalities were connected under the authority and responsibility of Denizli Municipality. It is considered that it will have been an important planning tool for integrated urban development and planning practices by the near future.
The aim of this study is to examine factors called "development dynamics" and "break-points" affecting the developing of the city of Denizli in detailed that they include development plans and studies which direct spatial-functional development process and also effect on urban planning past and present experiences in Denizli city. As a result of this examination, it was stated that Development Plan dated 1960 was the first development dynamic, afterwards, the second factor as a break-point directly effecting on planning experiences was 1976 earthquake. The third factor was industrialization parallel to rapid migration and urbanization with debates on adjacent area of Denizli city after 1980's. In this period extending from 1976 to 1990's, it is determined that the spatial—functional development and planning process of Denizli city were directed by piecemeal plans. In 2006, it was issued a new legal arrangement named Municipality Law of 2006 numbered 5393. Within this context of arrangement, Local Municipalities in adjacent of Denizli Municipalities were connected under the authority and responsibility of Denizli Municipality. It is considered that it will have been an important planning tool for integrated urban development and planning practices by the near future.
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